07- 𝘗𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘺

934 31 14

I'm so sorry for not updating, loves! I've been a bit busy. Please enjoy this chapter! ヽ(;▽;)ノ

"Do the developers have any more left in stock?" Gon asked, leaning in closer to get a better view of the computer. 

"Good question," Killua replied. "I guess it's worth a shot to ask them." He dialed up the number to the JoyStation company, only to find out the game was out of stock with no plan for it to be re-released. Killua thanked the person on the phone and hung up, letting out a sigh. "That was a dead end."

"Then...we have to find someone who does have a copy and see if they'll let us have it." Gon suggested.

"You're right, so first, we're gonna need to locate a seller." Killua nodded.

"Wait, seriously? But online retail isn't all that dependable. Especially when it's a store run by just one person." I chimed in. "I mean, I just don't want something to happen to us."

"Hey, we'll be fine. We've got Nen now. Besides, if anybody tries anything and you get that feeling where you get so anxious you can't move, I'll protect you." Killua reasoned. "I know you'd do the same for me. Well, you did do the same for me." He chuckled.

"Hm, I guess that's true." I frowned. "All right, go ahead." I nodded. "Are you thinking reverse auction?"

"Yup," Killua replied.

"But where will we get the money?" Gon asked.

"We can pool our money from the arena. That gets us just over Nine hundred million." Killua did the math on his phone's calculator. 

"We still need another 4 billion." Gon sighed.

"Not necessarily," Killua said. "With these private deals, the seller has all the power and they usually set a higher price than what they originally paid for it."

"Then...It'll cost even more?" Gon whined.

"Probably." Killua nodded.

"Well, that's not good." I grimaced. We all tilted our heads back and let out aggravated hums.

"Well, we can still post a want-ad." Gon offered, getting up and doing as he said on the computer. "Just in case."

"Yeah, but I doubt anybody is gonna click on it." Killua tilted his head back on the chair and noticed me sitting on Gon's bed. "Hey." He smiled, wiggling his eyebrows in a "flirtatious" manner.

"Hey." I laughed.

"So you come here often?" He smirked.

"This isn't my house, so no." I giggled.

"Okay, I love it when you two are lovey-dovey in front of me, you know that, but I need you guys to stop flirting and focus." Gon chuckled. 

"Awe, but do we have to?" Killua whined, suddenly not feeling as embarrassed as usual. "They just look so cute right now, I can't help it." He made his way over to me and gently held my face in his hand.

"You're such a dork." I smiled, rubbing the tip of my nose against his.

"But I'm a cute dork, aren't I?" He replied.

"Mm..." I pretended to think about it. "You're an okay dork." I laughed, walking over to the computer where Gon was sitting.

"Hey!" Killua exclaimed. "I am the cutest dork." He huffed, rushing after me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Shush." I giggled, smacking his face with the back of my hand.

"You're such a little shit." He laughed.

"You know you love me." I retorted.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He snorted. "Anyway, how's the ad?" He held me in his lap as we sat down on the chair.

"We've got 2 clicks so far!" Gon smiled. "Wait-" he stammered as the numbers began to rapidly go up.

"That's over ten thousand now!" I gasped, leaning in closer to get a better view of the computer screen.

"I thought so," Killua grunted.

"Scam?" I sighed.

"It's likely." He rubbed his temples with the tips of his fingers. "Considering the high price, we really should've seen this coming."

"Well, we can't possibly sort through all of them. Especially with only 3 people. It's too many." I frowned.

"True. Besides, what's the point if we can't tell if it's the real game?" Killua voiced.

"Well, maybe we shouldn't be so pessimistic about all this." I put on a small half-smile. "There's gotta be a way for us to get our hands on the game! Ging probably wouldn't give Gon an impossible challenge, just a difficult one, right? Maybe we just gotta look a little harder." I offered, planting a small kiss on Killua's cheek.

"They're right!" Gon smiled. "So what's our next step?" He asked. We all sat and thought about it for a bit until I saw a lightbulb go off in Killua's mind (cue the little dig sound effect please) which made me grin.

"I think somebody's got an idea," I said in a sing-songy tone of voice.

"Well, since we need to uncover a lot more information, and we could look online, but it's a bit hard to do all that." Killua smiled.

"So who do we know who's into gaming and the internet?" Gon asked.

"That's where Piggy comes in." He chuckled.

"Piggy?" I repeated.

"Yup. I don't really wanna ask him, but if I have to, I guess I will." He frowned, pulling out his phone again.

"Who is it? Who is it?" Gon excitedly asked.

"Yeah, I'm curious!" I laughed, getting off of him.

"Shush, you'll find out someday." He smiled, getting up and walking over to Gon's bed. "Hey, Gotoh? It's Killua. Yeah. Yeah, I'm doing great. What? Hey, don't ask about that! Mom doesn't need to know. Now? Who cares where I am? Mom will just come looking for me. Anyway, can you get Piggy for me?"

The line was quiet for a bit before Killua started speaking again.

"Shut up, you're lying!" Killua yelled.

"No need to get so aggressive." I chuckled nervously.

"Piggy hasn't left the house in ages!" Killua continued. "You go tell him if he doesn't pick up the phone in ten seconds, I'll break all of his anime figurines!"

"Not the anime figurines." I shuddered, knowing how expensive each one of them must've been, even if they weren't authentic.

"Chill out, bro, I was only kidding." Killua smiled, once a voice on the phone started to shout. I assumed it was Piggy's. "You're so scary when you get mad."

"Wait, your brother?" Gon asked.

"Well, probably not Illumi, right? He seems way too focused on the assassination business." I replied.

"Anyway, I'm looking for a game named Greed Island. Ever heard of it?" Killua asked. "Do you own a copy?" My heart jolted with excitement, knowing we could be close to our goal.

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