99- 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦

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"Yeah, I get what you mean." Killua turned his head towards the ground. "Being stuck in that house all day...and spending all my time learning how to kill people." His head tilted backward and shut his eyes. "You were my first real friend, Y/n."

"When we're all together, you have fun, right?" Gon asked both of us.

"Of course I do! How could I not?" I replied.

"Huh? Uh, I guess so, yeah..." Killua scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I do too, so I think we should all stick together!" Gon offered.

"Yeah!" I giggled as Killua's eyes shot open and a light blush dusted his cheeks.

"Let's travel around and see the whole world! Just us!"

"And we're never gonna split apart!" I grinned.

"You don't know how embarrassing you guys are being right now, huh?" Killua's ears were pink.

"Of course you'd say something like that." I laughed, chuckling at how he was trying to hide how he felt.

"I'll go look for my dad, and you two can find out what you want to do." The two boys next to me gazed at the stars, but I looked at Killua, who had wide eyes and his lips were parted slightly. "It's gonna be so fun!"

"But...All I wanna do is stay with you guys." I answered.

"Maybe...Maybe that's what I want to do too." Killua's voice was barely above a whisper, but I still managed to hear him somehow.

"I think we should do that." I matched his volume and held his hand. Killua just smiled at me before looking down at his pale legs, illuminated by the light of the fire and the moon.

"You're right. Doesn't sound half bad." He answered louder than before. "Fine!" He stretched his arms. "I'll look for something to do...but in the meantime, I'll help you find your dad and Y/n something to do too!" Gon nodded. "Oh, I forgot. You never told me what your mom does."

"Oh yeah, that's right! Where is she?" I asked.

"It's hard to ask about my dad, but it's even harder to ask about my mom." Gon sighed. "It's just that since Aunt Mito raised me all by herself...it feels weird, you know? Like it's wrong or something."

"I can understand that. I can't ask about my dad at all, my mom will start yelling." I frowned.

"Is that how it works?" Killua asked. I just nodded.

"When I was little, Aunt Mito told me that both of my parents died in a traffic accident. She thought if I learned my dad was alive and a Hunter, that I might end up just like he did, so..." Gon frowned.

"She didn't know how right she was, huh?" Killua half-joked. 

"When I found out about my dad, I dunno, I guess I kinda decided that if he was alive somewhere, my mom must've been the one who died." Gon smiled.

"That's pretty harsh, seriously." Killua grinned, a bead of sweat dripping down his face.

"Did you know her name at least?" I asked.

"Nope. Nothing." He frowned. "But that's okay. Cuz ever since then, I've thought of Aunt Mito as my mom!" His smile returned as he gazed up at the stars. "The only one I've got. So, there's nothing for me to ask and I don't need to."

"I see," Killua responded. "Ah man, I wish I had a mom as cool as your Aunt Mito!"

"Me too! My mom gets fussy if I just sit down for two seconds." I sighed.

"She's awesome! Even if she does nag a lot." Gon giggled.

"That's nothing." I grinned. "My mom once grounded me for two months for going forgetting my homework and lunch, even though she was telling me to hurry!"

"You think that's bad? If I say I wanna go outside, my mom immediately starts crying. No kidding!" Killua chuckled. "She gets hysterical and everything!"

"So does mine!" I burst into laughter.

"Well, at least yours doesn't say-" He put on a fake British accent to mock his mother. "Oh, Kil, must you go outside? You simply have so much potential, why waste it on kids so much slower than you? You know better. I raised you better so do better!" He then flopped over dramatically onto my lap. "That was down to the letter, by the way."

I put on a high-pitched voice to try and mock my own birth giver. "Y/n, if ya keep goin' out like that you'll end up just like your father. Dead as a doornail at a convenience store trying to buy more cigarettes! Honestly, you need to be a better kid." I laughed. "When she is there, she always says that to me. It's so aggravating! I don't even use cigarettes."

"Good. You'll get lungs full of tar." Killua nudged my arm with his elbow. "We'll hafta start calling you wheezy."

"I've got asthma. You can call me that now." I chuckled.

"Okay, wheezy." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"Shaddup." I huffed.

"Make me." He teased.

"Fine." I pulled him in and planted a kiss on his lips. I opened one of my eyes to see that his were open wide. I shut my eyes and smiled into the kiss, playing with his hair a bit as I did so. I stopped kissing him and laughed at his tomato face. "Well, did that work?"

"Yes." He peeped, covering his blushing face with his hands. "L-Let's go back. I'm tired!"

"You ready to head back, Gon?" I asked.

"The fire's died out anyway." He nodded.

"Okay!" I giggled, moving one of Killua's hands from his face so I could hold onto it. "Awe, is my little kitty flustered?" I taunted. "Over one little kiss?"

"It was a lingering kiss, okay?" He scoffed, face still red.

"You talk about it like it's a Minecraft potion." I joked. "You're so shy when it comes to these things, Killua. Gon, you can walk ahead, we'll follow you." The boy with black hair rushed off.

"Is that a bad thing?" Killua asked shyly.

"Bad? No, it's really cute!" I laughed. "Why would it be bad?"

"Well, I dunno. I'm not good with affection. Not like how you are." He frowned. "I wasn't raised to be affectionate, so I get nervous easily."

"I don't mind, Killua. I like it." I heard my feet crunch against the leaves.

"You do?"

"Of course I do! It's what makes you you!"

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