16- 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘹 𝘦𝘺𝘦 𝘹 𝘰𝘧 𝘹 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘹 𝘐 𝘹 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵

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"Three of these beauties please." Leorio smiled at the vendor.

"Yes sir, that'll be 600,000." He replied.

"600-" Leorio shouted. "That's highway robbery!"

"No, that's just Yorknew prices." I laughed.

"Ah, I see how it is." He sighed, pulling out his wallet.


"Thanks, Leorio!" Gon smiled, putting his new phone which was still in its packaging away in the bag.

"Sure, but 110,580 Jenny apiece? And that's a fair price for a new model in this market!" Leorio frowned as we walked down the street.

"Still, you overdid it." Killua huffed. "I've never seen anyone get applause before for buying a cellphone."

"But you really saved us," Gon added.

"That was just a taste of what I'm capable of." Leorio had his hands in his pockets. "The real deals don't start rolling until the seller asks you to leave."

"Bet Kurapika wants a taste of what you're capable of." I snickered.

"Y/n!" He shouted, face red.

"Ya little pervert." Killua laughed, messing with my hair.

"I get it from you." I teased.

"Oh, shush." He smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Woah, when did this happen?" Leorio smirked. "I mean, Killua, it was obvious that you liked them, but I didn't think you had a chance."

"Oh, shuddup old man! I'll have you know that they were the one who told me." Killua smiled proudly.

"Only cuz you were so desperate." I joked.

"Uh-I was desperate?!" He exclaimed. "You did the forehead touch!"

"Forehead touch!" Leorio snickered. "Damn, you two really are cheeseballs!"

"Shut up!" Killua scoffed. "At least I've got the balls to be cheesy with someone that I love! Instead of you, too nervous to say anything."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" The tall man exclaimed.

"Can you losers stop yelling? You're making my ears hurt more than they already do." We all turned to see Quinn flipping a coin, standing by a vending machine.

"Quinn!" Gon cheered, pulling them into a tight hug. "I missed you!" He grinned.

"Thanks, Gon. I missed you too." Quinn laughed, patting the boy's head. "So, how long have you guys been in Yorknew? And have you seen your mom yet, Y/n?"

"Ah um...about that." I frowned, holding onto my mother's eye. "She was dead when I found her." I sighed. "She had to have been left there for about a month. Her body was very decayed. I salvaged an eyeball. We buried the rest of her body in the park across the street from my apartment." My mouth was open slightly as the memory came flooding back. "There were maggots in her skin. The house reeked of rotten flesh. Bugs were everywhere. She had several stab wounds and was all hacked up. I...wasn't there to save her." I choked out. I looked up to see Quinn gazing at me sympathetically and Leorio looking like he had seen a ghost.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Y/n." Quinn frowned, walking forward, and grabbing both of my hands. "If there's anything I can do to help you cope, let me know. I know what it's like to lose someone. You're not alone." They smiled warmly, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." I smiled back at them. I wasn't sure of what to say. I mean, the sentiment was sweet, but that doesn't mean that all my pain was magically taken away. At least I had someone. Maybe. "Anyway, we've been here for about a week now. Killua, Gon, and I just ran into Leorio."

"Oh, okay. I've been here for about a month. Just decided to shop around here." Quinn replied. "Do you wanna maybe look around together?" A light pink dusted their pale cheeks.

"Yeah!" Killua walked forward and grabbed my hand, an angry smile on his face. "That would be great." Despite his happy words, his tone was disgruntled and angry.

"Oh, I was only asking Y/n." Quinn shot back. "Not really in the mood to be walking around with someone like...you." They scoffed.

"Someone like me, huh?" Killua smirked back. "Didn't you develop hanahaki because of your feelings for me?"

"Shut your mouth!" Quinn stammered, their face getting even redder. "Whatever, brat, you can come too, I guess." They scoffed.


Leorio had taken all of us out for some lunch. I just smiled as Gon rambled on about our adventures that had taken place in the near past. "Hey, did you learn Nen too, Leorio?" The boy asked.

Leorio simply smirked "You better believe I did." He pushed up his glasses.

"Wow, that's awesome!" Gon cheered.

"Seriously?" Killua scoffed.

"Yes, seriously! Why would I lie about that?" Leorio frowned. "It's building up a shroud of aura, making your own life force even stronger!" He smiled proudly.

"That's Ten actually." Gon smiled while Killua let out a groan. "One of the four major principles for learning nen."

"Quinn what about you?" Killua asked, taking a bite of his burger.

"To be honest, I didn't know what the hell nen was. Still don't, really. But I finally learned to shoot a gun. And I got my own." They smiled, pulling a pistol out of their bag. "Why use nen when you've got a Glock, you know?"

"Huh. Lemme see." Killua requested. Quinn handed over the weapon to the ex-assassin.

"Is it loaded?" Gon peered over at it.

"No. I didn't figure I needed it today, but would still keep it on me in case I needed to make a threat." They laughed. Killua looked the gun over and pulled the trigger.

"Hm. Pretty cool." He had a small smile on his face. "My family never really used guns. Too loud and all."

"Yeah, I get that. But I got a job with the mafia, so I'll be just fine." Quinn smirked.

"The mafia?" I repeated, swallowing my fry.

"Yup. The Nostrade family specifically. See, she can tell fortunes and stuff, so she's of value to the underworld. She wants to go to the Yorknew auction, but since she's of such importance, She needs a bunch of bodyguards to protect her." They explained. "And you'll never guess who I saw..."

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