84- 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘹𝘪𝘯' 𝘹 ...𝘞𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘹 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵?!

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After we all went back to claim Killua's prize, It was mine and Gon's turn for some matches. We finished those with ease and went back to our rooms.

"So, Killua, what sounds better to you? Killua L/n or Y/n Zoldyck?" Gon teased on our way back to our lodging. Killua tensed up.

"H-Hey, what are you talking about?" Killua stammered, face red.

"Y'know, for when you two get married! Can I be the best man? Oh, Aunt Mito can bake the cake!" At this point, it didn't seem like teasing, but rather something Gon took somewhat seriously.

"You idiot, that's embarrassing!" Killua huffed.

"Uh, Gon, we're too young to get married now." I chuckled. "Though..." I muttered, smiling a bit to myself.

"What?" Killua grinned, holding my hand.

"Ah, uh! Forget it!" I shouted nervously. "It's kinda stupid anyway." I frowned.

"Hey, tell me. It's okay." He replied.

"I refuse. I'll take this secret to the grave." I teased, kissing him before running off. "I'll be in my room, knock if you need me!" I waved.

"Oh, you're so gonna pay for that!" He laughed, right before chasing after me. "Get back here, you dork!"

"Bye Killua!" I ran a bit faster, just before getting caught by the boy I was playfully running from, his arms wrapped around my waist just tight enough so I wouldn't run. "Awe, man."

"You can't be all lovey-dovey with me in front of Gon." He whispered, chuckling a little bit.

"Why not?" I asked, gazing up at him.

"Cuz then he assumes we'll get married. Then I get all embarrassed." He replied, nuzzling his red face into the crook of my neck.

"Why? We're dating, and isn't that the end goal of it all? To find someone to spend the rest of your life with?" I thought aloud.

"Yeah but, we're still so young, you know? And I think that assuming that right off the bat would put some stress on both of us." Killua let go of me and grabbed both of my hands. "This should be fun, and being stressed out on if I'm the right one for you would make it painful. We'd both doubt ourselves way too much." I thought I saw sadness in those crystal blue eyes of his.

"I don't doubt you're right for me, Killua." I chuckled, gently holding his cheek. "And you're right, this should be fun, but I think it'd also be fun to explore all those possibilities."

"Really?" He looked from my shoes to my eyes.

"Really." I smiled.

"I...I gotta go! I'll be back really quickly though, then we'll cuddle and stuff." He leaned his forehead against mine.

"Okay." I laughed, feeling confused. "I love you." I kissed his cheek and sent him off.

"I love you too." He smiled just before running off.


After a bit of waiting for Killua to come back, my door swung open with a loud bang. "Y/n!" Killua shouted, grinning from ear to ear.

"Killua!" I cheered, running up to him. "Where'd you go? You left in the afternoon and now it's sunset." I frowned.

"I was a bit busy. But I got us food! And it's still warm." He held up a take-out bag. "It's Thai food."

"You're so pale, I doubt you could handle it." I joked.

"Are you challenging me?" He smirked.

"Maybe I am, vampire boy. Whatcha gonna do about it?" 

"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do about it." He grinned evilly, setting the bag of food on the ground. "I'm gonna send the tickle monster after you!"

"Bring it on, pasty!" I shouted. "I'll just have to...counter attack!" I charged toward him, knocking him over and tickling him all over.

"Y/n!" He whined, crying tears of laughter. "Okay, Okay, you win this one." He laughed.

"Good!" I grinned. "Victor gets a kiss."

"No, you killed me. Can't kiss you if I'm dead." He replied, flopping over on my lap dramatically, closing his eyes, and sticking his tongue out like a dead person in a cartoon. "That's necrophilia, Y/n. Gross."

"Get up." I laughed.

"Can't, on account of being dead."

"You are very much alive." I shook him, but he stayed on my lap. "If you're dead, you'll never be able to talk to me again." His eyes jolted open.

"Fine, I have been resurrected." He replied. "Now, Food time!" He shouted, rushing over to the bag and placing it on the table not too far from the bed.

"Yay!" I cheered, hopping onto the mattress.

We quickly chowed down on our food, talking about whatever came into mind. The windows were open and the lights were off, making the room have an orange glow to its walls. The ambiance was comforting and warm, which made me grow a bit sleepy. I would've gone to bed right then and there, but Killua seemed bothered and nervous about something.

"Why so high-strung, Kitkat? You okay?" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Ah, fine." He smiled, fidgeting with his hands.

"No, you're not," I replied calmly. "Something's bothering you. I can tell. What's wrong, love?" I asked, laying my head on his lap and glancing up at him.

"Just tired. Yeah, I'm just tired is all." He nodded, faking a yawn.

"Liar." I huffed, sitting up. "Killua, don't you lie to me. What's going on?"

He stayed quiet, looking down. "Okay. I'm not exactly prepared for all this, but If it'll relieve some of your worries, I'll tell you now." He said after a bit of silence.

"Okay. I'm ready." I nodded.

"Close your eyes." He laughed. "It's kind of a big deal."

"Killua," I whined. "Lemme see."

"Eyes closed first. Then you'll see and you'll be spoiled with affection all day tomorrow. Just me and you, doing whatever you want. No matches, I promise." He offered.

"Fine." I shut my eyes. After listening to some rustling, the door opening and closing, and Killua's deep breaths, the surprise was done.

"Okay." He sounded nervous but happy. "Open your eyes." I opened my peepers to see Killua, standing on one knee with an open jewelry box. "Wait, is this too formal? Sorry, this is just what I remembered my dad saying to do."

"Killua, what...what are you doing?" I smiled, getting nervous.

"Our marriage talk got me thinking today." He answered, sitting next to me on the bed. "So I just thought, if the only thing that's really holding us back is our age, why not just make a promise to each other? That's all a wedding vow is." He scratched the back of his neck. "So I got us promise rings. They're like wedding rings, but a little different. You can wear 'em if you plan on getting married but can't yet, or don't want to get married, I just thought you'd like this."

"Killua." I grinned, getting closer to him. I planted a soft kiss on his lips. "What's our promise?" I asked, picking up the rings inside of the box. They were two silver rings with cutouts of a dinosaur on them. There was a blue one and a white one.

"Uh...what do you want it to be?"

"Let's promise that...." I thought for a little. "That we'll always be together, no matter what. And we'll never intentionally take these off unless we absolutely have to!"

"It's a promise." He grinned, taking the blue one and slipping it on his left ring finger.

"It's a promise." I repeated, taking the white one and doing the same.

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