02- 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘹 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘹 𝘖𝘶𝘵

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I woke up to an empty bed, which made me feel a bit lonely.

I walked into the kitchen carefully, as though my footsteps would awaken some sort of evil presence if they were too loud. I saw Killua, trying to cook, but failing miserably. "You doin' all right there, Killboy?" I laughed.

"I think I might've burned them." He smiled nervously.

"Here, lemme see." I walked over to see the pancakes burnt into a crisp. "Ooh, yeah, we need to throw those away." I scrunched up my nose.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" He chuckled.

"Yeah, you are." I joked. "Anyway, where's Gon?"

"Oh, he's out right now, so it's just us here." He smiled, trying to salvage the leftover batter.

"Here, lemme help." I offered, moving over to the stove. "So usually, what you want to do is put it in a plastic baggy, like this. Then you snip the tip and just squeeze it out. Now, you have to actually look at the pancake so that way it doesn't burn."

"You're pretty." He said, out of nowhere.

"Where'd that come from?" I laughed.

"It's true. You're really, really pretty." His tone was serious.

"You're pretty too," I replied. Our faces got closer to each other, and the tip of our noses touched, making the butterflies in my stomach go wild. "What are we about to do?"

"I think we're gonna kiss now, right?"

"But we can't. Quinn could come in at any moment."

"But I want to kiss you." He whined. "Really, really bad."

"I'm okay...I'm okay with that." I shut my eyes and put my lips against his, enjoying the way they locked together like two puzzle pieces just meant to fit together.

"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice call out. I broke the lip lock to find Quinn standing at the kitchen doorstep, with Gon at their side.

"Oh, Quinn!" Killua stammered. 

"So how long has this been going on?" They sighed, flowers growing from their skin as vines wrapped around their throat. "Why didn't you tell me? Don't you know that I love you? You need to tell me what's going on with you!" They shouted. "Especially if you love someone else, Y/n!" They continued yelling, right before vomiting up more blood and flowers.

"Quinn, slow down!" Gon held them as they toppled over.

"I'm fine! I'm fine." They coughed. "Let...go." They put their hand over their heart and winced. They wiped up the blood over their mouth with their sweater. "I should up my dosage..."

"Quinn, I'm sorry for not telling you." I rushed up to them and grabbed their cheeks, causing more flowers to grow out of their skin. "I was worried this would happen, which is why I didn't say anything."

"It's fine." They sighed. "Get me some water though, please."

"Of course." Killua filled up a cup and brought it over to the table, where they were sitting. "Here."

They downed the water and wore a small smile on their face. "Y'know, Killua? You're really lucky to have them. Take good care of them." They got up and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked, chasing after them.

"Yorknew." They replied. "I'm gonna start my job now. I've been on break for too damn long. Don't fight me on this, I need to try and get stronger. You guys have been making me too soft. Dad would be ashamed."

I just stared as they walked away. "But I want you to stay."

"See you September First." They replied coldly, shutting the door behind them. 

I walked over to the table and sat down, unsure of what to do. I looked down at the table and felt a few tears fall from my eyes. I sat there and cried silently, not making any noise. I just scratched my hands and stared.

"M-Maybe I should go too." I sniffled. "I'm not of much help, and my mom's already angry at me. I'll head home for a bit, then meet up with you again in September."

"What? No!" Killua sat down next to me quickly. "I don't want you to leave me! Don't go away!" He began to cry too. "Don't go away." He pulled me close to his chest.

"Y/n, you said you have fun with us! Why not stay?" Gon asked.

"Cuz I hurt Quinn again!" I got loud. "I hurt them! That's all I'm good for."

"What? No, no, no! You didn't do that on purpose! You were trying to help!" Killua comforted.

"But I still hurt them, intention doesn't change anything." I sniffled, my breakdown coming to an almost halt. "I should leave."

"Don't leave me." He gripped me tighter. "You're not allowed to go away. Not ever." Killua cooed.

"Never ever?" I sniffed.

"Never ever." He giggled. "Now, will you stay with us? Stay with me? Please?" He pulled back and looked at my face, his eyes full of desperation.

"Mm...Okay. But when we see Quinn again, we're gonna apologize immediately." I demanded, waving my finger in his face.

"I was gonna do that regardless, but I'm glad you feel the same way about it." He smiled, kissing the tip of my nose. "You're amazing and I love you so damn much."

"I love you too, Killua," I replied.

"And I love Aunt Mito!" Gon smiled.

"And Gon loves Aunt Mito." I laughed, wiping away the few tears that remained.

"Oh, can't you see? You are so beautiful, to meeee!" Killua referenced that one meme with the kid that sings that song. "You're breathtaking, my little angel." He kissed my forehead.

"I thought this was embarrassing in front of Gon." I teased.

"Well, you look like you could use some affection." He smiled sweetly.

"Sure." I smirked, giving him another kiss.

"I gotta get a camera!" Gon left and rushed upstairs to go grab the aforementioned object.

"Well, should we go on a date before he comes back?" Killua offered.

"Nope. You're getting your picture taken today." I giggled.

"I'm back!" Gon shouted, holding a polaroid camera in his hand. "Kiss again, hurry!"

I pulled Killua in and kissed him once again, smiling once I heard the click of the camera, followed by a flashing light.

"G-Gon! Y/n!" Killua's face was bright red.

"Got it!" Gon smiled wide, taking the picture out of the camera and handing it to me. "It'll develop in a while."

"A-All of you are morons!" Killua stammered. 

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