26- 𝘔𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘖𝘯

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"Examinee numbers 101, 404, 405,403, and 16 have passed the third phase of the exam." The PA system spoke.

"Y/n!" Quinn exclaimed, rushing over to where we were sitting. I pressed my pointer finger against my lips and pointed to Killua, who was still asleep. "Sorry..." they whispered. I glanced at Killua, who looked as peaceful as ever. I couldn't help but smile.

"He looks like he's having a pretty good dream. Whaddya think it's about?" Quinn asked, taking a seat on Killua's other side.

"Probably about Gon." I laughed. "The next phase is about to start though, so I should wake him up." I shook him lightly. "Kil. Kil, it's time to get up." His eyes shot open almost immediately. "Well good morning, sleeping beauty." I chuckled.

"Why didn't you wake me up when you woke up?" He whined.

"Because you need to sleep too. I don't want you looking like you're in your forties while you're still 12." I lightly punched his shoulder.

"I think I could pull it off." He smirked.

"You can't even pull off looking how you do now." Quinn retorted, earning a chuckle from Killua.

"I could say the same to you." He stood up and flicked their forehead.

"The fourth phase is about to begin! Please step outside the building." The PA system spoke.


We had all gathered outside and were required to draw a card from a small black box. I walked up and stuck my hand in. I didn't bother digging into the box, I just wanted the luck of the draw. I pulled out a card and walked back to my spot next to Gon. "You nervous?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'm kinda worried I'll get one of you guys as my target..." He sighed.

"Hmm...Well, If I'm your target I'll let ya know. I won't put it past you if you wanna snag my badge. I'll even give it to you." I smiled reassuringly, but Gon's face was still sad.

"But you're my friend! You'd fail the exam." He sighed.

"Well, I could still pass. I'd just have to grab my target's badge and three other badges." I smiled. 

"I guess you're right..." Gon smiled. "Thanks, Y/n!"

"Who do you think Killua's gonna get?" I asked, taking a seat on the grass next to him.

"Hmm, dunno." Gon just shrugged and plopped on the ground. I looked at the blue sky and smiled. Knowing the exam was almost over felt like absolute bliss. I didn't have to worry about people with clown make-up ripping off my arms or chasing after a man with unbelievably long legs and a fantastic mustache.

"It's so weird..." I sighed.

"What is?" Killua asked, walking up to the two of us.

"I just can't believe that the exam's almost over. I'm kinda scared..." I put on a sad smile.

"Why're you scared?" Killua sat down.

"Well, you guys are my first friends. I don't want to leave you guys. Not so soon anyway..." I sighed.

"Who says we're separating?" Killua smirked.

"Yeah! I kinda figured we'd be going on adventures together." Gon smiled innocently.

"You guys really want me to go with you?" I gasped.

"Duh. You're our friend, dummy! It'd be ridiculous if we told you not to come with us." Killua scoffed, flicking my forehead.

"Right." I giggled.


We were put on a boat, where an incredibly chipper woman greeted us. We were going to a place called Zevil island. I dug into my bag, trying to find my motion sickness pills. I would've saved them, but Leorio looked like he was gonna hurl. "Here." I managed to wobble my way over to him. "Motion sickness medicine." He skeptically took the pill from my hand. "If I wanted to drug you, I would've done it already. I'm not that terrible." I joked and Leorio laughed a little bit. I sat next to him and took the other pill that was in my hand.

"Thanks, kiddo." He smiled. We just sat in silence for a little while.

"So, pre-med huh? That's exciting." I smiled, trying to make conversation.

"Oh yeah. I'm planning on going to school after the exam."

"So an exam after an exam? Seems a bit much, Leorio." I chuckled. "I kinda want to be a doctor to though."

"Oh? What's your reasoning?" He nudged me playfully.

"Well, I don't know. I think spending all that time just to help people is a really incredible thing to do. I don't too well with puss though." I said, shivering at the mental image of puss on someone's skin.

"I see what you mean." He chuckled. "But I think that behind all the disturbing bodily fluids, it's really worthwhile."

"Hmm...Guess you're right." I smiled up at him. Leorio was what you'd call a gentle giant. He could easily squash you like a bug with those giant legs of his, but he wouldn't. "Well, I'm gonna go sit with Gon and Killua. It was nice talkin' to you Leorio!" I got up and waved.


"So, who'd you get?" Killua asked.

"Well, who'd you get?" Gon replied.

"It's a secret." Killua chuckled. "Y/n, who'd you get?"

"I dunno. I haven't looked yet." I shrugged.

"Well, ya should! We're nearing the island soon, so hurry." He scoffed.

"I will, I will! I'm just nervous." I sighed.

"Well, neither of you are my target, so don't worry." Killua smiled.

"Yeah, I didn't get any of you either." Gon smiled. I wished I could smile too, but I was far too nervous. If I had gotten Gon, Killua, or Quinn I'd fail. I didn't have it in me to take them down. 

"What happens if I get one of you?" I thought aloud.

"I dunno. But let's try not to worry about that." Killua flashed me a toothy grin, trying to wash away any worry. "Besides, we'd help you figure out a solution. We usually pull through for you; don't we?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Killua." I smiled back at him.

"Hey, what're friends for?" He chuckled, ruffling my hair a bit.


I had walked away from the others to a spot on the boat no one seemed to go on. I got the card that would tell me who my opponent was from out of my bag. I took a deep breath and peeled off the white sticker, closing my eyes. I opened them again when I had fully peeled off the sticker.


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