19- 𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘹 𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬

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We quickly got Quinn into a hospital bed, as I sighed in relief, waiting for a doctor to come into the waiting room and tell us the news. I heard the door open, making me jump.

"What happened? Will they be okay?" I shot up.

"They'll be all right, don't worry." The doctor smiled warmly, her pale hands holding onto a clipboard.

"Can we see them?" Killua gripped the arm of his chair, his anxiety increasing as much as mine was.

"Yes, yes, of course." The doctor nodded, stepping aside so the four of us could enter the room. There Quinn lay, several tubes hooked up to strange machines, their heartbeat was normal, but several flowers were stemming. The sight was terrifying, to say the least.

Suddenly, they sat up, eyes wide open. "Y/n." They gasped, holding their forehead with their open palm, staring down at their legs. "Y/n!" They turned their head to see me, ripping out a few tubes and giving me a tight squeeze. "God, I got so scared. Everything was all dark, and...I...I didn't know where you were, and I was so lost." They whispered, supporting the back of my head with their hand. "I was lost without you. Don't leave like that ever again."

"I won't, I promise." I wept into their neck, feeling like they'd leave again. "Don't scare me like that, okay? You can't keep passing out on me, it makes me so scared. You mean so much, I don't wanna lose you. No, I won't lose you. Not if there's something I can do to stop it."

"I don't think there is." They sighed.

"Nonsense, of course, there's something I can try. Do you need some sort of reminder to take your meds? Or maybe to just refill them? I wanna help. Please let me help you." I sniffled.

"I'm okay, really. I don't wanna worry you." They chuckled.

"You're my dearest friend, of course, I'm going to be worried about you." I frowned. "Tell me what you need."

"I need you to be happy." They pulled away, glanced at Killua for a moment, and looked back at me. "So to be happy, I'm going to stop this. Before I die."

"What?" I held their hands.

"Y/n, I'm...I'm gonna get the surgery." They looked at their bare feet before looking up at me. "I've been going to the ER so often, that I'm practically always in hospital gowns. I can't suffer like this anymore. I...I just can't. I love you, my darling, but it hurts. It hurts to love you."

"I can understand that. I'm sorry." I tucked a piece of hair behind their ear before cupping their cheek with my hand, which sprouted another white flower.

"Y/n..." They wore a sad smile.

"Yes?" I asked, my eyes half-lidded. 

"I was just kidding." They chuckled. "I don't wanna forget."

"You dickwad!" I laughed, gently punching their arm.

"What, I couldn't resist!" They giggled. "Gotcha." They teased.

"Quinn Haru Lovel," I smirked, pressing my forehead up against theirs. "You're lucky you're a good friend of mine."

"I am, aren't I?" They smiled. "Thank you for letting me in your life."

"Thank you for wanting to be in it." I smiled warmly.

"How could I not?" They laughed.

"Quinn!" Killua shouted from the corner. "You scared the shit out of me!" He frowned, coming closer.

"Awe, kitty does really care, look at that," Quinn smirked.

"Yeah yeah." Killua smiled, patting their head. "Don't scare me like that, ya big idiot."

"Fine, fine." They sighed. "Just remind me to become a botanist when I'm older. I think it'd be kind of funny."

"Well, I'd go to that shop!" Gon piped up, entering the room a little bit more. "I bet you'd take great care of the flowers!" Almost as though on cue, Quinn blushed and sprouted a flower from their cheek.

"Ah, um, thanks Gon." They grinned, plucking out the flower and putting a bandaid over the spot where it grew. They handed Gon the flower, and he put it in his hair and smiled.

"I hope the flowers don't hurt too bad, they look really pretty." He frowned.

"Oh! Thank you. They don't hurt that much, it's just a bit...how would you say? Unnerving. Yeah, that's the word." They smiled as a flower that started to sprout quickly went back in. "Oh?" Their hand hovered over the spot where the flower was about to grow. "What...What happened?"

"It retracted." Gon gasped. "Quinn, I think you're getting better!" He cheered.

"Really?" They grinned, happy tears forming in their eyes. "Y/n! I'm...I'm recovering! I'm gonna live!" Their smile was so wide, and a few droplets fell from their eyes. "I'm getting better!"

"I'm so happy!" I giggled, hugging them tightly. "You're gonna live. My god, you're gonna live." I giggled, feeling a few salty tears fall from my own eyes. "Thank goodness." I chuckled, rocking the two of us back and forth.

"You know, without you guys, I probably would've died a while ago. As embarrassing as it is to admit it, I'm only here because of all of you." Quinn let go and sat down on the hospital bed. "Thank you."

"Don't thank us for keeping you alive." Killua sat down next to them and gently held their shoulder. "Thank yourself for finding the motivation to live. Even if that was through us."

"Hey, don't say stuff like that!" Quinn blushed. "You're making me embarrassed!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Killua giggled. "But seriously, I'm glad you're better. Do you want me to grab someone so you can get an x-ray to see if all the flowers are out?"

"Sure. We're in room 6." They nodded. "So, Y/n, how was the festival?" They patted the spot next to them so that I could sit down.

"It was good! We got to dance and I found out a little secret about Killua." I smirked.

"Ooh, do tell." They wiggled their eyebrows.

"He likes classical music! He was able to tell the difference between one song just by sound alone." I smiled.

"I...Y/n, it's not that hard to tell the difference." They chuckled nervously.

I didn't get upset though.

I was just happy to have my Quinn back.

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