09- 𝘝𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘵 𝘹 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘨

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"So you knew dad?" Quinn asked as we continued running.

"He practically raised me! Kinda weird to think that his kid's right next to me." I laughed. All we could really do was run. We weren't sure where we were going, but we were going somewhere. They didn't say anything, but a sad smile crept onto their face.

"Did you ever want to see him again?" Quinn inquired.

"Yeah kinda. But I just figured that he got bored of me. That's why I didn't chase after him." I sighed. The memories of hide and seek filled my ears and I heard my younger self giggling after I found my favorite spot to hide.

"He didn't get bored of you. He met my Mom one day when he was out. He felt this devotion to her, and so they got married. After dating for a while of course. He said he couldn't stay with you and maintain his responsibilities as a dad. He'd feel guilty like he was leaving me behind." Quinn sighed.

"Right. I'm sorry. I guess it was selfish of me to assume otherwise." I apologized.

"No, I get it. Sometimes when someone leaves you, even for your own well-being, it feels like abandonment." Quinn glared at the mist in front of us, maintaining their steady breath.

We didn't talk much after that. The fog in front of us was getting harder to see through, but thankfully we were able to stay close to each other. I ran into something and fell, letting out a small "Oof."

It was a tree. "Are you okay?" Quinn called out from close behind me.

"Yeah!" I replied, rubbing my sore butt as I got up.

I looked up at the big tree in front of me as if I were asking it for a clue. I was terribly lost and I felt exhausted. I wanted to collapse right then and there. And so, I did.

I closed my eyes, just for a little bit. Then I felt a small kick at my side. "Hey, wake up stupid. You'll get killed or something." I heard a familiar voice call. I opened my eyes to find Killua with Gon and Quinn standing next to him.

"Hmph."I got up and pouted.

"You're welcome by the way," Killua smirked as though he just saved me from a murderer.

"For what? All you did was kick me." I hissed. We continued walking for a little while, Gon and Quinn right in front of us. Killua sighed. The crunching of the leaves underneath our feet was a sound I had grown pretty used to.

"But it woke you up, right? You gotta gimmie some credit there." He bragged.

"I wasn't asleep to begin with, stupid." I huffed out. Quinn and Gon were still about a foot ahead of us, which allowed us to keep an eye on them.

"Whatever." He scoffed. I laughed a little, surprised he was acting this immature. I mean, I was one to talk. I refused to touch him until the end of this exam just because he told me I wasn't fun. That made my maturity level between a 5-year old's or a middle-aged mom's.

"I'm gonna catch up with Quinn." I sped up a little bit, but Killua caught up to me. This was odd, but I just went faster. He continued to match my pace. "What's with you?" I asked.

"You're always with them! We've barely talked since the pre-phase. I'm your first friend, right? So you should hang out with me a little more!" Killua sighed, maintaining the swift pace we achieved.

"Why do you care so much anyway? It's not like Quinn's kidnapping me or anything. I'm fine." I retorted. It was somewhat difficult to keep up without stumbling over tree branches, but I could manage.

"Because I've never-" Killua started but then went silent, most likely thinking about what he really was going to say. "Nevermind. It's not important. The point is, you barely spend time with me. It doesn't bother me or anything...it's just something I happened to notice." He scoffed.

"Okay," I muttered. We remained in silence for a little longer, until we came across a certain place in the ground.

Said spot of ground wasn't very solid, and thus we fell through. It felt like we had entered a large animal's mouth. "Okay, who's in here with us?" Quinn asked in a panicky tone of voice.

"I'm here!" Gon answered.

"Hi," Killua grunted.

"No need to worry 'bout me, Quinn!" I smiled, though no one could see it. "So how do we get out of this one?" I inquired.

"Remember those drinks Tonpa was giving out?" Killua responded.

"Yeah. The ones with the laxatives." I sighed, remembering how Killua was always stealing anything edible from me.

"Well, I've still got some leftover. We could try getting out that way." He sighed.

"So you want this thing...to let us out through...manure?" I asked, hoping that wasn't our only option.

"What? No! Vomit." He declared, as though that was any better. I scrunched my nose up at the idea. But I suppose that way was better than nothing.

"You're sure that'll work?" Quinn shuddered. Well, sounded like they shuddered. I can't see.

"Yup! Just ask Gon, I'm sure he'll agree with me." Killua affirmed, most likely pointing at Gon. "Now, Get ready to be thrown up." He sounded almost excited. Gross.

With barely any warnings, we were quickly spewed out of the stomach while the creature that had swallowed us waddled away. It was a frog-like creature, but a very big frog. He seemed like a gentleman, despite eating us.

"I guess he might not have liked the way we tasted, huh?" Gon laughed, rubbing his hand on the back of his head.

"It was the laxatives remember?" Quinn reminded him.

"Oh. Right." Gon giggled. Killua picked up the can that was laying in the fluid.

"Yeah. But I probably could've escaped without it. I just did it to save all of you guys." Killua scoffed.

"Okay, buddy." I laughed. We got out of the pile of vomit.

"I'm still pretty worried about Leorio and Kurapika" Gon sighed, ignoring Killua's previous remark.

"Forget about them, we need to keep moving. We can still make it if we start right now." Killua got up. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Isn't that a bit mean?" I nagged, a bit disappointed Killua would say something like that.

"Oh, they'll be fine. They'd probably say the same about us." Killua responded. He began to run and after standing a bit with Gon, we began to follow. A somewhat awkward silence fell over the four of us for some reason. 

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