96- 𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘯'𝘴 𝘹 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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We arrived at the hospital and Quinn was quickly rushed into a room. We waited in the hall by their resting place as anxiety began to creep in.

"This my fault." I sighed. "I knew how they felt about me, but I just ignored it."

"Don't blame yourself. That doesn't help with anything." Killua frowned. "What else were you supposed to do?"

"You two may come in now." The doctor smiled.

"How are they? Will they live?" I asked, rushing up to him.

"Oh, they're fine. I've prescribed them some medicine. You three can pick it up later today. The dosage is quite high due to how they feel about the people they're in love with." He replied.

"People? As in plural?" I double-checked.

"Yes." He nodded. "Go ask them about it. I'm sure they wouldn't mind telling you."

"Okay. Have you already medicated them?" I was incredibly worried.

"Yes, we have. There's no need to worry. We've taken good care of Quinn. Now, go in and say hi." He walked off. I entered the dimly-light hospital room.

"Y/n? That you?" Quinn smiled weakly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's me." I smiled, sitting in a chair next to their bed and gently holding their hand.

"How're you holding up?" Killua sat down next to me.

"I'm doing fine. Hate these IV tubes though." They frowned. "Wish I could just rip 'em out."

"I mean, technically you could, though it's not a good idea." I laughed.

"Quinn. Who are the people you like?" Killua asked, his tone dull.

"Wh-What?" They blushed. "Um...Don't worry about it. Anyway, you wanna see my medicine? It looks kinda cute!" They reached over for an orange medicine bottle and took out a medium-sized pill with a pink top and a white bottom. It had a black heart where the pink and white met.

"Quinn, we need to know so we can help." Killua continued.

"It's you and Y/n." Quinn smiled, looking at the pill. They then realized what they said and their eyes got wide. They quickly slapped a hand over their mouth and turned bright red. "F-Forget I said anything! It's stupid anyway!" They stammered. 

"Awe, Quinn." I chuckled lightly. "Isn't that sweet?"

"I..." Killua seemed to be at a loss for words.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself so much, cat boy. It's only a tiny crush. Not as big as it is for Y/n." They smiled.

"Mhm," Killua smirked, folding his arms over his chest. "You still fell for me anyway, though."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." They scoffed. "Doesn't mean you're not an idiot." Killua just stuck out his tongue in response. "Stupid. Anyway, I know you guys don't like me like that. So, I'll just take my pills and be fine."

"Quinn, I..." 

"Y/n, don't make this any worse for me!" They shouted. "It's hard enough to breathe as is, and I'd really like to stop talking about all this. 내 바보. I'll just try to forget everything. It'll be fine. I'll move on."


"Get out, please." They frowned, tears filling their eyes. "I can't do this anymore." They began to sob. "I just...I can't. What am I supposed to do in this situation? 당신은 짜증나게 아름답습니다. 너희 둘 다. Leave."

"Okay. If that's what you want." I frowned, taking Killua's hand and leaving. "Maybe I'm not good for them. Maybe I'm just a no-good." I sighed, feeling like crying as we were on our way back to Aunt Mito's house. It was dark now, but we'd be fine.

"You're all good, silly." Killua smiled. "Quinn's just going through a lot right now. They're not mad at you, just the situation."

"Mm, I guess so, but I dunno." I walked back, not letting go of Killua's hand.

"Tell you what, how about when we get back we cuddle and watch movies? I can ask Gon if we can have hot chocolate." He offered.

"Okay." I smiled, feeling the sting of the cold air brush against my cheeks.

We quickly arrived back at the house and rushed up the stairs to find Gon's face illuminated by the light of his T.V.

"Oh! Hi guys. Didja find them?" He smiled.

"Yeah. We had to take them to the hospital though. They got Hanahaki." I answered, sitting on the ground.

"Oh, say no more." Gon's smile was replaced with a grimace. "Are they okay? Did they need the surgery?"

"No, they got medication instead. But they yelled at Y/n, so now they're pretty bummed out about it." Killua answered, sitting down next to me. "Can you go make them some hot chocolate to make them feel a bit better?"

"Of course!" Gon nodded before rushing down the stairs.

"You want some blankie?" Killua asked, getting closer to me. I just nodded. He took the blanket from off of Gon's bed and wrapped it around my shoulders, bundling me up like a burrito. "Is that good?" His voice was soft.

"It'd be better if you were in my tortilla with me." I smiled. He laughed and covered himself with the blanket as well, making me feel warm and fuzzy.

"How 'bout now?" Killua asked. I nodded, a small smiling appearing on my face. "Good." He kissed the top of my forehead gently. "Are you cozy?"

"Very." I yawned.

"Awe, you're sleepy!" He giggled, rubbing circles on my back.

"Well, don't make it worse." I rubbed my eyes.

"You're really cute when you're tired." He laughed. "Just sleep, pretty face. Go and dream."

"I don't wanna. I'm too awake to sleep." I huffed.

"You're falling asleep on me right now." Killua chuckled as my head drooped farther into his chest.

"Not falling asleep! I need hot chocolate."I whined.

"You'll get your hot chocolate, sweetheart. Just rest up." He smiled, playing with my hair.

"No..." I frowned as my eyes slowly shut. I felt myself fall asleep, which was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Good night, my little dreamer." I heard Killua say before I was whisked off to my subconscious.


I remember being stood up on a strange, circular platform before being picked up and thrown back down again. The platform finally stopped on the ground, until white flowers began to sprout from my hands as green vines tangled around my feet. I saw Quinn's silhouette against the grown before being pulled away by a shorter shadow. All of a sudden, the short phantom had stabbed my abdomen, and I had collapsed.

Was this the end of who I was?

It had to be.

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