80- 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘖𝘧 𝘹 𝘈𝘯 𝘹 𝘈𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘯

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I woke up to see Killua, just staring at me. He looked really happy, just sitting and staring. "Quit lookin' at me, you creep." I joked.

"Well, good morning to you too, sunshine." He laughed. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good." I rubbed my eyes. "I'm glad we've got those 90 days to wait."

"Why?" He messed around with his hair a bit, trying to make it look like how it usually does.

"Because now I can just take time to relax with you." I shut my eyes and leaned my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat get faster. He let out a tiny squeak and put his hands on my back. "You all right, cat boy?"

"Mhm! Yup, yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" He chuckled. "I'm fine! Chill. Cool sauce, my bro, homie, buddy old pal!"

"Killua, that physically hurt me." I winced, grabbing his shoulders.

"Sorry." He smiled. "You've got one of your matches today though, right?"

"Fuck, I forgot about that." I sighed. "Guess I'd better get it over with so we can relax again."

"You'll be okay. You haven't lost yet." Killua chuckled.

"Mm, but I just wanna stay here with you." I frowned. "I want to sleep!" I whined.

"So take a nap!" He laughed. "I'll wake you up when it's time to go."

"No." I grumped.

"Y/n, you deserve sleep. Now, rest up." He demanded.

"Make me." I teased.

"If you say so." Killua smiled, holding up his hand with all his fingers pressed together.

"Wait, I was joking!" I exclaimed, jumping back.

"Relax, I know that." He cackled, putting his hand down. "But in all seriousness, take a break. I can tell you've been stressing out."

"Have not!" I shot back.

"Yeah, you have." He sighed.

"Oh yeah? Prove it!" I huffed.

"Your shoulders are constantly raised." He pointed. "And you've got those bags under your eyes. You haven't been sleeping. I heard you wake up all the time when we were still on the 150th floor."

"That's..." I grew flustered over the fact he had noticed my behavior from my spot on the floor.

"What have you been imagining, little dreamer?" He asked, making his way closer to me and cupping his cheek in my hand. "Everything all right?"

"Don't wanna say." I frowned, feeling the need to cry. I knew I needed to let it all out, but I couldn't put that all on Killua.

"If you don't tell me, I can't help." He replied, not letting go of my face. "And I really wanna help you."

"I know that, but...it'd be wrong of me to worry you like that." I sniffled, trying to suck back any tears that might fall.

"Y/n, I'm your friend, I'm constantly worried about you." He laughed. "Now tell me what's wrong." He touched our noses together. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, not sure of what I was about to do.

What was I going to do?

I quickly grabbed his collar and put his lips against mine, this time grabbing his face. Butterflies filled my tummy and it felt like time had frozen around us. Neither of us pulled back, we just enjoyed the kiss. My face felt burning hot, but I didn't mind all that much. Killua broke the kiss my scrambling backward, red in the face.

"Wh-Why did you do that?" He gasped.

"I'm sorry! It just felt right and so I did it! I should've asked, I'm sorry! I thought you wanted to do that too, but you didn't..." I tilted my head down in shame. "I'm sorry. You already like someone too..."

"You dummy!" He smiled. "The person I like is you!"

"What?" I grinned. "I am?"

"Obviously! Thought I made it pretty clear." Killua ran up to me and gave me a tight hug. "I'm actually pretty glad you kissed me."

"So...does this mean we're dating now?" I asked.

"Would you want to?" He replied.

"Yeah!" I giggled, squishing his cheeks together for whatever reason. "I really, really, really love you Killua!"

"I love you too, Y/n! So damn much!" Happy tears began to fall from his eyes. "And I'm never gonna lose you. I can promise you that."

"Good! I'm never gonna lose you, either!" I kissed the tip of his nose as he began to spin me around. "No one will ever separate us. Not if I can do something about it."

"Good." He replied. Killua lifted me so he was carrying me bridal style as he rushed to Gon's room. We found that he was just picking up the little bit of mess he made.

"Oh hey, guys!" Gon waved.

"I'm finally dating them! They're all mine now! Not Quinn's!" Killua cackled, holding me above his head.

"Wait, you finally asked them out?" Gon smiled. Killua and I nodded. "Finally! I'm so happy for you two!"

"Can I kiss you again?" Killua asked, bringing me down from the ceiling.

"Yes, you can." I laughed. He gave me a quick kiss, causing Gon to let out a small 'awe'.

"You're pretty." Killua blushed.

"You're prettier." I grinned.


It was finally time for my match, making me grow a bit nervous.

"Hey, you'll be okay." Killua smiled, putting his arm around me. "I know you usually get kinda freaked out during these things, so I got you some water and some crackers. Something light so you don't get a tummy ache."

"Oh, I'm okay. I don't really need to-"

"They've got the cheese dip!" He said in a sing-songy tone.

"Gimmie." I demanded, taking the snack from his hands, shoving the cracker dipped in fake cheese into my mouth.

"You want your water or...?" He laughed.

"Yes please." I smiled, swallowing some cracker.

"Okay. Oh, you've got a little something." He wiped away some cheese off the corner of my lips. "There we go."

I grabbed the little red stick that comes with most of the cheese thingys and booped some on Killua's pale nose. "Now we're matching!" I giggled. He just smiled at me and laughed a little.

"Go and win your match, sweetheart. I'll be waiting." He grinned, kissing my forehead. "I know you can do it."

"Right!" I stumbled to the match. "Uh...I love you!" I yelled on my way to the ground.

"I love you more, Y/n!" He shouted back.

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