29- 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘵 𝘹 𝘛𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴

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It's finals week at school rn so I'm just finishing things up. I found some break time, but I'm working on math which is the only class I have left. Thank you for not completely abandoning this book! I'll be on summer vacation so I'll be updating like crazy. Thank you!!


We had quickly chowed down on our dinner, the warmth of the fire making the environment feel cozy. "This is one of the best nights I've had in a real long time." I smiled, glancing up at the starry sky, partly covered by the trees. "Man, time goes by way too fast." I sighed.

"Whaddya mean?" Killua chomped into his fish.

"Well, like us. We practically just met, but it feels like I've known you my entire life. It seems like only yesterday I was a little kid, getting piggyback rides from Will and learning the cheat codes to arcade games. Now, I'm here, taking the hunter exam with an ex-assassin, a frog boy, a himbo doctor, an edgelord, and a sassy non-binary adrenaline junkie. Isn't it funny how quickly life can change?" I looked back at Killua who seemed to be a bit taken aback.

"Yeah, I guess I could agree with you there." He smiled and got a bit closer.

"Did you ever have a different job in mind? Y'know, other than assassination?" I asked, turning my attention to the fire, which was now dying slowly.

"Nope. I just wanted to get away. That house is suffocating, not to mention how terrible my family is. I mean, all I wanna do is go outside, but my mom throws a giant hissy fit!" He sighed. I let out a small giggle.

"You should meet my mom! She's gone all day long, leaving me alone, and when she finally comes home after like, a month she's all angry because apparently 'I'm old enough to know better'" I mocked my mom, to which Killua chuckled. "It's like, lady if you wanted me to clean and stuff, at least teach me how!" I flung out my arms, remembering my mom's unreasonable yelling.

"How do you clean stuff, anyway?" Killua laughed.

"You...You don't know how to clean?"

"I don't know how to cook, clean, or do anything of the sort!" He sighed. "My mom would get upset at the butlers and tell them that 'her poor baby shouldn't be cleaning' it was so aggravating!"

"You have butlers?" I tried to stifle a laugh. "Man, you really are spoiled, huh? Well, at least you weren't alone."

"Ah, they were all forced to be around me anyway. It's not like any of 'em cared or anything." He sighed. "Well, there was one who seemed interested in actually talking to me like I'm a human being instead of some sort of god or whatever."

"What was their name?" I asked, sitting up a little bit.

"Canary. She humored me for a while, but we couldn't actually be friends. Out of the butler code or something." He put on a fake British accent when he said butler code, as one does. "But, I'm still counting you and Gon as my first friends."

"That's nice of you to say, Killua." I hummed. Killua let out a soft yawn, to which I responded with a slight giggle. "Do you wanna go to sleep now?" He just nodded. "Okay. We should do shifts of watching over each other. In 15 minutes, it'll change who's watching out. I'll go first, so just head to bed." I stood up and gave his head a small pat.

"Thanks. Wake me up if there's any trouble." He said sternly.

"Fine." I sighed. I walked around and got a shovel from my bottomless pit of a bag and dug a small hole. I threw the fishbones from earlier in there and covered it back up. I glanced at Killua, who wasn't too far away. He was snoring peacefully, his hair moving slightly with his breathing pattern. The tree branches were angled in a way where the moonlight could still reach his pale face without waking him up. Even though he only went to bed a few minutes ago, he looked to be in a deep sleep.

"Goodnight little cat boy. Sweet dreams." I smiled warmly, moving some of his bangs out of his face. In all reality, I probably would forget to wake up Killua. I'd probably lose track of time, and I just wanted to sit for a while. Sleeping without the sleep. 

I sat for a few hours before Killua screamed and jolted awake. I shouted too, not too sure of what was happening. "Are you okay?" I asked, walking over to where Killua was sitting.

"Yeah, Yeah. Just...It's nothing." He sighed. "How long has it been? It's probably my shift right?" Killua stood up.

"Did you have a nightmare?" I asked, getting a bit closer to where he was standing. "What was it about?"

"It was nothing! Just go to sleep. I'll make sure that nothing happens, so just relax." Killua scoffed.

"What did we say about hiding things, Killua?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Not to do it." He sighed. "It was just a really bad dream. You don't have to do anything though." His eyebrows furrowed.

"I wanna help you. What'll make you feel better? Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"Yes, please. But...can you...can you give me a hug like how you did on the airship?" Killua seemed a bit nervous and embarrassed, but he still said it.

"Of course! Come here." I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "So, what happened in your dream?" I asked, drawing circles on his back.

"So, I was walking with you and Gon and we were just having a good time. We were gonna go to the store to get some candy and then go to the movies. We were on our way back and then my older brother, his name's Illumi, he shows up. He whispers something in your ear, and you disappeared. Then, I was in this black room with only a ceiling light and you were on the ground, covered in blood and I looked at my hands, they were covered in..." He was going to continue but I cut him off. Killua sounded close to tears.

"You don't have to say anything else. I get what you're insinuating." I played with his fluffy white hair. "But, I doubt you'd do anything of the sort Killua. You may have been born to kill people, but you have morality. You're...Well, you're you! You're Killua Zoldyck, the best friend I've ever had. You're a caring, sweet, funny kid who just so happens to be an ex-assassin. You wouldn't hurt anyone unless it were necessary, and you'd never hurt your friends."

"You really think so?" He sniffled.

I waited for a while, just to tease him a little. "I know so."

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