17- 𝘔𝘺 𝘹 𝘦𝘹-𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯 𝘹 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘹 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥

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"Hey, Killua. so I was wondering..." Gon started. "Your parents...Are they? I mean- Where are they?" 

"They're alive...probably." He said curtly.

"What do they do?" Gon asked. Oh boy.

"They're assassins." Killua responding, seemingly bored.

"They both are?" Gon asked, not as phased as he should be. Then again, I guess I wasn't too freaked out when I found out either. Killua let out a small chuckle.

"That's your response? You really are a riot, aren't ya?" Killua's laughter filled the room.  He sat down on the bench the rest of us were sitting on. "You're not the first person I've told about my parents but, you're the first to take it seriously!" Killua looked at me and saw that I was glaring at him. "Other than Y/n of course..."

"But it's true isn't it?" Gon said. 

"Why do you think that?" Killua said, almost tense.

"Well...it's just a hunch." Gon replied. Quinn and I stayed silent. It felt like if we were to talk, we'd break some sort of rule.

"Weird...most of the time people only like me because they can't tell if I'm serious or not." Killua put his head down on the counter that was next to the window. I sat down and did the same.

"I believed you," I said, looking out the window. "Sure, you could've lied to make yourself look cool, but I already think you're cool." I turned my gaze from the starry sight to meet Killua's eyes. He was blushing a bit, and he seemed to be taken aback.

"Yeah! You're one of the coolest losers I've ever met." Quinn chimed in, taking a seat next to me.

"Sh-Shut up you two! You're embarrassing me!" Killua stammered. We stayed quiet for a little bit. "I'm from a family of assassins. So yeah. They're all in the business of murder. And my entire family...they've got real high hopes for me. But you know? I can't stand it. Who wants their whole life mapped out for 'em?" The tone of the conversation went from light-hearted to despair-inducing quickly. Then it became a bit less sad. "When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all flipped out! It was crazy! My Mom had tears streaming down her face and she kept screaming at me about how I had the potential to become a top assassin." Gon let out a little chuckle.

"Horrible parents, right? No wonder I'm rotten!" Killua retorted. "Then we started fighting, so I slashed my mom in the face, stabbed my brother in the side, and ran away from home." I shuddered at the image of the blood being spilled on a cold floor that ran rampant through my mind. "I'm sure they're out for blood now. If they all come after me I'll kill 'em." Quinn seemed unphased and Gon seemed incredibly nervous. 

"When I get my license, I'll hunt 'em down to the last one! I'm willing to bet they've got pretty hefty bounties on their heads." Killua seemed like he was daydreaming while he said that.

"What about your parents Y/n?" Gon turned towards me.

"Oh uh..." I hesitated, kind of nervous that my whole story wouldn't be nearly as interesting as Killua's. "Well, my mom works all the time so I stay home alone a lot. I just left a note behind for her and made my way to the exam. I don't exactly have a dad...he isn't..." This was hard to say. "I never met him, and my only father figure died. So...yeah I guess." I sighed, glancing out my window.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Gon frowned.

This moment was cut a bit short by this strong sense of intimidation. "Something wrong?" Chairman Netero asked, coming in through the opposite side of the aura. As he walked closer to us, the sound of his wooden sandals clacking against the ground filled the room. 

"Mr.Netero." Gon seemed as confused as I was. "You didn't see anyone coming from that side did you?" Knowing how Netero was, he was probably the one who tried to sneak up on us.

"No, I didn't" He lied. Well, I mean it wasn't technically lying. If he was the one who was trying to intimidate us I guess he wouldn't be able to see himself. 

"You're fast; for an old-timer," Killua remarked. 

"Oh? That trick? I just barely moved, that's all." Netero replied.  Killua just glared at him. The tension between this pre-pubescent boy and this incredibly old man was thick enough to cut with a knife. 

"Whaddya want? You don't have anything to do until the next phase. isn't that right?" Killua snarled.

"Now, Now no need to be so unkind. I just got a little bored and went to look for some company. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you; any thoughts on your first attempt at the hunter exam?"

"Yeah!" Gon nodded. "It's a lot of fun! There haven't been any written tests yet, and I was kinda worried about that."

"I'm disappointed honestly," Killua said, putting up a cocky facade to shake off the old man. "I expected this to be a lot more challenging. But I assume the next phase will be more interesting?"

"Oh well, You'll see." Netero teased. "And you two?"

"It's been fun. I think meeting new people was the best part." Quinn forced a smile, obviously feeling uncomfortable.

"Yeah, making friends is really nice. I also like how different the challenges have been so far. It's way different from what I thought it'd be." I spoke, itching the crook of my neck.

"Let's go, guys!" Killua said assertively, turning around. I didn't say anything, I just followed. Naturally, Quinn came with me. 

"Wait, just a moment. Would you like to play a little game with me?" The old man asked. Hearing an elderly person suggest a game sounded creepy as hell, but I let Killua make the decision. He seemed to know what he was doing, and I couldn't say the same about myself.

"Game?" Gon repeated.

"And to make it interesting, if you two can beat me I'll make you hunters on the spot."

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