70- 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘹 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺

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After watching Killua devour the plate of his food like it was is his last meal and eating my own, we left the restaurant, hand-in-hand. We arrived back at the room to be greeted by a very grumpy Gon, standing with his arms folded over his torso. He slumped by the door, practically preparing us for a lecture with his angry glare.

"You guys left without leaving me a note or something?" He huffed. "You could've at least said where you were going, Killua. Though I'm glad you finally asked them o-" He was cut off by Killua's hand covering his mouth.

"Why so worked up, Gon?" Killua chuckled nervously. He whispered something into Gon's ear, causing the boy with darker hair's eyes to widen.

"You got food without me." He whined, most likely taking the excuse that Killua gave him. "Anyway, what's on our agenda today?" Gon's mood shifted almost in the blink of an eye.

"Uh...I think just our matches today. Unless you guys wanna go do something after if it's not too late?" I proposed, keeping the sweet treat known as ice cream in the front of my mind.

"Sure. Any suggestions?" Killua asked from his spot on the bed.

"Maybe a picnic? I dunno." I sighed.

"We'll just see how the day goes and then decide!" Gon concluded for us. This worked out for me since I didn't have my heart set on anything, particularly to begin with.


I tried my hardest to push through my match and get back to Killua. Thankfully, I had a quick victory. I ran up to the albino, giggling a bit. "That was faster than usual, doncha think?" I cheered.

"Mhm! That's my Y/n!" He grinned, picking me up and spinning me around. "You're getting so strong, it's really impressive."

"Thank you." I smiled, closing my eyes. I leaned my forehead against his, namely because this had become a sort of ritual for the two of us. I opened my eyes to see his cheeks all pink and his eyes half-lidded. His mouth was slightly parted and we seemed to lean closer to each other.

"Uh, anyway!" He laughed, putting me down the minute our noses touched. "Gon's match is over. Have you seen him anywhere?"

"Ah, yeah I think he's in the bathroom." I took a seat on a bench that was conveniently placed next to us.

"Hi, guys!" Gon waved, running toward us. "Sorry for keeping you waiting. My hands kinda hurt, so I thought running them under cool water would help."

"Well, with all that pushing you've been doing, I wouldn't doubt it." I joked. "I hope you feel better though."

"I do! Come on, let's go get our prize money." Gon cheered.

"Yeah!" I grinned, running after him.


"Your prize money has been deposited into your account." The woman at the desk smiled.

"Thank you!" I smiled, racing off to go sit somewhere. I took my wallet out of my bag and counted the money I had earned. "Woah, I've made a lot."

"You were right, I've never seen so many zeros before!" Gon gasped.

"804,000,000 Jenny. Holy crap." My eyes widened. "I think I can die happy now."

"Isn't it crazy how just last week, we were totally broke?" Gon grinned, his eyes never leaving the slip of paper that told him just how much he made.

"I know! This was such a good idea. Good job, Killua!" I cheered, dancing around a bit.

"I'm actually a little bit annoyed." Killua sighed.

"What? Why?" My tiny victory dance was put on hold.

"The first time I was here, it took me two whole months to reach floor 150." He explained. "You two on the other hand..."

"Yeah but, back then you were only 6." Gon sighed.

"And besides, you made it here just as fast as we did. It's not like we were all left on different floors. Thank god that didn't happen." I smiled, thankful that fortune was in our favor.

"Well yeah, there's that." Killua's eyes remind shut.

"Oh! By the way, I saw Zushi on T.V. earlier." Gon continued walking.

"Yeah, so did I." 

"Wait, you guys did?" I sighed. "Awe man, I must not have been paying very good attention. How's he doing?"

"He's still on the 50th floor." The albino on my right frowned.

"Poor buddy." I pouted.

"I wonder what that ren thing was that creeped you out, and why." Gon sighed.

"Maybe it was some special technique to try and scare off opponents?" I suggested, earning a 'huh?' from Killua. "Well, you know. Animals in the wild have techniques to scare off predators. Like how rattlesnakes have their tails and how other animals, like wolves, make themselves look bigger to try and secure territory." I explained.

"Well, that does make sense. But somehow, I don't think that's it entirely." Killua put a finger up to his chin. "Maybe we'll meet some opponents higher up who use it."

"Or maybe it'd be faster to just ask Zushi!" Gon pointed his finger up at the ceiling.

"Well, I dunno. I don't really wanna bother him. The poor guy's probably already working his tail off to try and move up from the 50th floor." I grimaced. "Besides, maybe we can just google it?"

After ignoring my input and walking to wherever the heck Zushi was staying at (which we knew because of plot convenience? I don't know.) we approached him and his master, Wing.

"So, what's ren?" Killua asked.

"Ren is one of the 4 exercises," Zushi spoke, still wearing the same outfit I first met him in. "The 4 exercises are fundamental to all martial arts. They instill discipline and develop character." He continued. "Learn Ten, know Zetsu, through Ren to attain Hatsu! And all of that is how you train for Nen."

"I don't...I don't get it." I sighed, feeling as though my brain was going to implode at any moment. "Hey, what the fuck is Nen?" I leaned over and whispered to Killua.

"Dunno." He shrugged.

"That's it." Zushi closed his eyes, as though that clarified anything.

"Start making sense!" Killua shouted.

"Killua, calm down, ya big idiot." I huffed, grabbing his arm so he'd come back to where he couldn't bark at any 10-year-olds. "Just what exactly is nen?"

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