25- 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘹 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦

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"So, what should we do while we wait?" I asked, slumping onto the cold, hard ground.

"Not sure." Killua sighed, sitting next to me.

"Are you hungry? I got some snacks if want 'em." I said, reaching into my bag for a granola bar.

"As long as they don't have any laxatives in them." Killua joked, grabbing it from my hand.

"Well, I make no promises." I chuckled. He opened the wrapper and took a bite. He got a few crumbs on his face. "So, Killua? Were you homeschooled?" I asked, opening up my own snack. He nodded.

"It wasn't like actual school though. Instead of normal stuff like geometry, I learned how to stab people effectively." He replied, continuing to chow down. "Don't get me wrong; they obviously taught me how to read and write and stuff, but I was mainly taught techniques to kill people without being caught."

"That must've sucked. At least you're out now though! Now you can be a normal kid with me and Gon! Oh, and Quinn too." I smiled, thinking of the adventures we'd go on after all this. "Well, like pokemon-trainer normal." I chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm glad that I met you guys, cuz now I get to finally just be..." He waited a moment and tilted his head against the wall. "A kid. I get to be a kid for the first time in my life." He had a sad smile on his face.

"Awe, Killua." I smiled back at him and gave him a tight hug. "I'm happy that you don't have to kill people anymore. I'm happy that you're my friend!" I giggled a bit. "And I think we should be friends forever."

"I-Idiot! Don't say such embarrassing things!" He huffed. "But, I'm also pretty happy we're friends. I'm glad we can figure out this friendship stuff together." Killua's a pretty good hugger. "Or something..." He added at the end, trying to keep up his tough-guy act.

"Or something," I repeated, laughing a little bit.


"Okay, but what if sharks are mermaids and we just don't know it?" I asked, taking a sip of water.

"That's stupid! They gotta have a human upper body! Sharks have...Shark upper bodies!" Killua laughed.

"But, what if they can transform?" I suggested.

"That can't happen!" He was now howling with laughter.

"Well, how do you know for sure?" I laughed.

"Because...!" He started, but quickly cut himself off. Killua just blinked.

"Exactly," I smirked.

"You're an idiot." He chuckled.

"Love ya too Kil." I laughed. He turned to me, face red. I covered my mouth, realizing what I had just said. "Platonically of course." I was trembling at this point.

"Yeah, obviously." He scoffed, his cheeks still a bit pink. I was now internally panicking.

"Right so um...yeah," I mumbled. The laughter that had once been so prevalent was now replaced with awkward tension.

"I love you too Y/n. You moron." Killua's eyes were covered by his silver bangs, but it wasn't in a way that was showing sadness or despair, but rather embarrassment.

"Hmm...Glad to hear." I smiled, looking at some of the other examiners. A one with pins in their face had caught my eye. "Hey, look at that guy! Do you think his face hurts?" I asked Killua, pointing at the man who looked like acupuncture gone wrong.

"Probably." Killua chuckled a little bit. I let out a small yawn. "Are you tired?" 

I shook my head, but rubbed my eyes. "I'm fine."

"Dummy! I told you to sleep on the airship." Killua sighed. "Well, you can rest. I'll wake you up when the next phase starts."

"No! I wanna talk to Gon and Quinn when they get here." I whined.

"Fine, I'll wake you up when they arrive, okay?" Killua smiled a little.

"'Kay." I yawned, leaning my head on his shoulder. He stiffened up, but relaxed after a while. Before I drifted off to sleep, I heard Killua quietly humming. The tune was calming and soft. His volume was low enough so that only he and I could hear. "Thank you for being my friend, Killua." I muttered. And with that, I was off to dreamland.


I was standing in a field filled with blue and white flowers. It was beautiful. "Y/n!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned around to find Killua standing across from me, wearing a white suit with a blue rose in the pocket. "C'mere!" He laughed, holding out his arms. I ran and jumped into his warm embrace. He held me close and spun me around.

"Killua, what're we in this field for?" I smiled. He didn't say anything, but he laughed. "Hey! Don't laugh at me." I huffed.

"I'm sorry. I just think it's funny that you forgot."

"Why are we here?"

"We're getting married, silly. You've been talking about this since we were 13." He chuckled.

"Married?" I gasped. He nodded.

"Do you...not want to anymore?" Killua had set me down and I felt my bare feet touch the grass.

"I..." I couldn't say it. I wasn't sure. "I'm..." I choked out.


"I wanna wake up now!" I screamed. Killua's teary eyes were the last thing I saw before everything cracked.


I jolted awake, startled by the dream I just had. I looked around to see Killua who had slept next to me. His head fell a little bit because it was no longer leaning on mine. I furrowed my eyebrows and got back in the position I had fell asleep in. This time, I stayed awake. The man with pins in his face had approached us.

"Excuse me?" He spoke.

"Yeah?" I sighed.

"I don't recommend you sleep on him. He's a trained assassin." He pointed to Killua, who was still fast asleep.

"Not anymore. He's an ex-Assasin." I whispered. "And he's an ex-assassin who's trying to nap, so please leave us be."

The guy's face dropped and he walked away. I smiled and looked back at Killua, who was still snoring peacefully. I wondered what he was dreaming of. I giggled, wondering if he had the same dream as I did.

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