15- 𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘹 𝘦𝘨𝘨𝘴

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"Boiled eggs?" Yet another crowd member exclaimed. Sheesh, how many of them are gonna have the feeling that this is strange?

"All right! My dad would make these all the time!" Quinn cheered. "I've got this one in the bag!" They had their own little dance party. I looked at Killua, who didn't seem shocked or anything. He didn't seem happy either. It was just kinda 'meh' to him. I wonder if there's something he actually likes to cook. Probably not. I put my focus back on Menchi, Buhara, and Netero.

"Chairman, since I see you've brought your airship, would you mind taking us all to Split Mountain?" She pointed upwards to where the blue blimp-like structure was being held.

"Split Mountain? Oh, I see! Yes of course." We were all ushered onto the ship and were being taken to this split mountain place. Since this was a fairly short ride, I could just look out the window the entire time. The view was pretty. There were trees sprawled out everywhere and there were occasional lakes and flower fields. From this high up, flowers looked like little specks and lakes looked like big blue circles. It was funny how simplified everything could look from a different perspective.

We finally arrived and were brought in front of a small crevice in the ground. It was kind of concerning, but I didn't question it. Everyone gazed down the crack. (A/N: I KNOW WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE-) and let out small gasps. 

"This is it. Take a look at what's down there." Menchi stood over the ravine. Inside the crack, there were webs that looked almost like columns. Something that had appeared to be mist was surrounding the webs, as though it was in place to protect them. "A spider eagle's web!"

"They build their webs way down there?" Gon exclaimed. Suddenly, a heavy breeze began to blow. 

"Look past the web to what's underneath." She grinned. It was hard to see, but I managed to look at some oval-shaped things hanging in something similar to a net underneath the webs. "Those are spider-eagle eggs."

"Spider eagles build their webs in deep ravines like this one. It helps protect their eggs from predators. That's what makes spider eagle eggs one of the most difficult ingredients to obtain." Netero spoke. "Also, the eggs are commonly known as dream eggs." He walked forward a bit.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Black t-shirt guy was at it again. This was beginning to get irritating. "Do you mean-"

"You bet I do!" Menchi grinned. I then realized we were going to jump into the ravine to grab these eggs. I was scared stiff for a few reasons. One, My fear of heights would get in the way. I know earlier I was looking out the window, but that's different. I had a barricade so I wouldn't fall to my inevitable, soul-crushing, terrifying death. Two, I have no idea what the frick a spider-eagle is, and I don't really want to find out. It sounds like it's from some sort of fictional country called Australia where everything wants to bite you.

"Oh boy..." I muttered.

"What's wrong? You scared?" Killua nudged my shoulder. I shook my head profusely. 

"It's okay if you are! We can hold hands when we fall if that'd make you feel any better." Quinn offered, light pink dusting their cheeks. They smiled lightly, as though begging me.

"They're not that terri-" Killua started, but then stopped, realizing I grabbed their hand already. "Oh." He looked at the ravine, seeming as though something ticked him off. Menchi lept into the ravine, seeming as though she wasn't afraid of anything. She gripped onto one of the webs and spun herself upwards, grabbing onto the same web when she turned and landed.

My eyes widened. There's no way I could do something like that. I can barely do a flip on the ground, let alone the air! She waited for a while.

"Even if she manages to grab a few eggs, how is she gonna climb back up?" Leorio thought out loud. It was a good question, and it was one I was wondering myself. Menchi quickly lept down, letting go of the web she clung to. She was in the starfish position, and she had a determined look stuck on her face. She managed to grab an egg from the strange cluster and she was now falling. "Is she trying to get herself killed?" Leorio gasped.

"No, she's not." Kurapika said calmly. As though right on cue, a large stream of wind pushed out of the ravine, and Menchi along with it. Quinn, Gon, Killua, and I couldn't help but let out small gasps of amazement. 

"That looks so fun!" Killua smiled.

"Yeah! I don't think I'm that afraid anymore. Thanks, Quinn!" I chuckled. Maybe this would be like a roller coaster. Scary, but actually really fun! Quinn frowned and let go of my hand, their hands shaking a bit.

"This ravine has updrafts that are crucial to the spider-eagles. Once they hatch, the wind currents help guide their newborn chicks as they fly up to safety." Netero explained as Menchi gracefully landed next to him.

"There! Now I just need to boil it and I'll be set!" Menchi smiled, holding out her egg. Black t-shirt guy was trying to start something again, so I just ignored it. The ravine was deep, and if I missed this I could definitely die. But maybe sometimes you gotta take risks to have fun. Right? I'm sure some smart old guy has said that before.

"I've been waiting for something like this!" Gon cheered. With that, we all dived down into the ravine. The wind stung against my cheeks and I had to close my eyes, but it was honestly really fun. I felt like I was alive and happy, and not just stuck in some boring old house all day. I think everyone else felt that way too. Heck, even Leorio let out happy little chuckles.

I tightly gripped onto a web and took in a sharp inhale. Thankfully, I had all my friends beside me. I glanced at Quinn. "Come here often?" They joked. I laughed a little bit.

"Haha! Later!" One of the other examinees shouted, foolishly letting go of the rope. Everyone in our little group just looked disappointed. Quinn let out a small hum.

"How sad." They looked a bit more at the rest of the ravine. 

"What are we waiting for?" Leorio whined.

"Hold on! Don't let go yet." Gon said. 

"Since there isn't any updraft, we'd just fall to our deaths, cracking the egg in the process," Quinn said dully. "That'd just be a waste of egg."

"Right, because eggs are more important than living," Killua said mockingly.

"They are! Eggs are amazing!" Quinn snorted defensively.

"When do you think the next updraft will come along?" Leorio asked, bringing us back on topic.

"Any minute now." Gon said, incredibly focused. I just looked at the sight below us. Gon shut his eyes, looking as though he were making a brace for impact. He sniffed the air, which was a bit strange, but okay. 

All of a sudden, the web started to slip a little bit. I let out a small whimper. "Oh crap!" Leorio shouted, going down lower than I did. "What the-"

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