73- 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘹 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘹 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘹 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴

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"Y/n, wake up." Killua cooed, shaking me gently.

"Mm, no." I groaned.

"Y/n." He huffed. "I said it's time to get up now."

"I heard you, and I said I don't wanna." I opened one eye, just before closing it again. "It'll just be more fighting today anyway."

"Hey, if you want us to stick together as a group, you need to wake up so you can stay on the same floors with us!" He complained. "C'mon, don't you want me to stay by your side?"

"Shh. Sleep." I smiled, pulling him down to the bed and making him lay next to me. "We stayed up pretty late last night, so we should get more rest. It's important."

"Fine." Killua laughed, putting his chin on the top of my head. "Be grateful I'm not dragging you out of bed today."

"Yeah, yeah. Where's Gon?" I asked, looking up at him.

"He went to go fight. That's why I tried to wake you up, so we could go watch." He explained. "But obviously, that didn't happen."

"I trapped you!" I teased, pulling him a bit closer to me if that were even possible. "Now you gotta stay with me forever."

"I wouldn't mind that." He smiled, squeezing my hand gently. "Now, are you ready to go fight some more?"

"No!" I laughed. "I'm ready to just lay here, doing nothing but talk to you."

"Weirdo." He grinned, sitting up a bit.

"Killua, you're literally my favorite person in the whole entire world." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You're my favorite too." Killua said sincerely, patting my head.

"Oh? You going soft on me, Zoldyck?" I smirked.

"You wish." He chuckled. "Now, come on. Let's go." He grabbed my hand, leading me outside of the bedroom we shared with Gon.


Gon finished one of his matches, and afterward, he and Killua went up on stage, their faces that had become so familiar to me displayed on the screen.

"It's time for the biggest match of the day! 2 rookies and their friend have advanced to the 190th floor without losing a single fight!" The commentator announced, which made me feel a bit flattered at my mention. "Gon and Killua! And you might be able to see Y/n in the stands!"

"Oh, gosh." I smiled, feeling several pairs of eyes on me.

"Will Gon and Killua be able to clear today's match with a single shot, too?" The announcer continued. "Okay, everyone! Get out your wager buttons!"

Gon was paired up against a guy who looked like a goofy villain from an 80's movie, which made me laugh a bit. Killua on the other hand was paired up with a big, brawny guy who was wearing some sort of weird wrestler outfit. Or his underwear, it's honestly all on perspective. The two men charged at Gon and Killua. Killua had his eyes shut, while Gon actually looked alert and prepared for battle. Obviously, Gon and Killua pummeled them within less than 2 minutes.

"Woo! Go Gon and Killua!" I stood up and cheered. "You guys are amazing!" Killua waved at me, giving me a wink. Gon raced up the steps and walked up to me.

"Didja see it?" He bounced excitedly.

"Mhm! You did so good, Gon!" I encouraged. Killua rushed up the steps as well, making me grow a bit more excited.

"That guy talked big for someone so weak." He laughed.

"Yeah, well, maybe you're just really strong." I grinned. "Anyway, my fights coming up soon. You guys can go get food if you're hungry, you really don't have to stay."

"Why wouldn't we stay? You're fun to watch." Gon gave me a side hug, making me feel a bit happier than I already was.

"Yeah, and besides, I really like it when you finish and then we all move up together. It's fun!" Killua intervened.

"I like it too. I'm just a bit worried." I sighed.

"About what?" Killua sat down in a chair that was next to my original seat, a concerned look on his face.

"Well, what if..." I looked at the ground, a bit embarrassed to ask. "What if I fail? What if I end up staying on this floor forever because I can't take anyone down?"

"You won't. And on the slight chance, you do, I'll stay with you." Killua reassured, holding both of my hands.

"Really?" I felt myself smile, I just couldn't contain it.

"Really. You're stuck with me." He nudged my arm. "Whether you like it or not."

"Hm, I think I like it." I smiled, closing my eyes and leaning my head on his shoulder. "Yeah, I like it a lot."

"Gon, what do I do?" Killua whispered, thinking I wouldn't be able to hear him. I opened my eyes to see Gon holding two thumbs up and winking. Killua held up a shaky thumbs up in response and put his hands on his lap.

"Well, I should get going now. See ya guys!" I smiled, getting up and walking out of the door, mentally hyping myself up for when my fight would begin.


I walked into the ring, trying to think of everything Killua had said to try and boost my confidence. My opponent was a tall, blonde man who wore a blue and white uniform with a yellow crest on it. He had blue eyes and fair skin, but didn't seem to be the fighting type. Though he was very pretty.

"And who might you be, my dear?" He smiled, pulling a rose out of thin air.

"Y/n L/n." I held out my hand for him to shake. "And you?"

"Tamaki Suoh of Ouran Academy!"

"Pleased to meet you." I smiled, half nervous and half entertained.

"The pleasures all mine." He grinned flirtatiously. "Now then! Would you like to join the Host Club? You're a simply beautiful creature and I feel as though our patrons would love to sit with you!"

"Host club?" I repeated. "Uh, no thanks. I'm just here to fight is all. And make some money."

"Are you a commoner?" He gasped.

"And begin!" The referee shouted. I quickly ended the match with a swift kick to his long legs, knocking him down.

"I forfeit." He was a bit muffled, as his face was on the floor.

"Uh, okay. Bye Mister Suoh." I chuckled, unsure of what to do. I ran back up to find Killua and Gon.

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