81- 𝘊𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘹 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨

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I walked up to the ring to find a pale woman with shoulder-length, navy blue hair and grey eyes. She didn't smile, but rather wore a blank and vacant expression. She outstretched her hand for me to shake it.

"Astoro Lovel, daughter of Willard Lovel and Mira Lovel. She/Her, age 19. Pleased to meet you." She introduced.

"Y/n L/n, They/Them, Age 12." I smiled.

"Y/n? Hey, I remember you!" She grinned. "How's it goin' squirt? My dad used to babysit for ya!"

"Yeah, I remember! I'm actually friends with Quinn now!" I laughed.

"Oh, Her?" Astoro scoffed.

"Uh, them, actually." I corrected.

"Oh, whatever. Anyway, let's just start already." She snorted.

"In Ring B, Number 3652, Astoro Lovel, the young woman who's made it to the 200th floor with little to no effort! She's only used a few kicks in every match she's been in!" The announcer spoke into the P.A. system. "And Number 2056, Y/n L/n! They may appear to be a meek little kid, but they can really pack a punch! This rookie has cleared every single floor with all kinds of different opponents, including a random anime reference!"

I chuckled sheepishly at my introduction. She shot out a large amount of aura in frustration. I simply walked forward, a bit slowly at first, but gradually got quicker. I took a deep breath, trying to adjust to how uncomfortable the energy was. I was able to walk up to where I was about 2 inches away from her.

"I'm not afraid to hurt you!" I stated, landing a punch to her unguarded abdomen. She winced a bit, but remained in the ring. I took in a deep breath and started sending punches in that same spot. I don't know why, but I felt a bit angry at her. Maybe it was the way she misgendered Quinn like that, or maybe it was all things I had heard about her. I don't know, but I intended on punching her guts out either way.

"Holy fuck!" She cackled, hair flying back. I stopped punching for a bit, as she slowly fell to her knees and let out large amounts of vomit. "D-Damn, you really beat my ass there."

"You don't fuck with my friends." I said, my breath shaky. "No matter what your relationship is to them."

"You mean business don't ya? All right." She smiled, her voice was hoarse. "Looks like I lose!" She shouted. I just nodded and walked back to the stands where Killua was sitting. His mouth was agape and he looked in awe.

"Everything okay?" I chuckled.

"You're so strong!" He jumped up and picked me up, putting kisses all over my face. "Strong, smart, and pretty. You're just the total package aren't you?"

"Killua, you're being embarrassing." I teased.

"Aren't I'm the one who's supposed to say that?" He laughed.

"Shush." I smiled, kissing him on his soft lips.

"Well, c'mon." He grinned, picking me up and slumping me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "We're going to go cuddle now."

"Pfft, put me down ya jerk!" I laughed, patting on his back.

"Nope! We are going to cuddle up because you made that lady vomit. That is your reward." He lifted up his head.

"But I gotta-"

"I'll let you play with my hair." He offered.

"Done." I said almost immediately. 

"All right, let's go!" He cheered. "Prize first though." He rushed off to pick up my money, turning around so I could face the woman at the desk to get my money. Killua then raced to his room and slammed the door behind him, throwing me onto the bed. "Cuddles!" He cheered.

"You're really cute." I giggled as he leaned his head against my chest.

"Shh, I wanna listen to your heartbeat. You always get to listen to mine, so it's my turn!" He whined. I laughed but stayed quiet after that. "I like this a lot." He smiled after a bit of listening. "I don't have that tension anymore, I know that you're here to stay. And that heartbeat of yours, it reminds me you're alive. And I'm so glad that you are."

"Killua." I couldn't help but smile.

"I mean it. I probably wouldn't be the way I am now if I never met you." He sat up. "So it's your fault I'm so soft." He joked, kissing my cheek.

"Like a marshmallow. You're my marshmallow." I grinned, grabbing onto his waist. "My tiny, soft, squishy marshmallow," I muttered into his chest. "So soft." I felt myself grow a bit tired.

"Are you sleepy?" He yawned. "We can take a nap if you'd like."

"No!" I whined. "I gotta talk to my marshmallow."

"Okay, okay." He laughed. "Well then, how about a movie? We've got a T.V. in here."

"Sure. What do you want to watch?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up a little more.

"We could watch a scary movie," Killua smirked, probably devising a plan of some sort.

"Okay! You can jump in my arms whenever you get scared." I teased.

"I won't get scared!" He scoffed.

He was wrong.

Killua let out screams, screeches, and 'OH MY GOD''s throughout the movie, jumping into my arms just like I thought he would. I laughed at his wide eyes, pink cheeks, and heavy breathing. He always put his hand over his heart after a jumpscare. I knew a slasher wouldn't have this effect on him, so I picked a paranormal movie. Once it was over, Killua laid down and just stared at the ceiling, most likely re-thinking his life decisions. 

"You all right there?" I asked, crawling over to lay down next to him. He just held a limp thumbs up.

"The plan was for you to get scared." He murmured. 

"Awe, Killua." I smiled sweetly. "It's okay, you always comfort me in actually scary situations. I'm glad it was the other way around for once."

"Yeah but, I got scared over a stupid movie!" He whined. "You didn't."

"Everyone's scared of different things, silly." I giggled, laying my head in the crook of his neck. "I'll be here for you when you're scared of anything, just like how you will be."


"I promise you, kitty."

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