42- 𝘈 𝘹 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱 𝘹 𝘪𝘯 𝘹 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘹 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘹 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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"Yeah let's go right now!" Gon smiled.

"I'm with them!" Leorio joined in.

"Let's get Killua back! I miss his stupid remarks." Quinn chuckled.

"Got it! I'll order the tickets then." Kurapika grinned, quickly typing on the computer. 

We quickly left the library and went inside a taxi. I sat between Gon and Leorio. As cramped as it was, I oddly felt at home. It was nice in a way. I was stuck with my favorite dumbasses. One of the more unfortunate things, however, was that Leorio's cologne smelled absolutely awful. "Leorio, with all due respect, your man perfume stinks. I think you sprayed too much." I frowned, scrunching up my nose.

"Excuse me? My man perfume smells amazing!" Leorio laughed. "In all seriousness, I'm sorry. I won't use this one next time." he ruffled up my hair a bit and I nodded.

We waited for a little while longer and watched as traffic began to build up. I grew worried and I could feel my stomach churning from all my nervousness. I definitely needed to eat something.

"What's going on? Feels like we've been stuck here forever!" Leorio grunted.

"This is bad." Kurapika sighed. "At this rate, we'll be late for our flight."

"There's no way in hell I'm gonna let that happen. We gotta think of a way out of this." I sighed.

"Hey, pops! Do something!" Leorio frowned.

"Shut up old man! You know he can't do anything, it's not like he can control the road! It's hot, I'm tired, this car is stuffy, and it's getting real late, so think of a solution with the rest of us please." Quinn sighed, running a hand through their navy blue hair. They took off their eyepatch covering their right eye to reveal their singular green one.

"Hey, like I said before, I'm a teenager too! And yeah, he can't do anything, you're right, but this is stressful for all of us, not just you and Y/n." He huffed.

"Nothing I can do about traffic. And it's the only road!" The taxi driver sighed.

"Hm. In that case!" Gon smiled, as I practically saw the lightbulb go off in his mind. He quickly opened the door and hopped out of the car. "C'mon you guys! Let's go!"

I grinned and hopped out too, standing next to him. "I think I get the idea. C'mon you three, no time to dawdle!" I giggled. Everyone had now evacuated the car and we all began to run on the side-walk-like barrier of the freeway. "We're getting Killua back!" I cheered, taking the lead.

"Yay!" Shouted Gon from behind me, who seemed as ecstatic as I was.

"Hey, do you guys realize how far away the airport is?" Leorio shouted over the sounds of car horns honking and the clacking of our feet against the cement.

"Well, sure! But we wanna go rescue Killua, and I didn't want to wait around another second!" Gon smiled.

"Neither did I! We know Killua wouldn't wait for us, so there's no way we can just sit around for him! Let's go!" I yelled back.

"Fine, you win!" Leorio beamed as he and Kurapika picked up the pace.

"You guys are crazy, you know that?" Quinn laughed. "But I like you, so I guess you're pretty all right."

"Running like this kinda reminds me of the hunter's exam." Kurapika noted.

"Yeah! I know, right!" Gon replied. "But this is a heck of a lot easier than the hunter's exam was!" he closed his eyes and smiled widely.

"And this time, I've got a proper motive!" I smiled, feeling more determined than before.

"And what might that be?" Kurapika chuckled.

"To see Killua again! Man, I'm gonna give him the biggest, warmest, most best hug in the entire world! And I'll tell him how much I missed him and how much I care about him and just, make him feel so, so, so loved! It's the least I can do for him." I huffed, running short of breath.

"Yours and Killua's relationship dynamic is real cute y'know?" Quinn smirked. "Anyway!"

"Race you guys to the airport!" Gon laughed, running ahead of me. "Ready, set, go!"

"Hey!" I giggled, trying to catch up on speed. "There's no way I'm gonna let you win!"

"I'm gonna beat you!" Gon teased playfully, sticking out his tongue.

"No way, I'm gonna be the winner!" Quinn sped up.

We finally arrived at the airport and got onto the airship by nightfall. Kurapika, Quinn, and Leorio went to go get food as Gon and I sat in silence. I glanced at the boy in front of me, whose eyes looked vacant and sad. He just fixated outside the window, as though it'd distract him from all of his thoughts. I felt this same feeling, though how I'd tell him, I wasn't too sure.

"Gon." I frowned, gently grabbing his sleeve. His attention was now turned towards me, and his dull eyes seemed to return to normal. "There's nothing to worry about. We're gonna save him, okay? I...I can empathize with you, Killua means a lot to me too. Which is why we can't give up. Whether that's giving up to his parents or to our own emotions. We just gotta remember that it's all gonna be okay." I smiled, trying to ease him.

"I just...I can't believe someone would try and take him from us like that, you know? To have someone show up and then completely disappear. It's so terrible." I watched as a few tears fell from his eyes. I walked over to his seat in the booth and held him tightly, giving him a good hug.

"I know, I know. But it'll be all right. He's not gonna be gone forever. We just have to tell ourselves that we have to remind ourselves that he's going to be back with us soon. Because he will be." I closed my eyes, trying to tell myself the information that I had told Gon. "Sometimes people come and go in life, for short periods of time too, but Killua's not one of them. He's the type who'll be here for as long as he can."

"Y-Yeah. You're right." Gon sniffed. I let him go and wiped up some of his very few remaining tears with my thumb. I picked up a napkin from the table and gave it to him so he could blow his nose. "Thanks, Y/n."

"Nothing to thank me for, buddy. Just remember what I told you, okay?"


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