90- 𝘝𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘹 𝘌𝘧𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵

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The lights all went out as red fire lit up several screens. Spotlights illuminated on a puff of smoke as lasers shot out of the vapor. The smoke cleared to reveal Gon, who was standing there with a determined look on his face.

"He certainly knows how to make an entrance." I laughed. "Though an outfit, not so much."

"Hey, how come we didn't get introductions like that?" Killua frowned.

"We're in our own romance arc, that's why. He's the main character of course." I joked, putting a slight crack in the 4th wall.

"We're simply the homosexual supporting cast." Killua chuckled.

"Exactly," I replied, planting a kiss on his cheek. My concentration was pulled to the same effect that happened before, just on the other side of the stage, and with blue fire instead of red. Hisoka appeared, making me grow a bit anxious. To calm myself, I grabbed Killua's hand and held it tightly, as though all the life would leave my body if I were to let go.

"Hey, just relax. Gon's gonna be just fine." Killua whispered in my ear. I just nodded and kept my attention turned towards the match.

Hisoka strutted his way down a runway-esque path to meet Gon in the middle of the arena. The two stood and stared at each other for a bit before Hisoka sent out a bit of threatening aura. Gon opened his aura nodes as both runways disappeared into the floor. The whole thing was elaborate, that's for sure.

Hisoka gracefully stumbled backward (in heels, might I add) as Gon crouched forward, preparing himself for the fight. The referee chopped the air, signaling for the two to begin fighting. Gon lunged forward, his arm flailing a little from the speed he was running at. He attempted to make a punch, but Hisoka's pale hand knocked him down to the ground.

Gon got back up and charged toward the clown guy without a moment's hesitation. He sent several kicks and punches the man's way, but Hisoka dodged all of them without breaking a sweat, a smile remaining on his face. Hisoka then faked an open-palmed punch right before kicking Gon, sending him flying. Thankfully, he landed on his feet and ran around a little bit.

He hopped up to Hisoka's face and tried to land more punches, but like last time, Hisoka avoided them. The adult then punched Gon's abdomen, which made him make a face that twisted in pain. His cheeks were red and his wide, brown eyes had tears in them. The crowd let out an excited roar as Gon tried the same attack he did last time, only to get the same result, this time with his nose being elbowed.

Gon kicked Hisoka's arm, only for the limb to deflect his attack. Attacks were sent flying the man's way, but he blocked all of them. Gon punched by Hisoka's ear and missed, only to be sent flying (once again) by another punch to the stomach.

The attacks didn't stop from Gon's end, and I couldn't even count how many times Hisoka successfully dodged and counter-attacked on two hands. The fight had only been going on for mere minutes, but it didn't seem to be going well for Gon. He got hit over and over and over again, until Hisoka finally gained a point.

Gon cleaned up his face with his sleeve as I clung onto both Killua's hand and the railing. It was scary how I wasn't able to help, but I just kept hoping Gon would make it out okay. I had to. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself otherwise. 

Hisoka and Gon exchanged a few words before Gon got quiet, most likely trying to strategize. I gazed at Killua, whose mouth was open a bit as he narrowed his eyes. I turned my attention back to the match as I saw Gon throw another punch toward Hisoka, right before the ravenette hopped all over the place. Gon picked up a whole ass tile and threw it in the air, right before kicking into pieces before Hisoka.

Hisoka cut some of the rock with his sharp-ass elbows and I just sat there. Very confused.

Gon appeared from behind a rock and punched Hisoka square in the face before he was able to move away. Even Hisoka seemed shocked. Hisoka skidded backward, most likely flattening his high-heels a little bit, and was bent over. He stood up straight and smiled at Gon, whose pose oddly reminded me of a crab. After this attack, Gon had gained 2 points. I stood up and cheered, and I glanced at Killua, who had a wide smile on his face.

"He did it!" I giggled, sitting down and shaking him by his arm. "He accomplished his goal!"

"He sure did!" Killua laughed, giving me a tight squeeze. 

Gon got up from his crab-dog position and stared Hisoka in the eyes. Hisoka just smiled and walked forward, putting his hand on his chin. Gon paused but ended up walking forward as well, just before the 2 met in the middle like how they did when the match started. Gon reached inside his pocket and pulled out a badge that I assumed to be Hisoka's. The adult took it, stared at it, and then the two hopped away from each other. Hisoka did a weird magic trick for no reason as Gon continued to glare at him.

The two spoke for a while before getting in their original fighting stances again. Hisoka let out more malicious aura, which send goosebumps along my skin. Hisoka elbowed Gon in the face quickly and rushed over to where Gon was sure to land, hitting his back to send him flying in the other direction. Gon used his hand to try and create resistance against the powerful force, but it only helped a little bit. I winced at how badly the friction must've hurt his palm. Hisoka tried to kick his face, but the boy on the floor avoided it in the nick of time.

I wasn't sure how long he could avoid it.

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