05- 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘹 𝘐𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵

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We walked through the forest. Killua barely made a sound. His footsteps were silent, and he didn't talk. "Are you okay?" I asked after about 10 minutes of silence. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said grumpily.

"Your tone says otherwise." I laughed. "Well! I- you! Ugh!" He whined. "What?" I was trying very hard not to laugh. "It's whatever!" He exclaimed, his silver hair moving.

"Are you jealous I made a new friend?" I teased. "No!" Killua yelled. I laughed. "I knew it! That's why you were fighting with them!" My giggles filled the forest. Killua's cheeks turned a shade of pink. 

"Well, you're the idiot who trusted them so quickly! You shoulda waited a little bit, ya moron!" He gritted his teeth.

"Okay, Okay. I'm an idiot, sure. But you're still my best and first friend. Happy?" I grinned. "I guess." Killua shoved his hands in his pockets.

We arrived to find the clearing we started in. However, the bus was nowhere to be found. "Well, now what?" I sighed. I sat down on the ground.

"We go find it. Quinn told us to, so that's what we'll do." Killua remarked. "Since the bus isn't where it originally was, that just proves my point. She's gotta be in there." He continued.

"Fine," I complained, picking myself back up. We wandered around the forest for a little bit longer. It had been about an hour.

"Killua we've been walking for forever! Let's take a break!" I whined. He didn't reply and just kept walking. My feet started to hurt and I was mentally panicking. We only had 7 hours left, which wasn't enough time to explore an entire forest, especially not for two kids.

Just then a loud airhorn sounded off. "Team Y/n, Killua, and Quinn have passed!" A familiar voice rang out. "The rest of you all have 7 hours left. Use them wisely!" I turned to Killua, very confused. 

Quinn approached us, coming out of the forest. "Hey losers. Guess who won the phase for you!" They said excitedly. Audria was behind them, along with the bus driver.

"Please follow us." She spoke, a smile on her face. We obeyed. "So how'd you pull it off?" I asked. "We had one of the clones on the bus we originally showed up in. We hid in the forest. The person who made the announcement just now was the clone on the bus. I was also able to clone the driver, so no one would catch on." She replied, her glossy black hair glistening in the sun.

"We've got another bus for all the applicants who've passed." The driver spoke. Said bus was much bigger than the one we arrived in, even though fewer applicants would get in this one. We stepped inside. 

Audria stopped herself at the door. "Unfortunately, I still have to hide for the others. We've got three other plans so that no one finds me. I'll see you soon." She smiled and left.

"I'll lead you to your rooms." The bus driver smiled. We walked up the stairs of the bus. This "bus" was more like a hotel on wheels. We were brought up to the very top floor. "Here you are. Quinn is room 30, Y/n is 31, and Killua is 32." He gestured to the rooms.

"Why do we need rooms?" I asked. "The drive to the exam site will take a couple of days. Since we want you to get some rest before then, we prepared some for you." He explained and then turned away. At the end of the hall, there was a large vending machine. I walked over to it, slightly curious.

"Please state your name." A robotic voice came from the machine. "Uhm... Y/n." I spoke. I was a bit startled. "Proceed." The voice responded. I grabbed the most eye-catching candy. It was a brightly-colored box that was in the shape of a robot. The label that was underneath it read "Chocolate robots" which was an interesting concept. I feel like if the robots were real and functional, they'd overheat and melt the chocolate. Or the chocolate would get in the robot's endoskeleton and stop it from working. I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

"Well, I'm going to bed. My back hurts from carrying you guys through this entire phase. Bye!" Quinn turned to their room. "What an A-hole." Killua scowled.

"Be nice." I nudged his arm lightly with my elbow. "I'm trying." He complained. "It's hard when they act like that." His frown became wider.

"Want some?" I held out the robot box. "Chocolate robots?" He exclaimed, practically having stars in his eyes. "Here!" I stretched my arm out a bit farther. Killua ripped the box from my hand, excitement the prominent expression on his face.

"I said you can have some! That's the whole damn box!" I whined. "And you can pry it from my cold, dead hands!" He laughed and got up. "Why you-" I got up, fully prepared to take him down. He rushed towards the end of the hallway, but fortunately, I was right behind him.

"I'm gonna get you!" I laughed. "I've been trained to be an assassin! What makes you think a tiny shrimp is gonna get between me and my chocolate?" He grinned. "Shrimp?! I am not a shrimp! Maybe you're just overpowered!" I scoffed. 

He ran up the wall (somehow defying the laws of gravity) and stationed himself in a corner of the hall. "How the hell are you doing that?" I laughed. "Assasin!" He exclaimed.

"You're the worst," I said in between laughs. "Thank you." Killua grinned. He opened the box and popped one of the chocolate balls in his mouth. "Wait. I'll throw one down to you and you'll have to try and catch it in your mouth. Ready?" He grabbed another one out of the box.

"No." He threw one anyway. It hit my forehead. "Ow!" I said. Killua threw it pretty hard so it hurt. "Catch it next time!" He laughed.

He threw another one, and this time I caught it. I laughed loudly. Killua hopped down. "I'm going to bed. G'night." He turned around.

"With the chocolate robots? You barely know them!" I joked. "You're a pervert." Killua laughed.

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