20- 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘹 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮

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Quinn's lungs were quickly scanned as we found that there were a total of one flower left inside of their airways. However, it was quite large with red splatters on it, which I assumed was blood.

"Oh, thank god!" Quinn cheered, looking at the photos. 

"Glad to see you're excited about it." The doctor snorted. "So, you see how it's all big like that? It's going to eventually travel down to your stomach. That means that the petals are harder to take out. You might need to take some laxatives to get most of it out."

"I have to shit out a flower?" Quinn exclaimed, quickly sitting up. "No way! Ugh, that's so embarrassing."

"It's okay. I mean, you're not the one who chugged a can of laxatives during our hunter's exam." I laughed, gazing at Killua through my peripherals.

"Of course, surgery is always an option." The doctor offered. "Though it needs to be done as soon as possible."

"Right." Quinn nodded. "You're only gonna take the flower out. Right?"

"Yes, that's correct. It's nothing like the actual hanahaki surgery." She explained. "Don't worry. Your memory of those feelings will stay."

"Good." They smiled. "When can we get it done?"

"When are you available? Hunters are our first priority, so it's whenever you want." She grinned.

"Hm...no thanks. I'll leave my final flower. Besides, won't my stomach acid just dissolve  it?" Quinn smiled. "Thanks though. Come on, let's get going."

"Wait, really?" I stepped forward.

"Yup." They nodded. "Let me change out of this hospital gown first though." They got up and made their way to the bathroom, before quickly coming out, wearing a black suit with a tie of the same color. They wore a silver chain on the belt loop of their pants, which had a small lock on it. "So whaddya think? Like the new outfit?" They smirked, putting their hand on their hip.

"It looks super cute, Quinn!" Gon cheered.

"Ah, th-thank you!" They giggled, blushing a bit. "You look pretty cute too..."

"Huh?" Gon asked.

"Ah! 내가 큰 소리로 말했다? How embarrassing..." They murmured. "Nothing, just forget about it. 믿을 수 없는."

"Okay!" Gon chirped. "Ready to go?"

"Yup!" They replied, fidgeting with one of the rings on their hands. I hadn't seen it before, but it was black with navy blue diamonds. 


We quickly left the hospital and went to our hotel. I watched as Quinn and Gon sat down on the couch and watched some cartoons. I was tired, no, exhausted from all the running around, back and forth to the hospital. So much stress was held in my shoulders, and I just felt like dying. I went into the section of the hotel room with the beds and laid down, not wanting to sleep, but not wanting to stay awake either.

"You okay?" I heard Killua ask from the doorframe.

"Mhm. Just...tired." I nodded.

"What can I do to help you?" He walked over to where I was laying and sat down.

"Nothing. Just...lay here with me, okay?" I smiled weakly. "I need you right now."

"Okay. Make room for me." He chuckled, scooting in bed next to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're okay, baby. You're okay. I got ya." Killua smiled, burying his head in my neck.

"Hold me forever." I giggled.

"Gladly." He smiled. "You're so soft. And so cute. I love holding you like this."

"You're cheesy." I placed my hands on top of his.

"Whatever." He laughed. "Are you gonna go to sleep?"

"Maybe. I don't know. I'm too tired to sleep." I frowned. "If that makes sense."

"Hm...I get that. But you should try. I don't want you exhausted." He replied, kissing my cheek.

"No!" I whined. "I wanna stay up."

"Shh, go to sleep." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Nooo." I sighed. "I wanna stay awake with you."

"Why?" He chuckled.

"Cuz you're cute! and it's not fair. It's not fair to all the ugly people out there." I huffed, turning around and burying my face in his chest. "It's not fair to my fellow ugly people."

"What? You're not ugly." He chuckled lightly.

"I'm ugly," I whined. "And you, you're an angel. Stupid beautiful angel human." I scoffed. "Stop being cute."

"Well, my mom always told me that angels can only fall in love with other angels. And demons can only fall in love with other demons." He replied. "That makes you an angel too."

"Fair, fair." I smiled. "I guess I will go to bed. Night Kil. See you later."

"Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you." He rested his chin on the top of my head as I shut my eyes and slipped into dreamland.


I was standing on a thin line of glass, looking down at the inky abyss below me. Across the glass was Killua, sitting on a platform and waving at me, smiling brightly. I beamed and quickly ran across until I got to the middle. Then, all the glass broke. I fell and watched as Killua still sat on the platform, his facial expression staying the same as it was before.

Once I landed on the bottom of the pit, I saw a door, illuminated by the light coming from the room hidden behind it. I walked over and opened the handle and stepped inside. The sight I saw was...upsetting, to say the least.

I saw Killua sitting on a bench, his head pointed towards the floor with a sorrowful expression on his face. He was sitting outside of a room that had windows all along the top. Someone was laying on the bed, their face bandaged up. They had several wires attached to them.

"Wh-Who is that?" I walked forward my breath shaky. "What happened?"

"Oh, Y/n." He didn't look up at me. "You were there, wouldn't you know?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well, you know." Tears formed in his eyes. "You know."

"I don't."

"That's...That's our friend in there." He sniffled.


"No, they died a long time ago, I thought you remembered." He glanced at me. "You remember, don't you?"

"I..." I fidgeted with my fingers. 

"You really don't know who's in there?"

"No." I shook my head.

"It's Gon."

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