88- 𝘈 𝘹 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘹 𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨

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About a month later, it was finally time for Gon's match against Hisoka, which was as nerve-wracking for me as it was for him. 

Killua and I were laying in his bed and I smiled while listening to his heartbeat. It was slower than usual, which made me feel happy knowing he was asleep. It was about midnight, but I just couldn't sleep. Something was keeping me awake, and I just wasn't sure what it was. I simply sighed and shoved my head deeper into his chest, if that was even possible. Not being able to get my mind cleared up had made me feel oddly empty. And feeling oddly empty made me feel like crying. I silently let a few tears fall down my face, not crying because something was wrong, but rather that nothing was wrong.

The unexpected had happened. Everything was right. I wasn't used to the feeling of being loved or having someone close to me, so when it finally happened, all I could do was cry. Were they tears of joy or sadness? What if they were because I was scared? My thoughts only continued running along with my tears.

"Big brother seems to like you." I heard a tiny voice say from behind me. I turned around to see a girl with long, black hair and wide blue eyes. She had pale skin, much like Killua's, and the same innocent cat-like smile. "I'm Alluka." She grinned.

"Y/n." I introduced. "You're Killua's little sister, right? I've heard a lot about you. How'd you get here?" I asked.

"Well, this is a dream of course!" She giggled.

"Oh. Okay, that kinda makes sense." I noted, looking down at my hands to see that they were more distorted than how they were in the real world.

"So, Y/n, huh? That's a nice name!" She flopped over to where her white-haired brother was sleeping, gently poking his cheek, which earned a groan from his throat.

"Oh, thank you!" I chuckled. "Alluka's quite a lovely name as well," I replied, moving some hair away from Killua's closed eyes. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure!" Alluka glanced around the room.

"How are you in my dream?" I asked, smiling as Alluka's eyes got a bit wider.

"I dunno. In all honesty, I might just be what your subconscious thinks I look and act like." She replied, hanging upside down on the bed, carefully kicking her purple boots in the air. Her black bangs flopped over as well, revealing her tiny forehead. "Isn't it funny how the mind works?"

"Yup, pretty weird." I laughed, flopping over to hang upside down next to her. "So, if you don't mind me asking, who's Nanika?"

"Nanika is like my sister!" She grinned. "She lives in my head. I can bring her out sometimes and she'll grant wishes to people! At least, that's what big brother says."

"Oh, that's pretty cool, Alluka!" I beamed. "Since she lives in your head, does that mean you can talk to each other?"

"Mhm!" She nodded. "If you're curious, Nanika looks like me, but with an all-white face with some black eyes."

"Oh, I bet she's beautiful then." I grinned. "Did you name Nanika yourself?"

"Big brother did!" She giggled, staring at the boy who was still sleeping soundly. "Mommy and daddy don't like me and Nanika that much though." Alluka sighed.

"Well, the only good people to come from your Mommy and Daddy are you and your big brother anyway, so who cares what they think?" I replied. "The way I see it, you're an amazing person, no matter what your parents think." I stayed quiet for a bit, before frowning and asking another question. "Do they...Do they hurt you?" I asked, glancing over at the blue-eyed girl.

"Hurt me? No." She laughed. "But, they don't really take all that good care of me." Alluka sighed. "They leave me in a big, bright room all alone. It makes me kinda sad."

"Does it make Nanika sad too?" I asked.

"Yeah." She frowned.

"Well, I'll tell you what," I sat up, grabbing her hand so she could sit up too. "Whenever we can, we'll just meet up in this dream world so you and Nanika don't get to be alone anymore. I'll tell you everything about the adventures me and your big brother go on. And then someday, I'll go and get you from that old house, and then you can join me and your big brother."

"Ya mean it?" She gasped, her smile growing wider.

"Of course I do! But you gotta be patient, okay?"

"Okay!" Alluka cheered, giving me a big hug. "Thank you Y/n!"

"No problem, little lady." I grinned, patting her head.


I slowly opened my eyes and smiled, happy with the dream I had just finished, I turned to see Killua still resting peacefully. I kissed the top of his forehead and got up, just before getting pulled back down again by my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?" Killua murmured, half-awake. "Stayyyy." He whined.

"Killua, it's Gon's match today. Against the clown man?" I reminded.

"Yeah but...These pillows are comfy." He smiled. "And I wanna cuddle with my cute little angel." He whispered the last part as though I wasn't close enough to hear him.

"You cheeseball." I laughed, hitting his pale face with a pillow. "Come on, go get ready for the day."

"I don't wanna!" He complained, throwing the pillow back at me.

"Get ready or no kisses for the rest of the day." I huffed and folded my arms across my chest. I laughed as he immediately hopped out of bed and got into the shower.

I walked back to my room and went to go get changed and took in a deep breath once I closed the door. My dream made me feel a bit better about the match, but I was still a bit panicky. I went and knocked on Gon's door, only to find that he was already prepared.

"Hi, Y/n!" He waved. "You sleep okay?" He asked.

"Mhm! How'd you sleep?"

"Well, I got a little bit in, but my dream was filled with Hisoka." Gon shuddered, most likely remembering the nightmare he had. "Reading his thoughts during the match was not fun."

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