21- 𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘯

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I pushed my way past Quinn and looked around for Killua. I found him laughing and talking with Gon. He seemed so much happier than yesterday, which made me happy. "Killua!" I shouted and happily jumped onto his back. He grabbed onto my legs, making sure I wouldn't slip and fall.

"Warn me next time, dummy!" He laughed. I wrapped my arms around his abdomen, taking extra safety precautions.

"Now you gotta carry me through the rest of the exam..." I joked, laying my chin on top of Killua's fluffy hair. He didn't say anything.

"Killua...why's your face all red?" Gon asked. I could feel Killua's shoulders go up.

"It's not!" Killua hissed. I didn't say anything, but I could kind of see a tinge of pink on his cheeks. I hopped off of Killua's back and pat his head.

"I'm glad I met you guys. Y'know what else I'm glad about?" I smiled. Gon and Killua shrugged. "The existence of bagels. I'm gonna go get some from the dining hall. I'll see ya soon, okay?" I rushed to the large room that had several breakfast foods spread across the counters that were assorted in the corners of the room.

"Good morning Y/n." Kurapika smiled, holding a can of coffee in one hand and a piece of toast with jam slathered on it in the other.

"Mornin'! Where's Leorio?" I looked over at the drinks you could choose from. They had so many, from green tea to hot cocoa. It was about 7:30, so we had about 30 minutes to get ready.

"I think he's still asleep. What were you and the others up to?" Kurapika took a sip of his coffee and took a bite of his toast.

"We were...fighting? Yeah, fighting with Chairman Netero. But Killua and I ended up leaving after a while." I picked out a soda called Ramune. I got the melon flavor.

"I see. And Quinn?"

"Quinn and I got into a fight. I'm kind of angry with them now..." I sighed, popping open the bottle and taking a sip.

"I'm sorry to hear. Do you want to talk about it?" Kurapika set down his coffee on one of the counters. He had finished his toast already.

"They were grabbing onto me, which I'm honestly okay with...but they were asking Killua if it bothered him for some reason. I asked them what they meant by that and they wouldn't explain. They smacked me and ran off." I shut my eyes, recalling the events of last night.

"I'm sorry. I don't think they wanted to harm you; they just wanted to get out of that situation." Kurapika smiled sweetly.

"But am I really that terrible to talk to? All I wanted was an explanation..." I felt tears prick my eyes.

"Hey, Hey don't cry! I like talking to you. I think Quinn is just freaking out. This is a big deal for them." Kurapika said, trying to comfort me. I began to cry, hot tears dripping down my face. Kurapika pulled me into a tight hug. "Hey, you know what?" He whispered.

"What?" I sniffled.

"I'll talk with Quinn later and make it all better. I'll ask them to tell you what's wrong but you gotta promise me that you won't force them too much." Kurapika offered.

"No Thank you. I can talk to Quinn on my own. Thank you though." I wiped some tears from my face.

"Are you sure?" Kurapika asked. I just nodded. "Okay. I'm here if you ever wanna talk to me. I have to get Leorio up, but I'll see you later." He smiled and walked away. I still felt like crying, but it was probably greedy of me after Kurapika wasted that time trying to comfort me. I sighed and rushed to the bathroom, trying to make sure you couldn't tell I was crying. I looked okay but I splashed some water on my face, just to be careful.

When I left the bathroom I found Quinn standing around, looking very confused. They turned around and saw me. "Y/n!" They smiled and came to hug me. They wrapped their arms around me, but I didn't budge. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I messed everything up, didn't I?" Quinn apologized. "I didn't mean to hurt you." They let go of me. I tried to maintain the same bored expression I promised myself I would. "I hurt you didn't I?" Quinn's tone was so sad. My lips parted a bit.

"You did. But...I understand why. It's okay." I smiled a little bit. 

"You do? So, you know how I actually feel about you? And...And you're okay with me feeling that way?" Quinn smiled a little. "And...You feel the same about me, not Killua?"

"What do you mean?" I stepped closer to Quinn.

"Um! Just forget it...I'm not ready to tell you about all that yet." They sighed. I nodded, not wanting to push anything.

"Well, I'm gonna go get ready for the exam...bye." They said and ran away. I inhaled sharply through my nose and closed my eyes. I was absolutely terrified.

"Bah!" A voice shouted behind me, while the owner put their hands on my shoulders. I screamed and jumped. I turned around to find a chuckling Killua.

"Jesus christ Killua, don't do that!" I gasped. He continued laughing and rustled my hair.

"Scardey-cat." He giggled.

"I'll get you for this!" I smirked and began to tickle him. He let out howls of laughter.

"Y/n- Y/n, oh my god sto-" He was cut off by me tickling him harder. "Y/n don't do this to m- HAHAHHAHAHA" He was now on the ground and I kneeled next to him, tickling him harder. "That's not fair!" He managed to say, trying to wipe the tears of laughter that formed in his eyes.

"Scaring me wasn't fair either!" I laughed. He flipped over so he was now on top of me and began to give me a taste of my own medicine.

"That ought to show you!" He chuckled.

"Killua I can't friggin breathe-" I laughed. 

"Now you know how I felt!" He stopped tickling me momentarily but stayed on top of me.

"Killua, I think you should get up now." I smiled.

"Right, sorry." His face was bright red. "Well, gotta go get ready for the next phase. See ya, scaredy-cat." He waved and left.

"Jerk," I muttered, smiling slightly.

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