28- 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨

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Killua and I walked around for a little while, staying silent. We weren't upset with each other; far from it in fact. We thought it'd be best to stay quiet so that way we'd be practically undetectable. However, Killua's footsteps remained absolutely silent and mine made loud crunching noises against the leaves. "These have gotta be the loudest leaves in the entire world!" I whispered, feeling a bit irritated. 

"You just don't know how to walk quietly," Killua said, his voice also in a hushed tone. "If you keep bein' all loud like that I might just have to carry you around everywhere." He remarked, teasing me.

"Oi, It's not my fault! You were raised to stay undetected, and I was raised to eat goldfish and cry all day." I whispered harshly. Killua chuckled a little bit but just shrugged. We continued walking around, and I tried to stay as quiet as possible but obviously, I failed miserably.

"Alright, you're done now." Killua sighed, holding out his arms. "C'mon."

"What...What are you doing?" I chuckled.

"You were being so loud! I told you if you kept making noise I'd have to carry you around." He scoffed.

"You were serious?" I whisper-shouted.

"What, you thought I was kidding?" He smirked, scooping me up in his arms in the stereotypical bridal style. "Who knows? Maybe I could throw you at my target and get my badge like that." He joked.

"Hey! I'm not that heavy." I pouted.

"You're right. You aren't heavy at all. In fact, this just feels like I'm picking up a pillow!" He chuckled, lifting me a bit higher.

"What kind of human-shaped pillows do you have?" I giggled. "You're a weirdo Killua." I smiled, looking at the ground that was moving below Killua's feet. It felt nice to just be held for a little while, and the fact that such an amazing friend like Killua was grasping onto me made me feel even safer.

"Yeah, but I'm your favorite weirdo." He stuck out his tongue playfully.

"Well, I never said that. Don't put words in my mouth, Kil!" I smiled. "Hey, we're being kinda loud right now. That means you can put me back down."

"No. A little conversation is fine, but your habit of crunching every single leaf on the ground isn't." His ivory hair flew against the wind as he picked up speed. "Besides, it's just faster this way. We don't have to wait on each other." Killua seemed so relaxed, even in such a frightening situation. If only I were like that. If only I was as brave as Killua, As good and understanding as Gon, As lighthearted as Leorio. But unfortunately, being like them is something I could never achieve, no matter how hard I tried.

"You're really cool, you know that Killua?" I smiled, gazing up at his face. His expression, which was once focused and determined quickly became flustered and embarrassed. Killua just turned his head, eyes squeezed closed.

"You really can't say things like that outta nowhere Y/n." He scoffed.

"But it's true. You're so much cooler than I am! In fact, I get a little jealous sometimes." I giggled, cupping his cheek in my hand. His face immediately became redder and he looked like he was internally panicking.

"Hey, it's getting kinda dark. We should set up camp!" He said, putting me down next to a tree. Killua ran a hand through his hair and looked covered in sweat. "Can you go get some firewood?"

"Already got some! Oh, and a lighter." I said, digging into my bag.

"Jeeze, what else ya got in there? First bowls, now this?" He chuckled.

"Hola, soy Dora." I joked. "Now go find some food for us, or I will throw one of those bowls you love so much at your forehead." I glared at him and he quickly ran to go find something for us to eat. I set up the fire, feeling really proud once it finally lit up. The warmth of the fire felt like it could melt all my worries and insecurities away. I got out a fuzzy blanket from my bag and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"I'm back!" Killua smiled, holding some green leaves and what looked to be seeds.

"What...Is that?" I said, stifling a laugh.

"Our dinner! What does it look like?" He scoffed.

"It looks...sad. Our dinner needs therapy." I could barely contain my laughter and I felt tears come up to my eyes. Killua just sat down on the ground next to me, not saying a word. "I'll-I'll take a leaf, it's okay!" I giggled.

"Shuddup." He sighed.

"It's okay, Killua. Since I'm your hero I had a backup prepared." I teased, reaching into my bag for yet another tool. I got out a sword.

"Since when did you have that?!" Killua exclaimed.

"I'm Marry Poppins." I giggled. He just looked confused.

"What's a Marry Poppins?" 

I was left speechless. "You don't know who Marry Poppins is?!" I shouted. He shushed me and just shook his head. "Okay, when we pass the exam we absolutely need to have a movie night. Have you ever even seen a Disney movie?"

"Nope." He sighed. I hugged him.

"That's so sad! Don't worry Kil, I'll get you all caught up." I winked and gave him a thumbs up. "Anyway, I'm gonna go get our dinner now. I'll be back soon!" I waved, running to find the nearest body of water.


After a bit of fishing, I went back to find Killua. I hummed, feeling incredibly happy with the feast I had gotten for us. I sat down next to him and put the sword over the fire, fish skewered over it. Once the fish was fully cooked, I took it off the sword and handed it to Killua. "Here ya go!" I grinned.

"I...I can't eat it." He sighed, seemingly worried about something. "The eyes..." That comment refocused my attention to the fish's lifeless eyes.

"I see now how that's a bit unnerving, especially in the middle of the night. Sorry, Killua. I'll take 'em out!" I grabbed a pocket knife. "I recommend looking away for this." I smiled nervously. He nodded and shut his eyes. I swiftly removed the fish's dead glare and handed it back to Killua.

"Enjoy!" I cheered.

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