11- 𝘏𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘞𝘦𝘣𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦

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"That's it, right over there, You guys!" Gon stood on the mast of the ship and pointed at Yorknew city.

"Yeah. We're almost there." Killua smiled.

"Can you believe we're gonna see Kurapika, Leorio, and Quinn again?" Gon turned to the albino. "I can hardly wait!"

"You're kinda jumping the gun. We've still got two weeks until we have to meet up." Killua said logically. 

"Ah, let 'im be excited. He gets to see the twink and the doctor again!" I giggled.

"It's been six months since we saw them last." Gon stared out at the horizon. "And I'm getting excited!"

"And six months ago, I never would have dreamed we'd come to Yorknew City. Not for this, anyway." Killua smirked.

"Six months ago, I wanted a juice box." I hummed. "Actually, I still want a juice box. Can I get a juice box please?"

"I'll get you a juice box when we land." Killua chuckled.

"Thanks." I smiled, resting my chin on my knees.

"The auction starts on September First." Killua continued. "So we gotta gather up all the information we can on Greed Island before then."

"Mhm! And if we're lucky, we might even find out some more information about Ging." Gon nodded.

"It's unlikely, but we sure could try!" I smiled, trying to help Gon maintain his usual optimism. "God, I can't believe how long I've been gone. It feels a bit weird to be back. Like going into a whole other world." I sighed. "And in all honesty, I'm not sure if I want to go to this one."

"Hey, it'll be okay." Killua put his hand on my shoulder.

"You say that now." I frowned.

"Hey, don't get anxious like that. I know you'll be okay, pretty face. And I'll be here every step of the way to prove it." Killua lifted my chin up with his finger as we got closer, our lips almost pressed together. That was until a giant ass bird swooped by.

"Bird!" I gripped onto the mast so I wouldn't fall.

Killua calmly held out his arm so the falcon could land on him. "Ah, just in time." He grinned. "This is it. My brother sent the URL."

"I thought that you were exaggerating when you said you used a falcon." I laughed, stroking the bird's head. It looked as though it were smiling with its eyes closed and let out a few chirps. In a way, the falcon reminded me of Killua, oddly enough. Trained to kill and usually considered dangerous, but had a heart behind the tough exterior. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. "We can get started on the Greed Island hunt now, huh?" I continued petting the bird, keeping my voice soft.

"Mhm." Killua nodded. "Do you wanna hold her?" he asked moving the bird a bit closer to me.

"Ah, I dunno. I wouldn't want to drop her or anything." I frowned, stroking the bird's feathers some more.

"Y/n, it's a bird. She can fly before she hits the ground." Killua smirked. "Don't worry so much."

"I don't know. I'm actually kind of afraid of birds." I frowned. "Just a mild fear. I don't think I could be able to hold one. Besides, wouldn't the talons hurt? How are you not bleeding right now?"

"Her talons have been worn down over time. She's way older than she looks. They're practically little stubs now, see?" He extended one of the bird's claws to show that the talon wasn't as sharp as I expected it to be.

"Mm...Okay. I just hold out my arm like this, right?" I asked, holding my arm out so the bird could go onto my arm. She chirped and just hopped right on.

"Something tells me she really likes you." Killua giggled.

"I really like her too." I smiled, patting her head. "So, how does the whole mailing thing work?"

"Well, there's a little compartment on her leg." He went over to her right leg and opened it up, pulling out a slip of paper. "Then we put the copy of the memory card in and send her off." He smiled, doing as he said in his explanation. The bird chirped and flew away quickly, making Killua's hair flow in the wind.


We finally arrived at Yorknew's port, making me smile. I hopped off the boat and waited for Gon and Killua to get off as well.

"Yes, finally, land." I grinned, doing a little dance. "Now we just gotta find internet cafe directions. I think there was one somewhere by my house." I hummed, typing in internet cafes near me on google. I found one that was close and we started walking.

Once we had arrived, we walked into the cafe and got set up on a computer to begin our search. Gon sat in the chair while Killua and I stood behind him. Gon quickly typed the URL and looked perplexed. "Is this the hunter website?" He asked.

"It's gotta be. Right? Unless Milluki was lying." I sighed.

"I've heard lots of Hunters worldwide post lots of information on here." Killua nodded.

"Worldwide? Really?" Gon looked up at him before looking back at the computer. "That's pretty amazing." He clicked around before what looked like a search bar popped up.

"Please swipe your hunter's license and enter your license code." The computer spoke. Gon swiped his card and began typing, not thinking much of it. The screen displayed what looked like a saloon door. Gon clicked on it and entered what seemed to be a cowboy bar.

"Put the cursor on the bartender." Killua offered.

"This is more of an RPG than an informational website." I laughed. "I mean, I just feel like there'd be more forums. Then again, Netero probably had this idea, and that old man is pretty wacky."

"What kind of information do you want?" The bartender asked once Gon clicked on him.

"Wow! That's a lot of info!" Gon gasped once a sheet of categories popped up.

"Click game category." Killua leaned in a little closer to the screen.

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