75- 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘬𝘢

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We all arrived back at the 200th floor with full tummies. Gon kept whispering into Killua's ear, making the albino boy seem very flustered. "Listen, I didn't, okay? Now, let's go get checked in!" Killua shouted, steam practically coming out of his ears.

We made our way towards the reception once again, until we all stopped in our tracks. I felt a strange presence come from down a dark and seemingly abandoned hallway, and from what I could tell, the two next to me felt it as well.

"Let's go." Killua demanded, his breath shaky. "We can do this!"

"Wait, maybe the reception is closed? The lights are off after all." I frowned, feeling scared. Killua and Gon ignored me and walked forward. Stupidly enough, I followed them. The energy got closer and more powerful, making all of us tense up. I felt paralyzed.

"Do you feel that bloodlust?" Gon asked.

"How could I not?" I grunted. "It's obviously targeting us."

"Okay, that's enough!" Killua shouted, though his voice was strained. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

Out walked a very tired employee, who wore a small smile on her face. "You must be Killua, Y/n, and Gon. The reception desk is this way, so please register for a 200th match today." She pointed to the right. "Be advised that your eligibility for this floor expires at midnight, so please don't delay."

"4 hours left, huh?" I looked at the clock that hung on the wall, trying to calm myself.

"Did that feeling come from her?" Gon asked.

"I can't tell." Killua grunted.

"Well, either way, it's stopped. Let's stop worrying about it for now." I offered.

"No, the enemy could still be hiding!" Killua's eyebrows were furrowed.

"Well, they aren't attacking. Calm down, we'll be fine." I groaned, feeling my back hurt from all the anxiety.

"By The way, on the 200th floor, there are currently 173 contestants. And from this floor up, all weapons are allowed in all matches. So please feel free to use what you have. Also, as of the 200th floor, you will no longer receive prize money." The woman explained. "Now you will be fighting only for honor. Please keep that in mind if you participate."

"What?" I huffed. "Lady, I'm a latchkey kid, I don't have honor! I barely have parents." I was going to continue my little rant, just before I noticed a silver string attached to the person in front of us. It was flipped to reveal a card, the 3 of clubs. "What in the-" The card was quickly thrown at the three of us, almost hitting my leg. Suddenly, a man with pale skin and long nails appeared behind her. The minute she rushed out of the way, I immediately recognized him.

"44?" I gasped, feeling sweat drip down my forehead.

"Ah, so you do remember me." He smiled wickedly.

"But what are you doing here?" Killua's eyes were wide.

"It isn't that strange, is it?" He asked, striking a pose that made him look pregnant. "I love to fight, and this is a temple devoted to the craft. The real question is, why are you here?"

"Okay, first of all, Motherfucker, your makeup may be on fleek but you're still ugly and dumb as hell." I snapped. "We're here because we needed to train and earn money. That's all you need to know."

"You're a firey one, aren't you?" The clown-man replied. "But I was only kidding, this meeting was no mere coincidence. I've been waiting for you."

"That's a red flag," I replied.

"You keep track of things like that, how delightfully amusing!" He chuckled. "Anyway, remember how you ordered your tickets for the airship over the internet? With only a little effort on my part, I was able to find out exactly when you would arrive. Well, in any case, I knew you would come here eventually. And so...as your senior, I have a little bit of a warning for the three of you."

"Get it over with, please." I complained.

"You're still not ready to set foot on this floor." He smiled. "Not by a long shot."

"I will fucking bite you," I warned. "We have worked too damn hard to get here and we're not gonna let some creepy clown tell us to turn back." Before I could let out any more threats and complaints, Hisoka flicked his wrist, sending a large gust of wind to push all three of us backward.

"When you will be ready all depends on your efforts." His aggravating smile remained on his face. "For now, leave this floor." He turned around and walked away, just before sitting down. "It's far too early."

"Says the dumbass wearing white skinny jeans and an obscene amount of hair gel." I scoffed.

"That's stupid, we just got here!" Killua grunted. He walked forward but stumbled back once Hisoka stretched out his hand.

"I won't let you pass." Hisoka replied. "But it's not like you could anyway." He sent more of the energy from before flooding straight towards us. We tried to walk through, letting a few grunts of pain and fear out along the way. Gon got the farthest, and Killua got farther than I did.

"Almost...there," I grunted.

"Don't be reckless!" I heard a familiar voice shout out. I was almost positive it was Wing's. The aura stopped almost immediately. Wing walked around the corner, which made me feel a bit better, seeing as there was finally a responsible adult near us.

"Mr.Wing!" Gon smiled.

"What he's saying is true. You have no defense against his Nen." Wing explained. "As it stands, you're both naked in a blizzard, all of you wondering why it's so cold."

"We're indoors and we clearly have clothes on." I retorted.

"If you continue to strain your bodies, you may die." He continued, ignoring my remark.

"So this is Nen?" Killua exclaimed. "He can stop us from moving forward through willpower? You liar!"

"Yes, I was lying." Wing closed his eyes and smiled.

"What the fuck?" I cried out. "That's not fair!"

"You've been saying fuck a whole awful lot lately, Y/n." Gon chuckled.

"Sorry." I scratched the back of my head nervously. 

"Some of what I said was technically true. I will teach you the full truth about Nen. So, for the time being, I suggest we withdraw." The man elaborated.

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