04- 𝘔𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘹 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘹 𝘎𝘪𝘯𝘨

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"Anyway...I've got a question for you." Ging continued. "Do you...want to see me?"

"This man-" I sighed.

"If you do, keep listening. If you don't, just press the stop button." We all stayed quiet and continued to listen to the silence of the tape. "I'm assuming that's a yes. But I'll ask you one more time.  Are you sure?" I just nodded, already sick of this man's bullshit. "Hunters are selfish creatures. We're willing to sacrifice anything and everything to get what we want."

"I mean...I guess?" I snorted. Killua just let out a light chuckle and covered my mouth with his hand, before letting go after a bit.

"If you just think it would be nice to see me, stop the tape here. I'll give you a minute." Ging said.

"What do you think?" Killua broke the silence and turned to Gon. We both noted the expression on Gon's face and realized that the tape was probably going to play all day. Killua let out a small laugh before turning to look at the audio player.

"You wanna see me that much, huh?" The deadbeat father on the tape sighed. "Well...I don't wanna see you."

"This bastard..." I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Honestly, I don't know how to face you," Ging admitted. "After all, I walked away from being a parent for purely selfish reasons."

"Did he leave for another man? Maybe a blonde? He seems into blondes." I shrugged. "Like some sort of...blonde rat man?"

"Wh-What?" Gon gazed at me with fear. "That's my dad-"

"I'm just sayin'," I replied. "He seems closeted."

"Tape! We need to focus on the tape!" Killua shouted.

"Right, sorry!" I laughed.

"I'm not a decent guy." Ging continued. "I don't have any way of knowing how much time will pass before you listen to this tape. I figure it'll be at least 10 years. But it doesn't matter. There's one thing that will never change. I'll always be...the guy I am."

"Mhm." I scoffed.

"As you sit there, listening to this tape, I'm sure I'll be off horsing around somewhere. If you still want to see me, find me. But like I said, I don't want to see you." Ging spoke as I just sighed. "If I hear you coming, I'm gonna bolt. Catch me if you can, you are a Hunter now, aren't you?"

"This man..." I groaned. "Estúpido imbécil!"

"I didn't you know you spoke Spanish." Killua smiled.

"I know a few phrases and some swears, but not much," I replied. "Anyway, any thoughts you guys?"

"If you thought your dad would be easy to track, then you better think again." Killua turned to Gon. He stretched over to turn off the cassette player before being stopped by Gon.

"Hey, wait. Ging's still there. Let it play." Gon decided.

"Oh." Killua went back to his spot next to me.

"Oh, there's one more thing I forgot to mention." Ging continued. "It's...about your mother."

"Wait, really?" My eyes widened.

"If you wanna know more, keep listening," Ging said. "If you don't, then-" Gon shut off the tape.

"Gon!" I whined. "I wanted to know more."

"Sorry but, I don't think it's necessary." Gon smiled.

"Are you sure?" Killua asked. Gon just nodded. "But...What about the rest of it? What if he left you another clue?"

"No way, not him." Gon seemed so cheery. "I can feel it. And like I said before, I do have a mom: Aunt Mito."

"Yeah but, finding out who you're biologically related to is kinda important. I'd give anything to know who my dad was." I frowned.

"Yeah but, blood doesn't matter in the long run. It's who you love!" The black haired boy next to me smiled. "Hey, are you two hungry?" He stood up. "I'll go get us something to eat."

"Sure," Killua replied.

"Um...Okay." I nodded, not wanting to be a bother. Gon left the room, leaving Killua and me by ourselves.

"Hey, why'd you get so angry when Gon didn't continue playing the tape?" Killua asked.

"Hm? It's nothing to worry about." I replied, pulling my legs up to my chin.

"Awe come on, please?" He got closer to me. "I'm curious now."

"Well, curiosity killed the cat," I smirked.

"But satisfaction brought it back." He took my hand from my leg and just held it in his.

"It's stupid. Do you really wanna know?" I locked eyes with him.

"It won't be stupid, and I do wanna know." He huffed. "Please?"

"Okay." I laughed at his desperation. "Well, since I never got to know my own dad, I dunno...I guess I just wanted to know more about the person who birthed someone in a similar situation. It sucks being a latchkey kid. No one cares about you, and no one waits for you at home. You just feel...alone." I explained, getting the urge to cry. "So when I met someone else who was practically orphaned, it just felt like a duty to help him discover who he's related to."

"Oh, I get it." Killua nodded. "Hey, I see those tears in your eyes, but it's okay. Someone cares about you. It's me." He gently held my face. "And obviously your mom cares about you somewhat, or else she wouldn't have called."

"See? I told you it was stupid!" I laughed, wiping away the future breakdown from my optics.

"It's not stupid, I get it!" He chuckled, wrapping his arm around me. "It's human to worry about who cares about you and who doesn't, especially when no one is nurturing you. I am always gonna be here though. Because you know who would skip out on you?"

"Who?" I sniffled.

"A fucking idiot. That's who." He smiled, kissing my cheek. "And probably creeps who get off on hurting angelic people. So, Hisoka, I guess."

"Well, I want Hisoka to leave me." I giggled.

"Me too!" Killua explained. "He's so annoying, and has shown up everywhere we've been so far. Why does he appear all the time?"

"Maybe he's obsessed with us." I played with Killua's hair and gazed out the window, watching all the birds fly away.

"I know I said I wanted to stop killing, but that all changes when I see that clown." Killua grumped. "He's so gross."

"I need to keep you on a leash." I joked.

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