04- 𝘋𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘹 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦

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It was finally Daylight, meaning we had to get a move on. I stretched, and Killua yawned. It almost sounded like a kitten's yawn. "Good morning Cat boy." I laughed. "Eh?" He asked.

"Your yawn. It sounds like a cat's." I explained. He just folded his arms. "You've got bed-head, Dummy." Killua pointed to my hair. "Yeah, well that's cuz I haven't brushed it yet, stupid." I scoffed. I got out my hairbrush and began to brush through. (A/N: If you've got short hair, bear with me please-) My hair no longer looked like a rat's nest.

"Okay now get on the horse," I said, sitting down on the saddle. "Hmph." Killua pouted and stood on the horse, the same way he did the first time. What a weirdo. I glanced at the map and looked at the compass we conveniently found on the ground somewhere. 

After riding for about a week, we reached another small town. We found a stable, where we parted ways with the strange horse. "Goodbye Ghostzapper. May we meet again." I said, pretending to be sad. "What in the-" Killua said. Even the stable owner looked a bit confused.

"Nevermind. Let's just go." I said awkwardly. Killua and I wandered around until we found a bus stop with strange-looking people. This was most likely the right bus stop. Killua and I sat down, making sure we stayed close out of fear. These guys could definitely kill us. Well, maybe not Killua, but definitely me.

The bus had arrived and at least 20 of us were ushered in. In front of us, there was a young woman with long black hair that was tied into a low ponytail. She had purple eyes and wore a lavender dress with black stockings underneath. "Hello everyone. My name is Audria. I'm your examiner for this phase." She said dully. 

"You'll be on this bus for a bit, but when we got off, you'll see some action so don't worry." She smiled, but still kept the same tone of voice. Audria turned around and walked to the front of the bus in a seat behind the drivers.

"Looks like we got a while," Killua said. "What do you wanna do?" He asked, starting to smile. I just shrugged.

"So have you had any friends before this?" Killua asked. "Well yeah there was one guy. He was older than me though, so it was probably more like baby-sitting to him. I was about 4, maybe 5. We'd always play hide and seek. He told me he wanted to be a hunter. So he did. Never saw him again after that though." I sighed.

"What was his name?" It took me a bit, but I was able to remember. "Willard. Willard Lovel. He always insisted I called him Will though." I laughed, remembering how he would fake cry when I didn't call him by his nickname. Will was whiney, but still fun to be around. Whenever my mom said she wouldn't be home, he'd offer to watch after me. He was just nice like that.

"When I still went to school, he'd do my homework for me. My teacher was always impressed with 'my' handwriting." I used air quotes. Killua laughed. "He sounds awesome." He turned to me.

"Will taught me everything I know. So that means you think I'm awesome too!" I put my hands on my hips and stood up. Killua scoffed. "Yeah yeah, you're okay. Now sit down before people stare at us." He said, practically laying down on his seat.

"Just okay? Wow. Well, you're terrible." I stuck my tongue out teasingly. Killua just let out a grunt of anger. "You wish you were as amazing as I am. You're just mad because I've got better hair than you." He smirked and ran his hand through his silver locks.

"Shut up, white boy." I flicked his forehead. He just looked shocked, his mouth in the shape of an O. I saw this as an absolute win. 

We finally arrived at our destination. "This isn't the exam site. You have one more part of the pre-phase." Audria said, frowning. The driver held a box that had blindfolds in them. He tied each of them onto our faces.

"You must get into teams and find me. These teams can have a maximum of three people. Anyone who fails to find me before sunset will fail." Audria instructed. I understood. This was just a round of hide and seek. Thanks to Will, I'd probably ace this. I was better at hiding, but I was able to find people pretty well.

"You may take off your blindfolds and start now." The driver said from behind us. I ripped mine off quickly and looked at Killua who somehow gained claws and ripped it off like that. "We're teaming up, right?" Killua asked. I nodded.

Surprisingly enough, Audria was still right in front of us. I still waited. If she was still here, there was most likely a trap surrounding her. That or she had an incredibly strong weapon. A skinny, long-legged man with red hair ran towards her. She didn't move.

The man tapped her shoulder. "I did it!" He smiled. "No, you didn't." She smiled. "I forgot to mention. There are clones of me. The first four teams to find the real one pass." The clone said.

Everyone began to sprawl out and look for people to team up with. Killua and I kept walking. "3 hours isn't a whole hell of a lot. Should we hurry?" I asked.

"No. That'll mess us up. Plus, I've got a good idea of where she might actually be." He smirked. "Really? Well then Mister smarty-pants, Where is she?" I smiled. I knew that his assumption was most likely correct, but I couldn't risk it.

"Well, we aren't alone right now, so I can't say just yet. But I'll tell you soon." Killua responded. We both turned around, assuming our stalker was in the bush. No one appeared. 

"Hey, just because we're kids doesn't mean we're idiots. We aren't weak either. Come out and we'll leave you alone." Killua spoke, his voice sounding as sharp as his nails, which he decided to take out. I just looked at him and remained silent. I didn't want to blow our cover by putting on some tough-guy act.

The person following us crept out of the bush. They seemed to be about our age and looked extremely done with everything. They had short, navy blue hair and grey eyes. Well, grey eye. They wore an eyepatch. Along with this eyepatch, they wore a white turtle neck sweater and shorts with leggings on underneath.

They held their hands up in the air. "Alright, Alright, I get the gist. You can put the weird-claw things away." They scoffed. Their voice was soft and somewhat appealing to listen to. "Tell us your name," Killua said, manipulating his fingernails to return to their original state.

"Quinn. Now tell me yours." They huffed. "Killua." He scoffed. "I'm Y/n." I waved. It seemed I was the only one who wanted to keep things friendly. This was an awkward situation. "I don't want trouble. In fact, I want to help. If we all succeed, we can all get into this exam. I just want to help." They put their hands down.

"What do you think? Should we let him?" Killua asked, the acid in his voice becoming painfully apparent. "I'm not a boy," Quinn complained. "So you're a girl?" Killua inquired.

"Try neither dumbass." Quinn snapped. They just stared at each other for a bit, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. "Well, Logically if we were to succeed, so would Quinn, so it'd be a win for all of us. I think we should!" I said, trying to calm everyone down.

"Fine. If we're on a team, then maybe I should try to fix stuff. Sorry for calling you a dumbass." Quinn sighed. "And I'm sorry for misgendering you," Killua said. 

"So Killua, where do you think Audria is?" I asked. We started walking around. We were in a forest that wasn't too far from the grass clearing we were originally dropped off at. "I thought the bus. It'd just make sense because that's where no one would look. It isn't apart of the environment we were all dropped off in. That's just a hunch though." Killua explained. "Yeah, I figured that too. But that isn't enough evidence to tell for sure." Quinn started.

"Like you've got a better idea," Killua grunted softly. "I don't. But I'm not the idiot who wanted to make a decision on a 'hunch'" Quinn retorted.

"If you guys keep fighting like this I'm leaving the team." I sighed. "They started it!" Killua pointed. "No, I didn't! You were being stupid, so I called you on it!" Quinn snapped.

"Cut it out! If we want to pass we have to make a decision, and quick." I complained. "Fine. You two go to the bus, I'll look everywhere else. Sunset is at 6:55 so we have 8 hours." Quinn said dryly.

"8 hours and you intend on exploring the entire forest by yourself?" Killua scoffed and crossed his arms on his chest.

"I can do it. I know I can." Quinn said confidently. "How?" Killua asked. "Because I'm better than you." They turned and began to sprint.

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