54- 𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘹 𝘞𝘦 𝘹 𝘋𝘰 𝘹 𝘐𝘵?

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The door opened by about an inch, but we all let go of the door out of sheer shock and we were all sent flying backward. "God damn it, we were so close!" Quinn frowned.

"Yeah, but some progress is better than no progress at all, right?" I grinned, closing one eye and bending down to catch my breath. "We just gotta work a bit harder."

"Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right." They chuckled.

"Oh my goodness! You guys!" Gon quickly ran over to us, looking incredibly happy. 

"It moved a little." Leorio chuckled. Gon's smile only seemed to grow as his eyes widened.

"We're getting so close! My heart's practically leaping out of my chest!" I giggled. I grabbed Quinn's hands and began to hop around with them, my legs feeling like springs from all the excitement. 

"We're doing it, we're doing it, we're doing it! We're gonna save the cat boy from his stinky big brother." Quinn sang, dancing around with me. "And no one's gonna say we can't!" They giggled. We sat down on the ground together, as they sat in my lap, snuggling their head into the crook of my neck. "You're so amazing."

"Yeah, well you're more amazing!" I laughed. "If you weren't here, I doubt we would've gotten this far."

"Well, it was only because of the hard work you put in. You should be really proud of yourself!" They glanced up at me, their eyes filled to the brim with hope. "Now come on, let's keep this goin'!"

We all began to stretch, which made me grow a bit more confidant. I glanced at Quinn, who had an adorable, ever-lasting smile on their face. They looked back and waved, right before continuing to stretch. I shook my hands and blew on them, just before checking if everyone was ready. Once everyone was finished warming back up, I glanced at the door.

"Hey, why don't you all try taking those vests off for today?" Zebro suggested, approaching us.

"Huh? Well, don't mind if I do!" Leorio wore a devilish smile on his face.

"But, is that really allowed?" I frowned. "I feel like I'd be cheating."

"Oh, it's all right. Most people don't use the vests when trying to get in anyway. Besides, you already opened it a bit while wearing them anyway." He smiled.

"Hm...All right!" I chuckled. We all threw our vests onto the ground, making a loud thud and a hole in the ground once they were removed. "Oh gosh, that feels so much better!" I grinned, rolling my shoulder.

"All right, now we'll be able to open the gate for sure!" Leorio said. We all got in the same positions we were in before, and I took a deep breath, waiting for the signal to start pushing. "Let's do this, you guys!"

"Yes sir!" Quinn and I smirked, saying it at the same time.

"Right," Kurapika said calmly.

"One and two." Leorio started.

"Three!" The rest of us cheered.

We pushed on the door, which was easier than last time, but still quite difficult. I let out small grunts of frustration, wanting to cry, but I couldn't. No matter how badly my arms hurt, or how much strain my back was being put through, I knew I couldn't give up. I'd never forgive myself. It wouldn't have been fair to Quinn, Gon, Killua, or myself.

We continued for a while, our force remaining the same, that was until the gate opened a lot more than last time. My eyes widened and I let out a small laugh of joy and amazement. We continued to push on the first few doors, hoping to open them all the way.

"Damn it, that's as far as it'll go!" Leorio sighed.

"You can't give up yet, keep pushing!" Kurapika clenched his eyes shut.

"Okay, I'm with you!"

"Y'know, outta context, that would sound real ki-." Quinn wiggled their eyebrows.

"Quinn, I will not hesitate to boot you into the sun if you continue to make jokes like that." Kurapika sighed.

Gon walked up, placing both his hands on the door, his bandage strewn somewhere.

"Hey, I thought I had told you to rest!" I whined.

"It's okay, my arm's all healed now." Gon smiled.

"What, already?" Kurapika gaped.

"I don't believe you! Go sit." I frowned.

"No way, I want to help!" He glanced at me. "You guys shouldn't be expected to do this all on your own, that's not fair."

"Fine. but you're gonna take a nap when we're done, okay?" I grimaced.

"Finee." He sighed.

"Are you sure Gon?" Leorio asked.

"Yep!" He smiled, chipper as always. "So, anyway, we gotta match our breathing?"

"Uh, that's right," Leorio replied.

"Well, let's push!" Kurapika grinned.

"Ready!" Quinn shouted.

"Get set!" Leorio and Kurapika yelled.

"Go!" Gon and I cheered.

We all pushed, as the door seemed to rumble. It opened way wider than it had before, which made me feel incredibly happy. We continued to push, making the doors open slowly. The door opened all the way, just enough to let Gon fall through, landing flat on his face. 

"Go on in you two!" Leorio smiled, holding the door open so Quinn and I could get through.

"After the work you put in, you deserve to go before us." Kurapika chuckled. I skipped my way through, humming along.

"We did it!" Quinn giggled. "I knew we could!"

"God, I'm so happy! Thank you, Quinn, I could just kiss you right now!" I laughed.

"Yes please." They smiled.

"I think they were kidding." Gon whispered.

"Oh." They frowned.

"Sorry, buddy." I gave them a hug, patting their back.

"Um, anyway..." They chuckled.

"Hell yeah, we opened it!" Leorio shouted.

"We really did it, you guys!" Kurapika smiled.

"Uh-huh!" Gon jumped, pumping his fist in the air.

We walked through to Killua's yard, where Zebro wished us farewell. "Now then, just follow this path and head toward the mountain. The mansion should be up there somewhere. Never been there myself, which is kind of embarrassing considering I've worked here for 20 years. I'm sorry I can't be of any more help."

"Thank you very much, Zebro." I smiled. "You've helped us very much, it really means a lot. Because of you, I'll be able to see Killua again, and he'll be able to live the life he wants. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this."

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