61- 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯'𝘴 𝘹 𝘈𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘢

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"Anyway, I'm only estimating. With experience, your estimates will become more accurate." Killua shut his eyes and began to walk off, holding his finger in the air. "But the stronger someone is, the better they can hide that strength. So, it's not a method that I'd recommend."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." I smiled.

"I won't do that." Gon nodded.

"Point is, Hisoka's really strong. With just six months, we're gonna have to get real creative." Killua smiled, turning to face us when we reached the door of the building. "Hey, got any money?"

"No, what are you trying to do? Rob us?" I frowned. "I saw your house, you've got plenty."

"What? No, I'm not trying to mooch! I'm just asking." He huffed. "Gon, what about you?"

"I'm a little low, actually." Gon chuckled sheepishly.

"I don't have much either." Killua grinned.

"Liar!" I chuckled.

"Well, that's not my money! It's my parents'!" He laughed. "There's a place where we can make ourselves some cash and train at the same time." He bent down and whispered.

"Nuh-uh. No way, I am not becoming a pole dancer." I shook my head.

"What? No! We're way too young for that!" Killua shouted, slapping my forehead. "There's a place called Heaven's Arena. We can fight people and get paid for it."

"Heaven's Arena?" Gon repeated.

"Ah, okay. That's much better." I giggled. "You can't just leave it at money and training, you gotta explain more." I lightly punched his arm.

"I'll explain more later, but we really oughta get going now!" Killua smiled, running inside the building, which turned out to be an airport.

We boarded an airship, which we somehow caught on time, giving us some time to relax. I sat on the seat across from Killua's and let out a small sigh of relief. I glanced at the white-haired boy in front of me and smiled, taking just a moment to appreciate the fact that he was finally right there in front of me.

"Whatcha looking at?" He smiled.

"Your face. It's pretty nice." I turned my gaze towards the window, staring at the scenery outside it. "I'm really glad you're back, you know. Without you, I'd probably just be this pissed-off little punk all the time."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, You just can't function without me." He teased. "But...I'm kind of the same way."

"You can't function without you?" I laughed.

"No! I mean I can't function without you! Ah, w-wait that's embarrassing! Y'know what, forget I said anything." He stuttered.

"You're cute." I smiled. Then I realized what I said. "Well, not cute, I mean funny! Your sense of humor is cute! Ah, how 'bout we just stop talking?"

We sat in silence for a bit, just before Killua cleared his throat. "Point is, I missed you a lot." His face was a glaring red.

"I heard. Canary said you talked about me." I felt embarrassed but continued to talk anyway. "That makes me really happy. I'm glad you're my friend."

"I'm glad you're my friend too." He smiled, gently putting his hand on top of mine. "Honestly, I doubt I'd ever be happy again without you."

"That means you can't ever leave again, okay?" I put both of his hands in mine and held them up.

"Okay, I won't." He squeezed both of my hands gently.


"Swear on my life."

"That's what I like to hear!" I grinned, moving over to give him a tight hug. "Let's just stay together for as long as we can."

"Yeah, yeah, we will." He laughed.

"Awe, you two are cuddling!" Gon appeared out of nowhere.

"Gon! I thought I told you to go get snacks!" Killua huffed as I quickly got off of him and hopped back into my seat.

"I did!" Gon held up the snacks he got, which consisted of chocolate robots, gummy bears, and some tiny sodas. "Since we don't have too much money, I couldn't get much." He frowned.

"That's all right! Thanks, Gon." I grinned, grabbing the gummy bears. Killua got up and took the seat next to me, as Gon took Killua's window seat. "Woah, look it's huge!" He put his hand on the glass, pointing at a large tower that I presumed to be the Arena.

"Wow, we're here already?" I smiled. "That was fast."

"Yep." Killua nodded. "That's Heaven's Arena. It's 251 stories, and 991 meters tall, making it the world's 4th tallest building."

"So this is where we'll be training." Gon gasped.

"It's kind of exciting! A new place with some of my closest friends. I just wish Quinn was here though." I frowned.

"Hey, you got me. Quinn's gonna be just fine, and I'm sure we'll see them again real soon." Killua comforted. "Besides, we get more time just us now anyway, which is perfect." He muttered, most likely thinking I couldn't hear him.

"It's cute that you want more alone time with me, Killua." I giggled, making sure I was a bit loud so I could embarrass him a little bit.

"O-Oi! Where'd you get that from?" He exclaimed. "The ship's stopped, so let's go already."

"You're right. Come on everybody!" I laughed, crawling out of our booth and strutting out of the airship. "Cat boy, you comin'?"

"Yeah!" He ran over to where I was standing and picked me up, for whatever reason.

"This again? We're not stealing a badge, we don't have to be quiet." I joked.

"Yeah, but you'll give someone a migraine. Besides, you got two left feet anyway." He laughed.

"Wow, thanks so much, Killua. Really appreciate it." I scoffed sarcastically.

"Sorry, that was mean. But the point is, I feel a bit better when carrying you around like some sort of..." He thought for a moment. "Like a little stuffed animal!"

"And why's that? You got a crush on me? Bet you do." I stuck out my tongue playfully.

"No way!" He shouted.

"Yes, way! Killua's in love with me!" I yelled and quickly hopped out of his arms.

"Am not!"

"Are too!" I laughed. "That's why you got all mad at the kiss I gave Quinn."

"I was not mad." He grunted. I noticed he was getting genuinely upset.

"Okay. Sorry for joking like that, I thought it was funny, but I guess it disrespected your boundaries. I won't do it again." I frowned.

"It's all right. Just don't do it again, I will die of embarrassment." He smiled.

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