87- 𝘈𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘡𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘺𝘤𝘬

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Hey guys! It's Ghost again! I've published the Q and A if you guys wanted to read it! Link in the comments. Love you guys, enjoy the chapter! <33

"My what? Y/n, what are you talking about?" Killua seemed upset.

"Who's your sister?" I repeated. "I'd like to know. And don't lie to me."

"Wasn't planning on it." He replied, not looking me in the eye. "We should leave. Did Hisoka give you any injuries?"

"I'm fine, Killua. Just tell me the truth." I huffed.

He stayed quiet for a little, before sitting down on the bench next to me. I dully glanced at other couples walking by, smiling a little bit at the sight of a pair of fathers with their daughter, who wore pigtails and a pink tutu.

"Okay. But we've got to get out of here." He sighed, grabbing my hand and leaving the mall.

"Why do we have to leave?" I asked as we got closer to the exit.

"You never know who's listening." He frowned, rushing. "I know you're a little angry with me at the moment, but is it okay if I pick you up? We'll be able to go home faster that way."

"Fine." I scowled, hopping into his arms like usual. "And I'm only mad at you because you didn't tell me about this sooner."

"I know, I'm sorry, Y/n." Killua sighed, supporting my back with his arms.

"It's fine just tell me the truth." I cupped his face and put on a small smile. "And don't hide it from me again." I laughed, tugging the tip of his ear.

"Ow!" He giggled. "Okay, okay, I won't"


We arrived back at my room at the arena and I sat on the bed, watching Killua take deep breaths before plopping onto the bed. He rested his head in my lap and smiled warmly. "I love you." He cooed.

"Stop being so cheesy and tell me about your sister. I wanna meet her!" I grinned. "I bet she's just as cute as you. Maybe even cuter." I joked.

"Psh, no one is cuter than me." Killua scoffed. "Anyway, you're right. I guess I should start now."

"Yay!" I clapped. "Okay, I'm ready." I grabbed a stuffed cat from my bag and cuddled up in the blanket, which was very soft and fluffy.

"You dork." Killua laughed, getting next to me and laying my head in his chest.

"What's her name?" I asked, feeling very comfortable and almost sleepy.

"Alluka." He replied, his voice sending out a vibration through his body.

"Miss Alluka Zoldyck," I repeated. "I like it. How old is she?"

"11. A year younger than us. But I have to tell you about something." He confessed. 

"Yeah?" I gazed up at him, making note of his worried expression.

"She's got another person living inside her." He sighed.

"Oh. Like a parasite?"

"Yeah, kinda. I call her Nanika. She can grant wishes, so naturally, my family uses her because of that." Killua huffed, his facial expression turning from worried to annoyed quickly.

"Okay. Let's go get Alluka and Nanika then." I shrugged. "We can save both of them like how we saved you."

"Wait, but you could get hurt again!" He sat up. "And I wouldn't want that."

"Killua, I'll be all right." I giggled. "Though it's kinda cute how you're worried about me."

"Shush." He chuckled. "But seriously, the thought of losing you keeps me up at night."

"You've thought about it before?" I asked, not thinking much of it. He remained quiet, but I felt a drop on the top of my head. "Kit kat?" I glanced up at him, only to notice that tears were falling out of his eyes. "Hey, hey, why are you crying, Killua?"

"I've had..so many dreams." He squeaked. "You always die somehow. And...One...One time it was..." He continued sobbing, unable to speak.

"Hey, you're okay, sweet boy. It's all right!" I gave him a tight hug.

"I killed you!" Killua yelled, more tears falling down his pale cheeks as he glanced at his hands. "I killed you! I killed Y/n!"

"No, Killua! I'm right here." I whispered in his ear, holding him tight. "It's okay! I'm right here, sweet boy!"

"I killed you, I loved you and I killed you!" He continued, repeating the illusion he saw in his nightmare. "I hurt you."

"You didn't. You wouldn't. I know you, Killua. You'd never, ever hurt me on purpose." I comforted, making sure to not let go of his shivering body.

"B-But Illumi said..."

"Who gives a shit about what Illumi said?" I huffed. "You're my sweet Killua. And my Killua would never do something like that!"

"But I'm related to murderers." He wept. "It'd make sense that I'd hurt someone I love too!"

"Oh, Killua." I smiled sweetly. "Just because you're related to monsters doesn't mean you have to be one too." I put my forehead against his. "You are your own person. And not all of your family's that bad! I mean, Alluka seems like such a sweet girl. Think of all the good you've accomplished in this life."

"Good?" He sniffled.

"Mhm. You've made me a much happier person by just your existence. You've made Gon happy. I'm sure you've made both Alluka and Nanika very happy as well." I rubbed circles on his back in an attempt to calm him down. "Killua, you've saved me from a life of sadness. I doubt I'd be where I am now without you."

"Really?" He blinked.

"Really. Now come on, let's lay down." I offered, placing my head on the soft pillow. I smiled as Killua did the same.


"Yes, Killua?" I grinned, happy that he seemed a bit calmer.

"This is sorta embarrassing, but...could you play with my ears?"

"Sure Killua." I chuckled. "Which part?"

"Mm...the part at the top. Y'know, the one that curves around sorta."

"The helix?" I laughed, touching the part of the ear I was referencing.

"Yeah, that's the one." He smiled. I began to rub my finger around it gently and giggled as Killua's grin grew wider. "Sorry if it's weird, but I'd kinda mess with it whenever I'd get panicky at my house. Like after a job and stuff."

"Oh, I don't think it's weird! I think it's cute, actually." I replied. "Hey, is it okay if I tried something?"

"Sure, I don't mind." He replied. I grinned and planted a small kiss on the tip of his ear. "H-Hey, what?" He exclaimed. "That tickles!" He laughed.

"Can we go get Alluka someday?" I whispered in his ear.

"Mm...Maybe someday."

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