93- 𝘈𝘶𝘯𝘵 𝘹 𝘔𝘪𝘵𝘰

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We arrived at Whale Island after a long airship trip and a boat ride. I could hear the sound of seagulls chirping and the salt smell of the waves filled my nostrils. It felt like I was on vacation. I looked up at the big, blue sky, which was so vastly different from where I was from. 

"This is so nice! We've got nothing like this in Yorknew!" I gasped, admiring the forest we were walking in. "So many trees. The closest thing we've got to this is the park, and even that's bombarded with trash."

"Well, that's depressing." Killua sighed.

"It's true." I laughed. "But this is beautiful. The leaves make that nice little crunch, y'know? I bet you had picnics with Aunt Mito in here all the time."

"Mhm!" Gon nodded. "I spent most of my time outside when I was little, sometimes, I wouldn't get home until dark!"

"She'd let you out for that long? My mom gets upset if I leave for a minute, let alone hours." Killua chuckled.

"We know," I replied, remembering the Illumi kidnapping fiasco. 

"Oh, it's just up here, you guys!" Gon smiled, rushing up a hill. "Aunt Mito!" He shouted, waving his hand as he ran. I just awkwardly walked with Killua, growing a bit nervous.

You see, I wasn't exactly used to talking to people, especially not adults. I just looked at who I had presumed to be Aunt Mito, a woman with orange hair and brown eyes that looked just like Gons. She wore a red blouse and a cream-colored skirt. She seemed to be putting away some laundry.

"Aunt Mito, hey!" Gon continued to wave.

"Gon!" Aunt Mito shouted back. From what I could see, they were hugging and laughing. I wished I was able to be that happy when I met up with a family member. Killua and I continued trudging up the hill as we both looked down at our feet, kicking a few pebbles around. "You must be Killua. And you're Y/n." She smiled once we had met up with her at the very top of the summit.

"What?" Killua looked up at her, wide-eyed.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"Gon's told me all about you two in his letters." She explained. "I'm very glad you two made friends with him."

"We're really happy about it too!" I smiled.

"Oh, right. Come on inside, please." She offered.

"Ah, thank you!" I smiled. "She's super nice," I whispered to Killua as we went inside the house. 

"Mhm." He grinned.


"I wish you'd let me know you were coming home." Aunt Mito scolded Gon as she put away some plates. Killua took a drink of his tea and I did the same. "I didn't have time to prepare!"

"It's fine. No big deal." Gon frowned, making his way to a chair next to Killua.

"Maybe not to you." Aunt Mito scoffed. "But your friends just came all this way..."

"Oh, don't worry about us!" Killua put his hand up.

"Honestly, you should've called at least!" She continued to bicker. "I've been worried sick." The three of us just kind of laughed. "Are you listening?" She huffed, pointing a plate in our direction. We tensed up and then continued to chuckle to ourselves. "Oh, right. You three go and take your baths while I finish up supper. And put out all of your dirty clothes. I'll do laundry."

"Okay, later." Gon replied dismissively. 

"No, right now." Aunt Mito demanded. "You've got ten seconds!"

Gon took off his jacket and brought inside some towels.

"Is she always like this?" Killua asked.

"Pretty much." Gon grinned, right before taking off Killua's black sweater to reveal a blue tank top. "Come on, hurry up!"

We all rushed up the stairs and into the bathroom, which was huge. Once the water was in the tub I stripped down and hopped in. I grinned once the warm water touched my skin.

"Yeah...now this is what I call living." Gon smiled, his upper body slumped over the bathtub. I watched as Killua washed his hair, playing with some of the bubbles.

"Oh, Y/n, do you need help with your hair or anything?" Killua asked, washing away the soap.

"Uh, sure." I nodded. He put some soap in my hair and used the tip of his fingers to scrub away any dirt or sweat. He hummed a bit as he ran his fingers through my hair, getting every spot on my scalp as well.

"All right, now just rinse." He spoke. I did as he said and dunked my head under the water, closing my eyes.

"All done?" I asked.

"All done." He confirmed.

"Okay, well, I'm outta here! Close your eyes please." I said, getting ready to get out of the bath. Gon and Killua closed their eyes and I got out of the tub, drying myself off and putting on some clean clothes. I suddenly felt kind of sleepy. "Okay, I'm dressed. I'll be downstairs helping Miss Aunt Mito. Bye!" I waved, leaving the bathroom.

I made my way down to the kitchen and found Aunt Mito setting plates down at the table. "Oh, hi Y/n. All finished?"

"Yup! Anything I can help with?" I offered.

"Not at the moment. Are Gon and Killua almost done?" She asked.

"I think so. They've finished with their hair so they should be out soon." I noted. Just as I said so, Gon and Killua came rushing down the stairs. "Well, speak of the devil." I laughed.

"Awe, you were talking about little old me?" Killua giggled.

"Yeah. We were talking about how much of a weirdo you are." I joked.

"Shush." He huffed, putting his hand over my mouth.

"Okay, let's eat!" Aunt Mito smiled. We all rushed to the table and sat in our spots.

"Wow, it looks delicious!" Killua gasped.

"Thank you, Miss Aunt Mito!" I beamed, looking at all the food. You know I was going to eat all of the mashed potatoes. I took my spoon and was about to put some on my plate until I noticed that Gon, Aunt Mito, and Gon's grandma seemed to be praying. Even Killua stopped eating out of confusion. Gon opened one of his eyes to look at us.

"What's going on?" Killua whispered.

"They're praying I think? I've seen families in movies do it." I whispered back.

"We're offering our gratitude." Gon replied.

"What?" I was very confused.

"'Kay, what does that mean?" Killua nudged Gon's elbow.

"Well, let's dig in!" Aunt Mito spoke after a while of silence.

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