37- 𝘞𝘦 𝘹 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴

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It was time for the third round of the final phase and it was Kurapika against Hisoka. The round wasn't much, at least not to me anyway. The two flew through the air, landing hits on each other whenever they could. After Kurapika took a minute to catch his breath, Hisoka whispered into Kurapika's ear, causing his eyes to widen. "I lose this one," Hisoka smirked, walking back as Kurapika stood still.

Afterward, it was Hanzo against the guy with poor taste in hats. Hanzo won, showing absolutely no mercy. The next match was between an old man and Hisoka. After tossing around for a while, Hisoka won. For the fifth match, Killua's turn to fight the guy with terrible hat choice, but he just walked the other way. "Yeah, sorry, but I'm just not interested in fighting you." He declared, waving his hand and shutting his eyes, smiling as he got closer to the line. Because the old guy had a bunch of injuries, Leorio requested to hold off on their match, leaving Killua and the guy with a bunch of pins in his face to go against each other. 

Killua walked up to the tall man and glanced at him. He stepped up, never taking his eyes off of the tall man before him. 

"It's been a while, Kil." His voice was deep and had almost an edge to it. Killua seemed to be taken off guard. The adult took out the needles stuck to his face and the albino's breath hitched. More pins began to be taken out of his face and His hair began to fall and turn to an inky black as his face disturbingly twisted into totally different features. His eyes grew large and his eyebrows became thin and pointed. Killua gasped, his eyes growing wide and pupils growing small.

"Big brother..." Killua stammered quietly.

"Hey." Killua's sibling responded as the younger brother was covered in a cold sweat. 

"He's Killua's brother?" Leorio thought aloud.

"Those needles were used to change his appearance?" Kurapika questioned. I just stayed quiet, my eyes trained on the man parallel to Killua. He'd be incredibly attractive if his presence wasn't so off-putting to me.

"I heard you stabbed mom and Milluki." He said, his expression never changing.

"This motherfucker talks too slow!" Quinn said, just loud enough for me and a few others to hear.

"Guess so." Killua smiled nervously.

"Mom couldn't stop crying." The bug-eyed weirdo tilted his head.

"Well, who would blame her? Anybody'd cry if their kid did that!" Leorio said bitterly.

"She was just so happy." He continued as Leorio fell. "She was delighted to see that her son was finally grown up. But she's concerned about you being out on your own and she asked me to check up on you when I got the chance. Lucky me, huh? I had absolutely no idea you wanted to be a hunter." Killua stayed silent, listening to his brother's rant. "As for me, I'm here to get a license for a job that's coming up."

"I-I don't actually want to become a hunter!" Killua stammered. "I just felt like taking the exam." He tilted his head up slightly, his white, poofy hair moving as he did so.

"I see..." The man gave Killua a blank stare. "Well, that's a relief. In that case, I have some advice for you. You're not cut out to be a hunter." Killua's shoulders raised as he glanced at his sibling with wide eyes, shrouded with fear. "You were born for one purpose. To be an assassin."

"That's not true!" I shouted, stepping forward a bit. 

The man with black hair turned to look at me for a moment, raising an eyebrow. "Oh? It's you. Killua's little sheep." his glare was icy and manipulative. 

"Yeah, that's me, I guess," I said. "Though, calling me a sheep is a bit much, don't ya think?" I muttered under my breath. "But that's beside the point! Just because Killua was born into something doesn't mean he has to do it! It's his life, not yours, not your mom's, but his. So he should get to do what he wants with it." I huffed. His eyes began to grow more intense and harder to navigate. "You're Illumi, right?"

"You're correct." He nodded.

"Right, well, Illumi. Killua's shown me more kindness during these past few weeks than anyone's ever shown me in my entire life. He's a good person who shouldn't be subjected to reasonless murder!" I argued, though his silence made it seem like I was screaming at a wall.

"Your points are all just something of a fantasy world. Killua will never lead the life he wants. He simply can't handle it." Illumi scoffed, turning around with his beautiful black hair shimmering behind him. "You're a puppet of darkness, devoid of passion. There is nothing you desire, nor is there anything you wish for." He continued, looking at Killua. "As one who lives in the shadows, the only pleasure you're capable of is from causing death. Because...that's how Dad and I raised you." Killua let out small grunts of fear.

"What do you imagine that you would accomplish by becoming a hunter?" Illumi asked.

"It's true. I don't really want to be a hunter. But, everyone wants something. Even me!" More beads of sweat dripped down Killua's face.

"You don't," Illumi said coldly.

"You're wrong!" Killua stomped his foot. "There is something that I really want!" His voice quavered.

"Enlighten me. What is it that you want?" Killua choked up, letting out small gasps. "What's the matter? There really isn't anything, is there?"

"There is!" Killua shouted. "I..." He went quiet again. "Want to be...friends with Gon and Y/n," he admitted. "I...I'm just so sick of killing people. I wanna be friends with them and just have fun." He sniffled a bit.

"Killua, don't be ridiculous! You already are my friend!" I shouted, trying to put on an understanding smile despite all the nervousness I was feeling. He glanced at me for a split second, before Illumi interrupted by calling his name.

"They're a liar, Kil. Don't listen to them. Come home where we're all honest with you." He tricked. "And besides, that life you want is impossible. You are incapable of friendship." Killua looked back up at him. "The only thing that you can do is discern whether or not you can kill them. That is all you were ever taught."

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