50- 𝘉𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘹 𝘘𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴

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"All right then." Zebro chuckled. "Follow me." We all obeyed and I felt my legs get shakier and shakier as we continued to get closer to whatever destination the man was leading us to. Despite the emotional confusion lately, I could identify that I was terrified at least. I mean, I wanted to meet Killua's parents, sure, but I didn't exactly want to do it home-invasion style.

"Hey, you doing all right?" Quinn asked, slipping their hand into mine.

"Yeah, why?" I replied, looking at the ground.

"Well, we're getting closer to our goal but you're frowning. Also, you got to pet a giant ass puppy, but you seem miserable." They explained. I pulled my hand away and crossed my arms over my chest, remembering how Killua would hold me.

"I'm okay. Really." I smiled. "We just gotta get Killua back and get out. That's the mission here, so let's get it done!"

"All right." They sighed. "Just tell me if you wanna talk about anything. I'm here if you need someone to listen or a shoulder to cry on."

"That's sweet. Thank you." I giggled.

After a bit of walking, we arrived at a small, cabin-like building. "Well, here we are. This is the servant's quarters."

"Wait, what? It looks so nice though!" Quinn gasped.

"It's getting pretty late, so you can stay here tonight." Zebro smiled, just before opening the door, which made a loud rumble. "Please, come on in." He said, completely ignoring the skid marks on the ground made from the door. We all stepped inside and stood around, glancing at the environment surrounding us. "Hey, Anybody home?"

"This is a really nice place. Wayy different from my apartment." I chuckled.

"Guests huh?" A man with a cigarette lazily hanging out of his mouth frowned, walking out from god knows where. "Don't see that every day."

"This is Seaquant." Zebro introduced the man. "He works with me here at the estate."

"Good evening!" Gon greeted

"Zebro doesn't take a liking to just anybody. Make yourselves at home." He walked off into a different room. "Though in this house, that's easier said than done."

"I like him already." Quinn beamed.

"Of course you do." I laughed.

After a while of standing around and getting used to the cabin, we all sat down for some tea. "You all want to see young Master Killua?" Seaquant asked, just before laughing a bit. I stayed silent and gripped my cup tighter out of frustration, feeling how warm the liquid inside it was. "Now, that's pretty funny."

"And why is that funny exactly?" Quinn snarled. "It's not like we're planning a whole ass robbery."

"Yeah, but you're practically breaking in. It's not like you were invited." He continued to lean against the wall. "Seems almost like a pathetic excuse of a joke."

"Actually, we're dead serious!" Leorio grimaced.

"Then let me give you some advice. Give up now and go home." He shut his eyes.

"What did you say?" Leorio glared.

"How dare you!" I shouted, standing up. "How dare you assume that I'd turn my back on Killua that easily. I don't give up unless I have a reason to, but I'm doing this because I care for him! If I were to turn back on him now, I could never forgive myself. That's how much he means to me. If he were like everyone else, I'd probably give up at the testing gate. But I didn't. I'm gonna at least try to get him back because he'd do the same for me!" I realized how riled up I got and quickly sat down. "I apologize for shouting at you."

"Zebro told you about the testing gate, right?" Seaquant raised a brow. "If you wanna know what this place is like, that's an example."

"We know it's gonna be difficult. We know it's gonna be painful, terrible, and just all-around an awful time." Quinn chimed in once again. "But we're here now, right? It'd be cowardly of us to turn back. Besides, Killua means a lot to Y/n, and he means a lot to me too. I miss him, I miss him a lot, despite how aggravating he could be." They chuckled. "So we've gotta get him back right? Who else am I gonna make fun of?"

"Before, when he was in trouble, I wasn't there for him like I should've been. If I was...If I had just been there...I know I could've stopped him." Gon frowned. "He's my friend, and he's really important to me, okay?"

"Hey, don't feel bad." I gently put my hand on his back in an attempt to comfort him. "I was there and not even I could do anything, I tried really hard, but it wasn't enough. Don't feel guilty about anything, a person like you should acknowledge the fact that they're enough."

"Y/n." He turned. "You should know that you're enough too."

"I can't know that until you realize how great you are!" I laughed.

"I understand." Zebro chuckled. "You should all do some training while you're here!"

"What do you mean?" Gon asked.

"Hey now Zebro." Seaquant interveened. 

"Listen to me you two, you can all try and open the door together, there's nothing wrong with teamwork. And with a little bit of training, It should be possible!" The old man suggested. "How 'bout it?"

"I have like, no upper body strength at all, so maybe this'll help." Quinn smiled.

"Really?" I turned to them.

"Yup! It's all in the legs bay-bee!" They laughed, pointing to their thigh.

"Well, it sounds good to me! I could certainly use an extra push too. And if it'll make things easier for us, why not?" I gazed at Gon, who seemed upset.

"I don't like the idea of being tested." He sighed.

"But, if there's truly no other way..." Kurapika smirked.

"I guess we'll just have to do it!" Leorio finished.

"Awe, you two are even finishing each other's sentences! You and Kurapika make such a good couple, Leorio." Quinn teased.

"Hey, we're not dating!" Leorio grunted.

"Wait, you're not?" I asked.

"No!" Both Kurapika and Leorio shouted.

"I dunno guys, seems pretty couple-y to me." Quinn giggled.

"He wishes he could date me!" Kurapika laughed.

"Psh, you're the one who wants to date me!" Leorio smiled.

"Oh my god, just ask each other out already!" I whined.

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