09- 𝘑𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘹 𝘛𝘰 𝘹 𝘠𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸

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I grasped the railing of the ship and sniffed the salty scent of the ocean air. I smiled, feeling the wind brush against my face. "Killua, isn't this great?" I grinned, turning around only to find that Killua was nowhere in sight. "Where's Killua?" I asked Gon.

"Oh, he's changing." He shrugged.

"Ah, Okay." I laughed. "Do you get this all the time?"

"Get what?" He stood next to me and beamed.

"This!" I giggled. "The salty breeze, the cool air, clear skies! It's amazing. The closest thing we got in Yorknew to this is smog and a splash pad on Two-bit street."

"What's a splash pad?"

"How do you not know what a splash pad is?" I chuckled. "It's like a...like a pool or a lake but instead of submerging yourself in water, it's on land and stuff. Maybe I could take you and Killua there sometime."

"So a splash pad huh? I wanted to go to one when I was little. Guess now's my chance, huh?" Killua laughed, showing up after changing. He was wearing a red shirt, a necklace with a feather on it, black sleeves, and...disappointing watermelon pants.

"What are you wearing?" I cried.

"Uh...my clothes? Why? I look great." He smirked.

"Yeah, the top half of you does! What happened with your pants?" I gasped.

"What do you mean what happened to my pants? I look fine." He huffed.

"Nope. No, you do not. Go put on different pants, I can't bear to see you in those fruit pants." I scoffed. "Gon, hug me, I'm gonna cry." I joked.

"Killua looks really good!" Gon smiled.

"Gon, I love you and all, but you look like a highlighter so you don't get to talk." I patted his back.

"That's...That's true, I'm sorry." Killua laughed.

"Hey!" Gon frowned. "Actually..." He looked down at his outfit. "It's a little true...But Aunt Mito got me this outfit, so you can't make fun of it! And I like my highlighter booty shorts anyway."

"Okay, Okay." Killua nodded. "How ya feeling, Y/n?"

"A little anxious, but I'm okay. Glad I'm not seasick. Leorio would be vomiting at this point!" I laughed, remembering how he needed anti-nausea pills to keep the vomit in during the boat ride at the hunter's exam. "His face was so green last time."

"Really? I knew Leorio was kinda weak, but I didn't think his stomach was too!" Killua cackled.

"He was pretty strong when we were opening the testing gates at your place. He was where a lot of the strength came from! Him and..." I smiled, but then frowned. "And Quinn..."

"I bet Quinn will be delighted to see you again." Killua wrapped his arm around me. "And so will Leorio and Kurapika. I don't know how anyone wouldn't be excited to see you."

"Killua..." I giggled, my face getting warmer. "You're making me flustered."

"I know. It's cute!" He chuckled, kissing the top of my head. "You're cute."

"Shaddup!" I laughed. "If you're gonna flirt, at least change your pants."

"Oh, you don't like my watermelon pants? How cruel!" He flopped over dramatically. "Love is dead and you killed it."

"Okay, emo boy." I scoffed.

"Shush." He smiled. "I may be an emo boy, but I am the best looking emo boy around."

"I dunno...Illumi looks pretty good too." I teased.

"Oh, there is no way in hell you think my older brother with the nasty ass roach eyebrows, greasy ass hair, and huge ass eyes looks better than me." He huffed.

"Oh, I never said that. Is that really what you think of Illumi?" I giggled.

"You little shit!" He laughed, tickling my abdomen. 

"Killua!" I howled. "S-Stop!"

"That's what you get for makin' fun of me like that!" He smiled, shoving his face into my neck when he was done with his tickle attack. "Ya little goblin."

"You're the goblin!" I retorted.

"We're both goblins." He grinned. "Two goblins holding hands, two goblins holding hands, the passion, the passion, is more than I can withstand." Killua referenced the song Two Trucks by Lemon Demon.

"You're such a dummy." I held his hand. "But you're my dummy."

"Now kiss!" Gon laughed, catching both of us off guard.

"Ah! G-Gon!" Killua stammered, face bright red. "I-Uh! Y/n's right, I should change my pants so I don't look like a walking green tiger. B-Bye!" He blushed, running off to the inside of the ship.

"He knows that there isn't a living quarters on this boat, right? Like, it's only bathrooms?" Gon chuckled. 

"He's embarrassed." I smiled. "It's pretty cute."

"You two work really well together. I'm glad you love each other so much!" He smiled.

"Ah! Thanks." I stammered. "He's pretty sweet. I just really love him a lot. I mean, how could I not?" I gushed.

"Are you two gonna tell Kurapika and Leorio?"

"Well, probably. I don't think it'll go so well if we don't." I sighed, remembering how Quinn reacted. "I'm terrified that they'll get angry, but I think I'll be fine."

"Will you ever tell your families?" Gon asked.

"Maybe." I frowned. "Though, I doubt I'll talk to my mom again after we visit Yorknew for a bit. And Killua's family might kill me. Except for maybe Kalluto and..." I remembered Alluka but wasn't sure if Gon knew. Hell, I didn't know if he was allowed to know. "Milluki." I made a quick save.

"Milluki might try." Killua had come back. "But I won't let 'im. You mean too much to me."

"My mom might lunge at you." I half-joked. "I'll yank her by the hair though."

"That might hurt her though." Killua laughed, standing next to me.

"Yeah, guess you're right. Maybe I shouldn't even introduce you to her at all." I sighed. "She'd flip out. Start screamin' and stomping her feet all around the apartment floor. I don't want her yelling at you."

"I've been whipped and tortured since I was under the age of 6. I'll be just fine." He smiled.

"She's scary when she yells. Like some sort of...open-faced beast!" I exaggerated.

"At least she doesn't get physical with you." He grimaced. "I'll just have a conversation with her and see what I can do. I'm sure I could work some magic to make her like me." He nudged my arm and wiggled his eyebrows.

"In that case, even I wish I was a magician." I frowned.

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