72- 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘹 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮

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"I will kill you." Wing smiled, closing his eyes. Something that looked similar to purple smoke surrounded his body, making me grow even uneasier than I was before, however, I stood up still, even though my legs felt like jelly. The smoke only intensified with a large blast, causing my anxiety to increase. I rubbed my fingers along my temples in response to the splitting headache I had suddenly gotten and shut my eyes, hoping to take the pain away. I stumbled backward, not used to the sudden fear filling my body.

"Y/n, are you all right?" Killua grunted, most likely feeling the same symptoms I was. His eyes were wide from shock.

"I'm...fine." I replied, feeling as though my whole body were lit aflame.

Killua quickly grabbed me and rushed off into the corner. Soon after that, Wing turned off the smoke. "That was a taste of Ren." Wing smiled, glancing as Killua held me in his arms while balancing us with his feet. "With enough strength and focus, the will functions as action or Hatsu. With a strong will, your opponent will back down. A more familiar term would be bluffing."

"Looks like you were right, Y/n." Gon smiled, although we were quite far away from him.

Killua and I hopped down and he gently put my feet back on the ground. I smiled at him, remembering how he told me not to be so protective, and yet he grabbed me the minute there was a potential danger.

"Ren hardens that which is soft-" Wing started.

"Oh?" I laughed, feeling a bit dirty-minded. "Sorry, ignore me." I said once I realized it was only Killua who got it. 

"You suddenly find you have lost your ability to correct an incorrect idea. Therefore, until your soul has fully matured, avoid using Ren." Wing continued. "As it stands now, you four should really focus on training your souls."

Killua stayed quiet for a little, his expression very angry, before taking my hand and walking up to Gon. "Let's go, you two." He huffed.

"If you truly wish to learn about Nen, set your sights on mastering Ten first." Wing voiced as Killua and I stopped. "If you master Ten, you no longer feel the pressure of an opponent's will." Killua walked off, trailing me close behind him.


"He lied to us, y'know?" Killua frowned.

"He lied?" Gon asked.

"His information seemed pretty solid though." I sighed. "How'd he lie?"

"What he said was true, far as it went. And his power is the real deal too. There are a few things it doesn't cover." He grunted.

"Like?" Gon questioned.

"Like how tough Zushi is! In our fight, he got up every time I knocked him down. That was pretty annoying." Killua gritted his teeth. "Which is why I got a little pushy with him at the end."

"Well, yeah but..." I started. "Gon is the same way. I mean, you saw his match during the hunter's exam, he kept getting back up, even when Hanzo knocked him down so much. Maybe it's not strength, but determination."

"Well, yeah, that's plausible, but there was something different about it. And I think that weird Aura had something to do with the whole thing." Killua sighed. "It wasn't his strength or will alone that kept him standing the whole time. There's gotta be something else he's hiding." 

We arrived back at our room, which made me feel a bit more relieved. I was alone with the two people I trusted most after a stressful situation.

"Are you okay?" Killua asked, pulling me into a tight hug. He smelled like chocolate and strawberries, the superior flavor combination, which made me feel a lot more comfortable than I was before.

"I'm good. Thanks for worrying about me, Zoldyck." I chuckled. "How're you holding up?" I glanced up at him.

"I'm doing all right. Especially now that we're outta there." He grinned.

"You guys wanna just call it a night?" Gon yawned from his spot on the couch, already wrapped up in a blanket.

"Yeah." I was then picked up by Killua, who gently set me down on the bed and slid in next to me. "Goodnight, cat boy." I shut my eyes.

"Good night, dummy." He moved some hair away from my eyes.


I walked into the kitchen carefully, as though my footsteps would awaken some sort of evil presence if they were too loud. I saw Killua, trying to cook, but failing miserably. "You doin' all right there, Killboy?" I laughed.

"I think I might've burned them." He smiled nervously.

"Here, lemme see." I walked over to see the pancakes burnt into a crisp. "Ooh, yeah, we need to throw those away." I scrunched up my nose.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" He chuckled.

"Yeah, you are." I joked. "Anyway, where's Quinn and Gon?"

"Oh, they're out right now, so it's just us here." He smiled, trying to salvage the leftover batter.

"Here, lemme help." I offered, moving over to the stove. "So usually, what you want to do is put it in a plastic baggy, like this. Then you snip the tip and just squeeze it out. Now, you have to actually look at the pancake so that way it doesn't burn."

"You're pretty." He said, out of nowhere.

"Where'd that come from?" I laughed.

"It's true. You're really, really pretty." His tone was serious.

"You're pretty too," I replied. Our faces got closer to each other, and the tip of our noses touched, making the butterflies in my stomach go wild. "What are we about to do?"

"I think we're gonna kiss now, right?"

"I'm okay...I'm okay with that." I shut my eyes and put my lips against his, enjoying the way they locked together like two puzzle pieces just meant to fit together.

"Y/n?" I heard Quinn call out.


I jolted awake, a bit startled by the dream I had. I didn't know why my subconscious was thinking up all these things, but it was. From Marrying Killua, to Quinn's death, to Kissing people I was close to. It was confusing, sure, but it wasn't scary. It made me anxious of course, but I was usually able to keep it out of my mind during the day. Besides, it's not like it'd come true someday. Right?

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