69- 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘦

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I woke up to find Killua sleeping peacefully, our legs tangled up together. The boy in front of me let out small snores, letting me know that he was resting soundly. I chuckled and got up out of bed, taking a small mental note of how Gon was sleeping as well, though his snores were much louder and he was drooling. I took a mental picture of the room, just for whenever I needed to calm myself. I put the mental jar filled with this environment on a shelf in my brain, saving it for a rainy day.

Killua sat up, his fluffy hair even more disheveled than usual. He rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up. "Where are you going? What time is it?" He frowned. "Oh." He glanced at the alarm clock, which read 10:30 am. "I can't believe it's already morning." He sighed.

"Yeah. You seemed to sleep pretty well last night." I chuckled, remembering his tossing and turning and small comments about the events of his dream. "What'd you dream about?" I grinned, taking a seat on the bed next to him.

"Oh, I dunno." He shrugged. "Nothing much."

"Well, I dreamt of you." I grinned, putting my head on his lap. "I dreamt that you and I went to the moon and started a garden. It was just us. You and I on the moon, alone. But you know? I didn't want it any other way. It was quiet, but it was..." I hesitated for a moment, before looking back up at him. "It was our quiet. And I loved it."

"What?" He frowned, looking down into my eyes.

"I love our quiet." I replied. "It's better than regular quiet."

"You really can't say things like that." He laughed.

"Why not. It's true, isn't it?"

"It is, but..." Killua looked up at the ceiling. "I get embarrassed when you say stuff like that."

"I know, but it's cute." I chuckled, getting out of his lap and leaning my head on his shoulder. "I think it's kinda funny how flustered you get sometimes."

"Why's that?" He asked, putting his hand on top of mine gently.

"I dunno. I think it's because you think you'll look soft for having people like you. Can't blame you though, that's just how you were raised." I smiled.

"Do you think I'm weak?" He sighed, looking at his bare feet that laid against the bed.

"No. You're actually one of the strongest people I know." I giggled a bit at the slight absurdity of his question.

"Where were you going earlier?" He furrowed his eyes.

"I was gonna go to get something to eat, but then you woke up," I explained. He turned to me, his mouth open a bit. Killua picked me up bridal style and opened a window. "H-Hey, what are you doing?"

"Relax." He smiled, just before jumping out of the window. I let out a loud scream, just before hitting the ground. I clenched my eyes shut and gripped his shirt, letting out a small whimper. "Hey, hey. I got ya. Calm down." Killua chuckled, holding me close.

"Am I dead?" I gasped.

"No, you're not dead." He laughed. "And I'm not dead either. Do you want me to put you down now?"

"No." I squeaked, earning a loud laugh erupt from Killua's chest. I hopped out of his arms and stood on the ground, my legs feeling shaky. "Do that again and I will punch you in your annoyingly pretty face." I pointed at him.

"Awe, you think I'm pretty." He teased.

"You little shit." I laughed. "How did we even survive that?"

"I dunno. Plot convenience?" He shrugged.

"You're such a nerd. Anyway, I'm hungry. And you're paying for putting me through all that." I giggled.

"Damn it." Killua frowned, handing me his wallet from his shorts pocket. I flipped through it to see that it was bare, apart from a bit of money lazily stuffed into the pockets.

"I knew you had money." I laughed, looking at the cash.

"It's not much." He frowned.

"Are you kidding me?" I huffed. "Where'd you get it? You've been putting your fight earnings somewhere else, so don't even try to lie to me."

"I swiped some from my parents before I left." He sighed, looking down at his shoes in shame. "Sorry I didn't tell you."

"You're all good." I laughed. "Don't feel guilty or anything. Let's just go get some food." I grabbed his hand and ran off in search of a taxi.


After hopping in the small, yellow car, we sat in silence, not wanting to piss off the driver. I glanced out the window, admiring the bustling city that felt like home, that was still so unfamiliar.

"It's pretty dark outside still." Killua frowned.

"Mhm. You think it'll rain today?" I asked, turning my attention from the window to his face.

"I hope not." He sighed.


"My hair looks terrible when it's all wet. It's so aggravating." He huffed.

"Hm...Well, I'm sure we could get an umbrella." I suggested. "And if we can't, we'll just have to hurry back."

"Ah, the curse of having fluffy hair." He sighed, running a hand through his ivory locks. "I look nice, until it rains. Then I look like a wet dog."

"Hm. As long as you don't smell like one, I don't care." I laughed.

"I won't, trust me." He chuckled. "Oh, this is our stop! Thank you, sir." He smiled, opening the door and hopping out. He held open the door for me to get out.

"Thank you. You're such a gentleman." I put on a fake British accent and bowed.

"But of course." He bowed back, putting on the same voice I did. We looked at each other and burst out in laughter. "All right, let's go." We both walked off.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" I asked, holding his hand.

"I dunno." He smiled.

"You're smiling. What're you thinking about?" I inquired.

"Oh, nothing." His silent steps were such a strange contrast with my somewhat loud ones.

"Oh, it's something. You thinking about your crush?" I teased.

"Shut up." He laughed, pushing me gently with his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I smiled, happy to just walk with him alone for a little.

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