16- 𝘉𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘹 𝘌𝘨𝘨𝘴 𝘹 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘹 𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘯

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"It appears the web isn't strong enough to support all this weight!" Kurapika exclaimed. 

"Gon, Can we go yet?" Killua asked, turning to Gon who still had his eyes closed. The web seemed to get weaker, and I began feeling ten times more anxious. A few applicants could barely hold on and began to slip down. It was kind of disappointing to see so many people fall to their deaths so suddenly.

"It's about to snap!" Leorio shouted as if we couldn't tell. My eyes widened, looking at the ground that was sure to make us into pancakes if we fell on it too hard.

"Okay now!" Gon shouted. I nervously let go of the web, my eyes remaining on the eggs. I let out a scream.

"This is absolutely terrifying!" I felt my tears fly through the air.

"I know! Isn't it great?" Quinn shouted back. They were quite the adrenaline junkie. I shook my head. I tried my hardest to focus, as we were all getting closer to the eggs. We each grabbed one egg, but I barely knew what to do. What if the updraft didn't come when Gon said it was? What if he only said that so we'd fail? It was unlikely, but you could never be too careful.

"Now what Gon?" I asked, gripping onto the egg. We quickly began to fall. "What the fu-!" we were quickly lifted by the strong breeze. Gon held his egg up triumphantly in the air.

There were a few applicants who stayed, but I didn't pay them any mind. I quickly hopped back onto the actual ground and sat down, happy that my feet were finally touching something. We were able to boil the delicious eggs. Quinn had quickly finished theirs and was looking at mine with a mischievous glint in their eye.

"Want some?" I asked, my mouth a bit full. They got a bit closer and took a bite of the egg, not even bothering to take it out of my hands. They devoured the egg, as though they hadn't eaten in days. "You're hungry aren't you?" I laughed a little bit, glad that they liked what I made.

"Hey, I want some!" Killua shouted.

"But you've got your egg. And Quinn's hungry." I pointed at his egg, a dull expression on my face.

"No, they're not! And they've got their egg!" He huffed in response. Quinn painted an innocent yet devilish expression on their face.

"But boiled eggs are my favorite! And Y/n's cooking is so good!" They complained. "You shouldn't be so mean Killua." Quinn was now peering behind my shoulder.

"Here, you can have some Killua." I handed him the egg. "It's okay Quinn. Maybe after the exam, we'll find more and make some together!" I suggested. Quinn smiled and hugged me.

"Thanks, Y/n! You're the best!" They held on a bit tighter and giggled. Killua looked really happy when chowing down on the egg. He looked as though he'd seen heaven on earth. Everyone seemed to really be enjoying themselves. 

"Hey! Mr. Todo!" Gon walked over to the guy in the black shirt before, holding his egg in his hands. "This egg's really good. Do you wanna try it?" He offered, making my heart warm up a bit. Todo took up his offer and seemed to be really happy afterward. I could hear myself singing Africa in my head.

We boarded the airship once again, this time Netero wished to speak with us. "I will now take the opportunity to introduce myself properly to the remaining 42 applicants. I am Netero, the chairman of the selection committee for this year's hunter exam. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." The room remained silent.

"And I'm his secretary, Beans!" The little jelly bean man had an innocent smile. I had officially decided I would take a bullet for him. 

"I had originally planned to make my appearance during the exam's final phase. But, well, seeing as how I'm already here..." The quiet room felt extremely awkward. "I must admit, there's nothing I love more than this feeling of tension in the air. So, I think I'll stick around for the remainder of the trip." He laughed.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM exactly. You'll find dinner waiting for you in the dining hall. You're also welcome to get some rest, of course." Beans smiled. "You're free to do as you please until we contact you. The evening is yours."

"Hey, Gon and Y/n! Let's explore the airship!" Killua smiled.

"Yeah!" Gon grinned and I nodded. Quinn clung to my arm, so I guess they were coming too. We ran off, excited to explore the unfamiliar ship.

We were walking around for a little while until we had found the kitchen. "Woah, look at all that food!" Quinn smiled. Killua took a chicken leg.

"Hey, is it really alright for us to just take it like that?" Gon asked, a bit of worry in his voice.

"Well, we're the ones working hard and taking the exam so it should be, right?" Quinn piped up, tearing into the bacon they had found.

"I guess so..." Gon took some food too and I was quick to give in and follow suit. It was amazing. I quickly began shoveling food in my mouth at a practically inhuman pace. We were caught.

"Hey, kids! What're you doin'? Stay out of the kitchen?" The chef who caught us exclaimed, kicking us out the door in the process. "Go eat in the dining hall with the others!" I fell flat on my butt, Killua and Quinn falling next to me. Gon landed in front of me. We finished the food we swiped and continued walking around the airship.

"Hey, Awesome!" Killua said, running over to a window. "Gon, Look!" The other three of us raced to the window, looking at a sparkly-looking city. It looked like a giant mound of stars, only on the ground instead of in the sky.

"Woah. It's like it's covered in jewels!" Gon smiled.

"Look, Quinn! Isn't it pretty?" I pointed, my finger tapping the cold window.

"Yeah..." They replied.


Hello! I know I don't usually put author notes at the end of my chapters, but I'd like to show you all what Quinn looks like!

Hello! I know I don't usually put author notes at the end of my chapters, but I'd like to show you all what Quinn looks like!

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The art isn't mine! I made it here: https://picrew.me/image_maker/701767

They've got darker hair, by just a little bit. Thank you so much for reading my book. I love you, take care of yourself! Bye <3

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