82- 𝘚𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘺 𝘹 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘢

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We had blown through a couple of matches over the few weeks we had been in heaven's arena, and I was absolutely exhausted. Thankfully, the tiny dates I'd have after every match with Killua made it all worth it. He'd give me so much praise, it made my heart feel like it was melting. When we weren't stressing over matches, we were spending time alone and making fun of stupid movies.

It was nighttime, and Killua was sleeping soundly in my bed. I, on the other hand, couldn't sleep at all. I got up and walked out to stand on the balcony overlooking the city, making me grow a bit nervous. I was overthinking about Killua's match, which was tomorrow. Gon had already gone through one, and so did I. I knew Killua would get through it with ease, but I was still scared.

It was different when things came to Killua. I cherished him, it was obvious from the minute we met. He made me feel special, and from how he acted, I made him feel special as well. I didn't want to lose him, I'd never forgive myself.

"Why are you awake, pretty face?" Killua muttered, appearing out of nowhere. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. "You ok?"

"Mhm, just thinking." I sighed.

"About what?"

"You. As usual." I laughed. "Kinda worried for your match tomorrow."

 "Why? I haven't gotten hurt, and we've gotten this far." He replied, letting go of me and standing beside me instead of behind.

"Yeah but...Never mind, it's silly." I kept my eyes on the city below us. Killua put his finger beneath my chin and turned my head to face him.

"Please tell me, I wanna help."

"I can't help but feel like something bad's gonna happen." I frowned, looking at the ground. "And I feel like nothing's gonna go right for us. Like...Like..." I felt a few tears fall from my eyes. "Like everyone's gonna come after you and kill you or something!" I continued crying.

"What? Kill me? Oh, sweetheart, come here." He frowned, pulling me into a hug. "That won't happen, neither of us are gonna die."

"But how do you know? What if we all get killed by Illumi? Or someone else in your family?" I sniffed. "I don't want to lose you! Especially not with how we are now." I continued sobbing into his chest.

"Awe, you poor baby." He started to rub my back. "It's okay, You're okay. I'm not gonna let anyone kill you. And you're damn wrong if you think I'm gonna die on you now. Especially not by the hands of Illumi."

"You say that, but it's not really something you can control." I continued crying.

"I'll find out a way. I'm going to keep both of us safe. Okay?" He smiled, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Now, let's go inside, I don't want you getting all cold. You don't even have a jacket on." He wrapped his arm around me and we walked back inside.



"I really love you. A lot." I smiled, sitting on the bed as he wiped away my tears.

"I love you more." He kissed the tip of my nose lovingly.

"You do not!" I laughed.

"Do too!" I teased. "It's impossible for that to happen."

"Liar!" I stuck out my tongue.

"I oughta give you a punishment for having such a rude mouth!" He smiled, raising his hands. "I'm gonna tickle you to death!" He went straight for my belly, tickling it mercilessly.

"Ki-Killua you little-!" I shouted before bursting into laughter.

"I love you more and that's final!" He laughed.

"That's impossible!" I cackled. "You dumb-dumb!"

"You're the dumb-dumb if you think you can love me more than I love you!" He smiled, finally stopping the endless amount of tickling. "Point is, I really, really love you. I'm glad you were my first kiss." He gave me a kiss on the cheek, blowing a raspberry.

"I'm glad you were my first too." I grinned.

"Wait, that was your first kiss? B-But you were so good at it!" He exclaimed. "Oh gosh, was I bad? Fuck, did I mess things up? Ah, maybe you shouldn't have wasted it on me, I'm sorr-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"Killua, you were amazing. And I wasn't wasting it. I'm glad I saved it for you, really!" I chuckled. "You shouldn't doubt yourself."

"You do it all the time." He huffed.

"Exactly, and you tell me to stop all the time because it's not healthy." I cooed. "You're a good person, Killua. Don't degrade yourself over nothing."

"But it's not nothing. I've got so many flaws and insecurities, I don't know how to get over them. My family never taught me how." He frowned, tears filling his eyes. "I didn't grow up with a support system."

"I'll be that support system." I smiled gently. "I'm insecure about lots of things too, so we'll get over those things together. And everyone has flaws, no need to feel bad about them. Just be okay with them."

"I don't know if I can." He sniffled, wiping away tears.

"You can. We'll do it together." I held his hand, our fingers intertwining. 

"Promise?" He asked.

"Promise," I replied, interlocking our pinkies. "Seal it with a kiss!" I giggled, putting our thumbs together. Killua smiled and put his lips against mine gently.

"Now it's a real couple's promise." He grinned. "Now come on, let's go to sleep now." He shut off the lights and put his head on the pillow next to mine. I laid down next to him and wrapped my arms around his abdomen.

"Good night, Kitty." I smiled.

"Good night, my moron."


I woke up to see Killua snoring peacefully. I got up to go get changed but was pulled back to bed by a pale hand. "Mm, stay, Y/n." He murmured, half-awake. "I wanna cuddle some more so just c'mere."

"Killua, your match is today." I frowned.

"So? I don't hafta go 'till later. Now gimmie kisses." He smiled, his eyes still closed.

"No, only awake people get kisses."

"Awe, but please?" He whined, opening his eyes.

"No." I giggled. "No kisses until you're showered, changed, and ready for your match."

"But I want kiss." He complained.

"And I want you ready by 9:00." I smiled, earning a groan from Killua.

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