01- 𝘊𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘜𝘱

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We got home and I laughed as Killua slept (yet again) in Gon's bed, making a resting spot for our host on the floor. I simply sighed and tried my best to lay next to him, despite his spider-like sleeping position. The minute my head hit the bed (underneath his arm, the only spot I could fit in) he woke up.

"What's happening?" He shouted, before turning to notice I was laying down next to him.

"I wanted to cuddle." I smiled nervously. "I can sleep on the couch if you want me to though." I offered.

"No. You stay here." He kissed the top of my forehead and grinned. "Sorry for shouting, I'm a light sleeper."

"I know." I giggled. "What were you dreaming about?"

"Can't remember." Killua sighed. "I'm sure it was something about you though. Maybe going on a cute little date."

"Mm. Do you still get those dreams where I die?" I asked.

"Not anymore actually." He replied, a wide grin on his face. "Ever since we talked about it in Heaven's Arena, they completely went away. Though last night I started to have one, it was how the dream usually goes, but then at the beginning, when Illumi was behind me, you just told him to go away. I turned around and just kinda, waved my hand, and then he disappeared." He smiled.

"Then what happened?" I looked up at him.

"And then you had such a big smile on your face. It was amazing. Then we went off to an ice cream shop and just kinda talked. It was really nice." Killua smiled. "I got chocolate. You got strawberry."

"Strawberry?" I laughed.

"Mhm." He nodded. "You really liked it too."

"Yuck. Strawberry flavored things taste like baby food." I stuck my tongue out and closed my eyes.

"I know! Especially strawberry chocolate." He shuddered. 

"It's all gross." I giggled. "Gross like Hisoka."

"Gross like Hisoka." He nodded. "Should we be heading to bed? I feel like Gon would be mad at us if we were just laying and talking instead of resting up. Especially in his bed."

"Soon." I smiled. "Oh, wait! Remember during Gon's match how you said I could check up on your scars?" I asked.

"Mhm. Oh, don't tell me you wanna do that now." His face grew a bright, strawberry red.

"Please? I wanna make sure you're okay." I reasoned.

"Okay." He sighed. "But don't look until I say so, okay?"

"All right." I shut my eyes and covered them with my hands.

"You can..." Killua took in a deep breath. "You can look now."

I slowly removed my hands and opened my eyes, to see Killua, without a shirt on. My face got a bit heated from embarrassment, but I stayed on task, overall. I glanced at his bare upper body to see several scratches and scars that were one shade darker than his incredibly pale skin.

"You're staring." He blushed.

"Uh, right, well, I'll just um...check to make sure that the scars aren't infected or a-anything, if that's alright." I smiled nervously. 

"Yeah, sure." He shut his eyes as I made my way closer to him. I looked at the front of his body, to the left side, to his back, and finally, to his right side. I glanced at a large scratch that was on his right shoulder, which looked red. I gently touched it, earning a wince from Killua. "That hurt!"

"Sorry, I'm sorry!" I frowned. "Is it fresh...or?" I asked. Killua opened his eyes and looked at the wound.

"It's still red so it might be." He leaned over a bit to get a better look.

"I'm gonna move closer just to check it out. Would that be okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, you can go ahead." He nodded. I leaned in closer to his shoulder, which was oddly muscley for someone our age, only to notice the scar looked almost as though it was stitched and had a slight orange tint to it.

"I think it's infected." I sighed. "Um...we need hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointment, and a bandage. I think I got some of that stuff in my bag. Hold on." I reached into my pouch, which was on the floor, and dug around a bit, just before finding the items I needed. "This is gonna sting, so just breathe, okay?"

"Okay," Killua said before taking in a deep breath.

"3...2...1." I frowned, putting the cloth that was covered in hydrogen peroxide on the wound. He gritted his teeth but didn't react other than that. "Okay, that's all done. Now the antibiotic and the bandaid." I did as I said I would and quickly patched up his shoulder and I smiled at my work.

"Is it...okay now?" He asked. I just nodded. "Thank you." He smiled.

"Oh, wait, one more thing!" I grinned, just before leaning down and kissing his shoulder. "There, all done!"

"What was that for?" He giggled.

"Well, usually when kids get hurt, whoever is fixing the wound, if they're family, of course, will kiss wherever the kid is hurt," I answered. "Sorry, it was probably dumb." I put on a sad smile. "Go ahead and put your shirt back on."

"Oh..." He grabbed his shirt. "Actually, the scratch on my collar bone looks pretty bad. Would you mind patching it up for me?"

"Okay," I replied, looking at the spot he told me to. "Killua, there's nothing there."

"Look a little closer."

"Killua, is this your way of asking for another kiss?" I laughed.

"Noooo, why would you ever think that?" He joked.

"You dork. You could've just asked." I smiled, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on his collar bone. "There." I grinned. "Now lift your arms up." He did as I said and I put his shirt back on. "Good. We're all done." I kissed his cheek and laid down, shutting my eyes.


"Yes, Killua?" I replied, my eyes still shut.

"I love you a lot." He admitted.

"I love you too Killua. Good night." I turned around.

"Can we stay like this forever?" He wrapped his arms around me.

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