10- 𝘞𝘰𝘸 𝘹 𝘞𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘙𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭

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We continued running for a little while until we came across a large group of people running. It was pretty safe to assume that these people were the other examinees. "Alright, we caught up with the main group, Gon!" Killua smiled. "Look!" he said, turning to where Gon was supposed to be.

"Where'd he go?" Quinn asked, albeit somewhat fearfully. I shrugged.

"Maybe he went off to see Kurapika and Leorio? He was talking about them earlier." I suggested. Quinn nodded.

"That seems like the most likely option. Should we keep going?" Quinn inquired, probably weighing out the choices we could make. The way I saw it, we could either go with the other examinees and probably pass onto the next phase, or we could try and find Gon, risking failure. It didn't bother me if I passed or failed, but I had to think about Quinn's feelings. They wanted to make their father proud, and I didn't want to screw them over by stopping them.

"I'll look for Gon. You two keep going." Quinn announced, the determination in their voice unwavering. Killua laughed a little bit. "What's so funny?" They snapped.

"You're dumb. Opportunity is slapping you in the face right now, but you'd rather risk failing for what? Some random guy you just met?" He scoffed.

"He isn't some rando. He's Y/n's friend, and any friend of Y/n's is a friend of mine. Even jerks like you. And friends would do anything for each other. Anyways, I'll see you dummies later. Bye!" Quinn turned around, their short, navy blue hair tossing behind them.

"Well, what about you?" Killua pointed. "Are you going on that stupid stuff too or are you gonna think things through?" I thought for a little bit.

"Guess I'll have to go with you." I sighed and we began running towards the others.

"Hey, do you think what Quinn said was true?" Killua asked, his legs moving incredibly fast.

"About what?" I replied, somewhat confused.

"Y'know. Friendship and whatever." He sighed, trying to sound as 'cool' as possible. I use air-quotes, mainly because adding whatever to your sentences makes you sound like the stereotypical teenager on a sitcom, which is really annoying.

"Well, kinda. I think that a friend should be loyal to you. But there should be a limit. Friends don't just throw themselves into whatever trouble you want them to be in. They set boundaries to protect themselves and their friends. They're like family, but better." I said, after pondering a little bit. 

"You sound kinda dumb right now." Killua laughed.

I chuckled a little bit "Yeah I know." I could hear the noise of leaves crunching underneath my feet, which made me feel a bit better about leaving Quinn alone like that somehow. Crunch, crunch, crunch. It sounded almost like music.

We got to a small place with a gate in front of it. There was a path leading to the gate, which made it obvious that that was where the exam was taking place. "You have all passed the first phase of the exam. Please wait for some of the other examinees here." Satotz said and walked away for a little bit.

"Well, that was an interesting phase, to say the least." I smiled, turning to Killua. He laughed, moving his silver hair as his head moved.

"Yeah! I thought for sure you'd die." He was still giggling a little bit.

"Wow, thanks, Kil." I sighed. "Really inspiring. So glad you believe me." I huffed sarcastically. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Killua gasped in between giggles. "But I could tell you were panicking on the inside. It was written all over your face! You looked ridiculous." I began to laugh a little bit myself.

"Was it really that obvious?"

"Yeah. You were all like 'Ahhh Oh my god! Killua help me!'" Killua laughed, putting on the worst impression of me he could muster.

"Well, you were all like,' I won't admit it, but I'm so scared! Gon save me from this constipated frog!'" I snickered, putting on a terrible Killua impression.

"Hey, my voice isn't that high-pitched!" Killua continued laughing.

"Yeah, it is! You sound like a little mouse!" I grinned. The mood we created in our small pocket of environment was happy and light, which was nice in contrast to the scary exam. Everyone was either friends with each other or wanted to kill each other, which became just annoying at this point.

We sat for a little while until a tall clown man showed up. He was carrying Leorio, who had a bruise and no shirt on. He placed Leorio down by the tree next to us. "He's your friend right?" The clown's voice was somewhat strange, and yet I couldn't stop listening to it.

"Yeah. But why does that matter to you?" I scoffed. This guy seemed like a creep. 

"Consider this a gift from me to you." And with that, the spooky clown man walked the other way.

"Weirdo," I muttered and turned back to Killua who seemed unphased. I turned to my bag and pulled out two water bottles. "Here." I handed one to him.

"Thanks." He opened the cap and drank some of the water. "When do you think the others will get here?" I shrugged.

"I just hope it's soon. Knowing Gon, he'd probably stay behind to make sure Kurapika and Quinn were okay." I sighed after taking a sip of my water.

"Yeah, but they'll be fine. Quinn could probably hold their own in a fight. And we know Leorio's safe." Killua pointed over to Leorio, who was beginning to wake up.

"You're probably right." I smiled. Leorio's eyes fluttered open a little bit. Well more like eye. The other one was swollen shut. However, the majority of his injuries were all patched up most likely by the clown man.

After a little bit of waiting, Gon, Kurapika, and Quinn showed up. Kurapika was carrying Quinn, who was unconscious, and Gon was carrying Leorio's bag. "There they are!" Gon shouted and rushed over to the spot in between us and Leorio. A worried expression was painted on his and Kurapika's faces.

"Man, this stings. How the hell did I get beat up so badly?" Leorio asked while rubbing his swollen cheek. His voice was kind of raspy. "My memories so hazy; I can't remember."

I got out another water bottle and handed it to him, while Kurapika whispered something in Gon's ear. The likely story was that Leorio got his ass handed to him by Clown guy, but I wasn't too sure. "I'll take Quinn." I extended my arms to Kurapika, who passed them over.

"Gon!" Killua got up from the base of the tree, where he was sitting, and walked over to the rest of the group.

"Killua!" Gon smiled, as though they were two main characters in a rom-com who hadn't seen each other in a year.

"I was starting to think you guys weren't gonna make it." He continued walking, skateboard in hand. Well, arm. "Or that you didn't make it all."

"I just followed the trail of Leorio's colone." Gon smiled.

"Jeeze, it's that strong?" I laughed. Leorio seemed to pout a little bit at this.

"No! I only put on a little bit." He scoffed.

"You tracked his scent? Wow, Gon you really are weird." Killua scoffed.

"Well done, everyone. You've made it to the second phase of the hunter exam!" Satotz shouted. I shook Quinn a little bit in an attempt to wake them.

"Quinn, you gotta finish this." I continued shaking them in my arms a little bit. Their eyes slowly started to open a little.

"Y/n. Am I still taking the exam?" They whispered, eyes half-lidded. I nodded.

"So you have to get out of my arms now, okay? You gotta finish this part." I smiled warmly, hoping it would motivate them. They sighed, closed their eyes, and hopped out of my arms. They fiddled around with their white eyepatch and smoothed out their clothes.

"Thanks for holding me...I guess. Now let's do this." They huffed. With that, the doors began to open.

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