17- 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘝𝘢𝘴𝘦

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"Who'd you see?" I leaned forward.

"Good ol' Kurapika Kurta." They smirked. "Looks like I'm working with him. Isn't that cool?"

"Yeah! How's he doing?" I asked, drinking my milkshake.

"He's fine. Grew his hair out and wears a um...what's it called again? Not a kilt..." They snapped their fingers. "A tabard! It looks pretty cool too. I think he also got his ears pierced. He seems more emo than the last time we were all together."

"Huh, I didn't think that was possible." Killua chuckled.

"He's got one more stage of emo left," Quinn answered. "He'll either go kidcore, scenecore, or just wear a suit all the time." They deducted.

"Hmm...I say it's closer between scenecore or the suit thing." I nodded. "But...Mainly the suit thing."

"Yeah, I agree." They nodded. "He's a suit kinda dude."

"I can see that." I agreed.

"Oh yeah, he had this like...hand-chain...thingy? It looked pretty cool." Quinn looked up at the umbrella hiding us from the sun. "I want one. It had like rings on it and then it was like connected to his hand, it was super cool."


"Greed island?" Leorio repeated once we all got to our hotel.

"What's that?" Quinn flopped upside down on my bed.

"A legendary game," Killua replied, putting a bunny-shaped lollypop in his mouth.

"We're trying to get a copy at the auction." Gon nodded.

"But why would you even want one?" Leorio sipped his tea.

"I think the game might have a clue in it to help me find my dad." The boy in the green jacket smiled.

"Huh? A clue hidden in some video game?" Leorio set his cup down. "Why do you think that?"

"Well...it's kind of a long story." Gon chuckled.

"Anyway, the problem's the cost." Killua sighed.

"How much is it?" Leorio asked.

"Lowest starting bid's at 8.9 billion jenny." I rested my head on Killua's lap. "Doesn't help that we're broke either."

"Did you say billion?" Leorio and Quinn shouted.

"They sure did." Killua stroked my hair lovingly.

"How much do you have?" Leorio leaned forward.

"After some bad investments, we're down to 6 million." Gon chuckled sheepishly.

"Because this reckless little kitty decided to steer clear of the dependable sights." I sighed, poking his cheek. "You're lucky I love you, otherwise I would've beaten you half to death." I joked.

"Oh hush." He giggled, leaning down and planting a sweet kiss on my nose.

"Make me," I smirked.

"Oh, this again? Come on." He laughed. "I could easily do it with a kiss." Killua cooed. "Would you want that?" He chuckled.

"So what if I would?" I teased. "I'd bet you'd like it too."

"Of course I would, ya dork. Cuz I loooove you." He smiled.

"That's cute, kitty." I laughed.

"Awe, you're not gonna say it back?" He whined. "You're so mean, player 2."

Quinn stood up, their feet stomping against the ground. "I'm gonna go get a monster from the vending machine. I'll be right back." They grunted.

"I...I better go with them. Just to make sure that they'll be okay." I nodded, getting up and opening the door to follow them.

I found them leaning against the wall, gripping their chest, and putting their hand on said wall. Blood-spotted white roses came coughing up out of their throat. They fell onto their knees and held onto their leggings.

"Y/n...당신은 당신이 나에게 무슨 짓을하는지 몰라. Damn it. Damn it, Killua." They sniffled. "Damn it!" They shouted, tilting their head back. More flowers came out of their mouth. "Fuck."

"Quinn?" I crouched and sat down by them. "Are you okay?"

"What do you think?" They chuckled, wiping blood from their mouth. "Just go back to Killua, okay? I...I need you to do that for me, angel."

"Quinn, let me help you." I grabbed onto their arm. "I want to help."

"Just go." They snapped. "I don't need you to baby me, Y/n."

"I'm not babying you! I'm trying to help you! I want to help you because I love you, Quinn!" I shouted.

"You don't love me, you pity me!" They yelled back, tears falling down their face. "I don't want your fucking pity!"

"My pity? I don't pity you! I care about you." I gripped their arm tighter.

"What's the difference? Nobody loves me they just want to act like they do to-" They began, but their eyes shut and they collapsed.

"Quinn?" I held them close. "Quinn!" I picked them up and carried them back to the room. I slammed open the door. "They collapsed in the hallway, I don't know what happened. Their hanahaki started flaring up and then they fell. I'm...I don't know...They just!" I started to panic.

"Hey, hey, you're okay! Calm down. Let's just check their heartbeat." Killua rationalized. He took them from my hands and gently laid them down on the couch. He put his ear up to their chest. "Okay. Their heart's beating and they're breathing. Quinn's just unconscious." 

"Will they be okay?" I stepped forward.

"Well..." Leorio took their pulse. "They should be just fine. In the meantime, just relax."

"I don't know if I can..." I sighed.

"Y/n." Killua grabbed both of my hands. "I know you're worried. I know this is stressful, but you can make it through. I know so much has been going on. I know you're stressed. But try and sleep. If not for you, then for me?"

"It's too early to sleep now," I replied.

"Hey, why don't you and Killua go on a date? Then when it's time to get ready for bed, you can just come back!" Gon suggested.

"Well...It's a good idea, but we don't have money to go on a date." I replied. "As much as I'd like to...Wait, what day is it?" I asked.

"Mmm...the 2nd. Why?" Leorio replied.

"The festival." I smiled. "There's a festival in the valentine plaza tonight. It starts in about an hour. Food's free and there's rides and snacks."

"How much does admission cost?" Killua asked.

"It's free. So what would you think? Wanna go? It's all we can really do." I walked over to him.

"Of course I'd like to go with you." He smiled at me, making my heart melt.

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