45- 𝘎𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘹 𝘰𝘧 𝘹 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘹 𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦

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"Oh, damn it. Mike is only supposed to eat at designated times." The man frowned. "Mike, don't blame those extra pounds on me!" He shouted.

"What was that thing?" Kurapika gasped, his gaze beginning to move to the top of the gate.

"Hey, you guys! What are you doing?" The tour guide shouted from the bus, waving a red flag in the air. "Time to get back on the bus!"

Gon turned around and smiled. "Oh! Go ahead without us, cuz, we're all staying here!" I nodded, giggling a bit at Gon's simple response.

"We're here on a visit, is all. We'll be fine!" I explained.

"Fine, but if you get injured, you can't sue us!" She huffed, just before speeding off.

"Jeeze, what an uptight woman." Quinn sighed. They turned to the man who was still sitting on the ground. "You all right?"

"I'm fine. How about you all come inside for a moment?" He got up and walked to the security shed, putting the door back.

"Sure!" I smiled, stepping in after him.

We all stepped inside and waited for a bit, not saying much. Gon explained everything to the man, as I nervously nodded to confirm everything. "Ah, I see. You're young master Killua's friends, are you?" He set out 5 cups of green tea.

"That's correct. I miss him a lot, so I wanna at least try to see him again. I really think it'll work!" I smiled, trying to build up more confidence.

"Happy to hear it! I've worked here for the past 20 years and to the best of my recollection, you 5 are the first friends who've ever come to visit." He put the tea down in front of Gon, who didn't seem surprised at the information just given to us.

"Really? I mean, I know he's an assassin and all, but I figured he'd sneak out and make a few. Maybe sneak them inside occasionally." Quinn muttered.

"Now, I probably shouldn't be telling you this, seeing as how I work here, but this place is pretty lonely. No one ever really visits. Well, except those types. We get our fair share of those." He chuckled, pointing at the trash can with the skeletons stuffed lazily inside. "But a family of assassins is bound to be unusual! Guess that's the price they have to pay."

"It just kinda sucks though. I'm not sure if this will offend you or not, so I'm sorry if it does, but Killua only ran because he was forced into something he didn't want to do. The only reason he came back was because Illumi did something to him." I sighed, staring at the warm cup of tea I clasped in my hands.

"No offense taken. I'm not too involved with what goes on in the master's house, so I'm not too sure what's going on in all honesty." He chuckled. "But good on you for being so loyal!"

"Thank you." I smiled, feeling close to tears for a reason I was quite unsure of. I watched as I unknowingly, but quietly cried into my tea. "I'm going to be loyal to Killua for as long as I can, so I simply have to get him back. Whatever it takes, I'm gonna get to see him again." I said to myself, hoping no one else could hear me.

"I'm so glad you're here, really!" He smiled.

"Don't mention it," Leorio said nervously.

"However..." His tone went from sweet to angry within the blink of an eye. "That doesn't mean I'll be able to let any of you inside."

"What do we have to do?" I stood up from my seat.

"Hey, just wait." Quinn frowned, pulling my arm so I'd sit back down. "You've been a bit stressed, I can tell, so just try to relax here." They whispered once I had plopped back next to them.

"How am I supposed to relax when Killua could be being tortured?" I replied.

"Just keep calm, okay? We're gonna get him back, and he's gonna be all right. You're gonna spend so much time with him, you'll be practically inseparable. In fact, I hope you got a crowbar in that weird little bag of yours so you can pry him off you when you need to." They teased.

"Surprisingly enough, I don't. I think I brought a hammer in here though." I joked.

"I wouldn't be shocked." They laughed, nudging my arm with their elbow gently.

"You saw it earlier, didn't you?" The man asked, refocusing my attention on him. "How huge the beast's arm was? That arm belongs to Mike. It's the Zoldyck's watchdog." He explained.

"Killua never told me he had a puppy." I frowned.

"Maybe because his "puppy" could swallow you whole." Quinn sighed.

"I like dogs." I sighed, ignoring them.

"It only obeys the family, and it attacks everyone else. As a matter of a fact, it's still following the order it's master gave it 10 years ago. To kill every single intruder who tries to get inside." The guard continued. "I guess he isn't following it technically because he keeps eating them!" He laughed. "But, like I was saying, I can't let you in. I wouldn't like friends of young master Killua's being stripped down to their skeletons."

"Question; how is it that you're safe here?" Kurapika asked. The man hummed in confusion. "It's just, you can go inside. And if you were never allowed to go in, it's unlikely you would be given a key." 

"That's very perceptive." He responded. "But the fact is, you're only about half-right. See, I don't need a key to get inside." He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a large key. "This key was specially made for intruders only."

"There's a key for intruders?" Leorio asked, as though looking for clarification.

"Then what's the point of a guard if you'll just let the invaders in?" Quinn grunted.

"Almost all of them go right for the front gate, about 90%. I couldn't begin to tell you why though. If I don't open the gate for them, every time without fail, they try to break it down." He continued to smile. "They're real troublemakers, these types. That's why we added a locked door to one side. Works pretty well!"

"What do we have to do to go through it? I'm not gonna give up on him, so tell me what I can do to help!" I smiled, trying to stay determined.

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