63- 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘹 𝘚𝘦𝘵 𝘹 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵!

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The referee began to speak to Gon and his opponent, but we were too far away.

"So, how long do you think the match will last?" I sighed, not too sure what to talk about.

"I dunno. But, it'd better be entertaining, or I'll start talking your ear off." Killua chuckled. "Granted, I'd probably do that regardless of the fight."

"I wouldn't mind." I laughed.

"Oh, hey. What'd you think of my family?" He turned to me.

"Okay, well I hate your mom, your dad, Illumi, and whoever the hell else you live with. Except for Canary. She's cool. And Kalluto seemed pretty nice. I wish I could've talked with him more." I smiled.

"That's what you have to say? You're not even bothered that they tried to kill you?"

"Eh, I had other priorities." I nudged his shoulder gently. "Namely, you."

"Glad to know I'm a top priority of yours." He teased.

"Oh, hush. Be grateful you're on the list at all." I quipped.

"So there's a list?" He rested his head on the palm of his hand. "Where might Quinn fall on this list?"

"Why're you so obsessed with them? You jealous, snowflake?" I smiled.

"Who knows, really? I'm just asking." He closed his eyes.

"Such a curious kitty." I laughed, patting his fluffy hair. "Don't worry, they're not before you. You're one place above them."

"Good." He smirked, opening his eyes again.

"And where am I on your list?"

"Hey, I'm not gonna tell you that!" He huffed.

"Why not? I'm just asking." I grinned, using his own point against him. "Lemme guess, it's embarrassing." He whispered something to himself, but unfortunately, I couldn't hear it. "Mind saying that a bit louder? I couldn't hear you."

"No way! You don't need to know." He folded his arms.

"Yeah, I do! I'm your best friend, I gotta know!" I frowned, flopping over to his chair dramatically.

"God, you can be so annoying sometimes. It's kinda funny though." He laughed. "But, you don't need to know everything about me."

"I don't need to know everything, but I think most things would be nice." I pouted.

"You can find out everything but that." Killua smiled, a little bit of a fang poking through as he booped my nose. "Now, what's goin' on down there?"

We refocused our attention to what was going on below us, only to find Gon dodging a swift punch. "Push hard!" Gon shouted, hitting the man on his stomach. This sent the adult flying, leaving Gon the victor. Even Gon seemed surprised at his win.

"You did amazing!" I stood up and started to clap. "C'mon Killua, let's cheer him on." I laughed, grabbing Killua by the arm.

"Nice going." He cheered.

Afterward, the whole crowd started to roar, letting Gon know just how well he did. I glanced at the grown man, who had crashed into a wall. Gon just looked at his hand with bewilderment. The referee printed out a receipt and handed it to Gon. He smiled and walked back.

"You did awesome!" I grinned as we shared a high-five.

"Numbers 4206 and 2054 to ring E." The announcer spoke.

"That's you, Killua! Good luck." I smiled, giving him a brief side hug.

"Thanks! This'll be over quickly though." He waved and ran off to the ring excitedly. He was also paired up against an old man, but he quickly finished him off with a lazy chop. I gasped, but quickly stood up and began to clap.

"Go, Killua! That's my best friend!" I cheered, closing my eyes. "You're the best!"

The referee also handed him a receipt, but Killua seemed to object to something, just before turning his attention to the matt across from him. I looked over to see a kid with brown eyes and a buzz cut, who wore a Gi with a red belt and a black undershirt. He seemed about 9, maybe 10, and was also making grown men collapse. It felt nice not to be the only abnormally powered child in the building, though Killua seemed upset that the spotlight was no longer on us.

Killua walked back up, a small smile on his face. "Hey." He grinned.

"You did amazing! Well done." I gave him a tight hug, just before letting go. "What were you talking with the ref about though?"

"Well, he wanted me to go 180, but I decided to go with 50, knowing that's where you two will probably end up." He explained.

"So you're already experienced enough to go to 180? Guess I gotta work harder." I sighed.

"Awe, give yourself a break. You haven't even gotten to your match yet. And besides, I've been here before, so naturally, I'm a bit more experienced. Just take your time and be patient with yourself." He smiled, lightly ruffling my hair. "You're already really strong anyway."

"Numbers 1763 and 2056 to ring D." The announcer, well, announced.

"Oh, that's me. Well, I'm off." I grinned nervously.

"You got this, just don't get in your own head. Remember, an opponent may be bigger than you, but that doesn't make them stronger." Killua encouraged. "You've got this."

"Break a leg, just make sure it's not yours!" Gon joked.

"Right! Thanks, you guys!" I rushed down the stairs, feeling like my legs could melt into jelly at any given moment.

I walked into the ring and glanced up at my opponent, a woman with Ivory hair pulled into a long braid and calm brown eyes. She had dark skin, and wore a black hoodie with short sleeves and some shorts to match.

"Hey." She waved, a small but welcoming smile appearing on her face.

"Um, hello!" I waved back, growing a bit shy.

"So we have to fight each other, huh?" She frowned, shoving her hand in one of her shorts pockets. "That kinda sucks. Just know that there are no feelings in this fight. I don't wanna fight you, it was just sheer coincidence that we were pit against each other."

"Oh, yeah, I get that." I smiled, my anxiety slowly disappearing. "I can say the same to you!"

"I like you, kid. What's your name?" She chuckled.

"I'm Y/n. Pleased to meet you." I grinned.

"I'm Marceline." She introduced. "Age 24."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I laughed. "Let's duke it out!"

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