79- 𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘹 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘹 𝘔𝘰𝘮

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We walked back with a warm silence surrounding the two of us, letting out the occasional sniffle. I didn't hold Killua's hand, not because I was angry or anything, It just didn't feel right. "Uh, to answer your question, a date is when two people who are romantically interested in each other go out somewhere, or they stay in, and just hang out."

"Right, I know that, but how do I know it's a date-date and not just hanging out as friends?" He replied.

"Well, they should tell you." I smiled. "If not, then it's kinda confusing. Besides, you can always ask. I'm sure they'd be really happy."

"It's too embarrassing to ask." He sighed. "I doubt that they'd wanna go out with someone like me."

"Someone like you?" I laughed. "Killua, are you joking? If they say no, they've got absolutely no taste in romantic partners."

"Is that your way of trying to say you got a crush on me?" He teased. My face got hot and my palms got sweaty. Did I have a crush on him?

"Psh, you wish!" I brushed it off. "Now, let's go. I'm sure Gon's getting worried."

"Mhm, sure." He smirked. "Gon's worried." Killua walked over and rubbed the tip of his nose against mine, making my embarrassment grow. "Well, let's go!" He ran off.

"Killua Zoldyck, get your ass back over here!" I rushed after him.


We arrived back at the hall where Hisoka was sitting, our stances on the defense. Hisoka let out an awry chuckle. He shot out aura, but we just stood still, letting out zero reactions. We all walked forward with straight faces while I barely felt anything. While we were walking like complete and utter badasses, I tripped and fell, but quickly got up.

"Awe, come on man." Killua laughed, reaching out his hand to help me up.

"I meant to do that." I took it and continued walking.

Hisoka turned off his aura and we continued walking, our footsteps echoing throughout the large corridor. "Welcome to the 200th floor." The worst clown in all of existence smiled. "Seems I needn't bother with traditional initiation. I think I can guess why you've come to Heaven's Arena."

"Money." I replied.

"You intended to train before challenging me, correct?" Hisoka ignored me.

"That's right." Gon nodded.

"And money!" I huffed.

"I didn't expect I was gonna find you here." Gon continued. "That saves me some trouble."

"I wouldn't get too brash just because you learned Ten." Hisoka laughed.

"Bro can you just shut the fuck up? We're trying our best." I frowned.

"Oh, but there is much to learn about Nen." He held up his fingers as a string of nen connected them, creating a spade. "To be honest, I feel absolutely no urge to fight you right now."

"Great, so we can go to bed?" I asked.

"No, not yet. I have a deal for you. If you manage to win a single fight on this floor, I'll accept Gon's challenge." Hisoka grinned, right before turning around and walking away.

"So I can sleep now?" I offered, leaning on Killua out of exhaustion.

"How about we go get checked in now?" The boy I was using as a pillow laughed. All three of us walked off to the register and claimed our rooms, which were all conveniently located next to each other. I rushed into my room and jumped onto the bed, not even bothering to take my stuff off.

"Killua, this one's so flu-" I looked around, and then remembered he wasn't there. "Oh, right. I'm sleeping alone now." I frowned. "Well, goodnight...me."


After a few minutes of sleep, I was awoken by loud and hurried rapping on my door. I rushed over to it and pulled it open, growing a bit worried. I saw Killua wearing his sleepwear; his white V-neck and some shorts. He looked incredibly sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked, taking his hand and leading him into my room, shutting the door behind me.

"Bad dream." He closed his eyes.

"Oh, I see. Come on." I walked him over to the bed and we sat down. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Can't." Killua sighed, putting his knees up to his chest.

"Killua." I grabbed his leg. "I won't judge. I promise."

He stayed quiet for a bit, just before nodding. "Okay. But..." He inhaled deeply. "There's something I need to tell you. It's really, really important."

"Okay." I smiled warmly.

"I...I kinda sorta..." Killua's face was bright red. "God this is way too hard. I really, really, really li-" He was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Ah, shit. Sorry, lemme get that!" I chuckled nervously, going to go pick up my phone. I looked at the contact name, noticing that it read 'Mom'. "Hello?" I put it up to my ear.

"Where the hell are you?" She yelled from the other side of the line.

"I'm...at Heaven's Arena." I smiled. "With Killua."

"Who? Are you talking to strangers? Y/n, I raised you better than that!" She continued screaming her head off.

"He's not a stranger! I've been gone for a really long time, I don't know what made you notice all of a sudden." I sighed.

"Come home, now." She demanded. My legs and hands began to shake once I heard her tone.

"But, Mom I-"

"No buts! You've been gone for months, not checking in even once. Now you're talking to random people and going to arenas...How did you even learn to fight?" 

"Let me live! For once! It's my life, not yours!" I shouted, just before hanging up. "Sorry, that was my Mom. She..." I started to cry. "Wanted me home. I'm not going though! I'd rather stay here, with you."

"Do you...need to go back?" He looked scared. "I don't want you leaving, but if you'll get in trouble because you stay with me, then you should go back."

"I was in trouble I long time ago, Killua." I laughed, walking up to him and grabbing his cheek gently. "Now what did you want to tell me?"

"Ah! Nothing!" His posture became stiff. "I'm gonna sleep in here now, good night." He laid down on the bed quickly.

"Uh...good night?"

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