65- 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘹 𝘐 𝘹 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘹 𝘪𝘴 𝘹 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺

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"Yeah, Killua's been here before, sir!" Gon smiled.

"He's certainly way more experienced than us, so we gotta work 2 times harder to keep up with him." I chuckled. "He just can't slow down for the life of him."

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" He laughed.

"You must be quite talented, or else you wouldn't have made it to this level." Wing uttered. 

"That's our Killua! Talented as ever." I grinned, watching his cheeks flash a light shade of pink.

"Even so, pay close attention to your opponent's body and your own." He warned.

"Osu!" We all shouted, taking note of his suggestion.


We all walked over to a small stand to receive our prize money."Y/n, Killua, Gon, and Zushi. Ah, there we are." The woman at the desk smiled. "Hand me your tickets please." We did as she said, and I was practically bouncing from the excitement of my first paycheck. "Here. This is the prize money from the earlier fight." She placed down 4 envelopes.

"Thank you, miss!" I grinned, taking the envelope I had presumed to be mine. 

Gon took his money and poured it into his hand, only to reveal a few coins. "152 jenny." He sighed.

"Well, it's better than nothing." I smiled.

"On this floor, you make just enough for a juice, win or lose," Killua explained, getting a juice out of a vending machine. "But on all of the other floors here, a loss gets you nothing. Y/n, want some?" He offered.

"I'm okay. Thanks though." I waved my hand.

"If you say so. Anyway, Winning on the 50th floor earns fifty thousand." He continued.

"50,000?" Gon tilted his head up.

"That's a lot!" I laughed. "And they're just giving this out like it's nothing?"

"Yup. Pretty funny, huh?" Killua took another sip of juice. "And on the 100th floor, I think you get a million."

"That's so much!" I gasped.

"Once you're passed the 150th floor, you get ten million." He continued. 

"Ten million?" Gon repeated. "Didn't you make it to the 200th floor before?"

"Woah, the 200th floor?" Zushi's eyes widened.

"Yeah, how much would that be, Killua?" I practically shouted, leaning over a bit.

"Hey, calm down." He chuckled. "But to tell you the truth, I don't actually know. I quit the minute I qualified for it. But, when I won on the 190th floor, I had about two hundred million in total."

"What?" I screamed, earning a few glances from the strangers passing by.

"Where's that money now?" Gon seemed stiff.

"That was 4 years ago, so it's long gone by now. I spent all of it on snacks!" He explained.

"So much money..." I whimpered. "On snacks alone? God..."

"That much on snacks in 4 years?" Gon turned to Zushi.

"What kinda snacks were they?" The other boy asked.

"Probably those chocolates he likes so much." I sighed.

"Hey, let's head up to the waiting room." Killua smiled, throwing his drink in the trash can. "We got through our matches unscathed on the first floor. They'll probably give us another one today."

"But I don't wanna! I'm still processing your candy addiction." I whined.

"Hey, don't be such a baby! You can get through it, I know you can." Killua laughed.

"You're the baby here. Stupid, dumb, dummy head." I stuck my tongue out, half-joking.

"Yeah, you tell him Y/n!" Gon clapped.

We walked into the waiting room dully and took a seat on one of the benches. I sighed and glared at who could very well be my next opponent, not wanting to fight anyone anymore, but rather go and sleep in some fancy hotel while watching the Disney channel without paying for cable tv.

"Hey, what's with the long face?" Killua frowned. "I thought you liked training."

"I do, but not if it's anything like my last match. That was just depressing." I huffed. "And I'm tired. And my feet hurt."

"Maybe your shoes are on wrong." Gon suggested.

"What?" I laughed.

"Well, when my feet hurt, my shoes were laced wrong, or I just needed new ones." He explained. "Maybe you need new shoes."

I looked down at my raggedy blue sneakers, covered with dirt and blood from when Killua left the hunter's exam. "Yeah, I guess you're right Gon. These weren't exactly 'take an entire physical exam and keep these afterward' shoes. But I don't have the money to buy new ones." I frowned.

"Hey, we'll figure something out." Killua grinned. "And we'll make some money. Besides, no one ever said fighting barefoot was against the rules." He winked. "I'm just surprised you didn't have some shoes in that giant bag of yours."

"At this point, I feel like everyone is more surprised at what I don't have than what I do have." I laughed. "But we'll go shoe shopping when we have more money. Who knows? Maybe we can replace those weird jellybean shoes of yours, Killua."

"Jellybean? My shoes are not weird!" He snorted. "Gon, back me up here!"

"Your shoes are a bit weird, Killua." Gon chuckled.

"What? Hey, take that back!" He grunted, pulling on Gon's ear.

"Why isn't Y/n getting chewed out for this?" The other boy grunted.

"I uh..." Killua stopped, trying to think up an excuse. "Because their feet hurt." His face was red.

"Or is it cuz they're your favorite?" Gon teased.

"Yeah, they are." Killua whispered, smiling a little bit.

"Awe, thank you, Kil." I whispered back.

"You could hear me?" He shouted, jumping and slamming his back into the wall on accident.

"Oh gosh, are you okay?" Zushi gasped.

"Fine." He peeped, sitting back to normal, his posture rigid and stiff. "Woah, look it's a subject change!" He pointed to a random spot in the room.

"Shoes! We were talking about shoes." I laughed. "But I don't really wanna talk about shoes."

"Anyway, if these guys are our opponents, this'll be a cinch. Just relax." Killua smiled, relaxing a bit.

"Really?" Gon frowned.

"Killua! They can hear you!" Zushi whispered.

"You can be cocky, just don't be rude." I laughed, nudging him.

"Oh, whatever." He chuckled. "We're fine."

"2054, Mister Killua." The PA system announced.

"Hey, I'm already up." He noted.

"And 1963, Mister Zushi."

"Oh shit." I frowned. "Ah, pardon my language, Zushi." I chuckled. "Don't ruff up the kid too much. He's like, 10." I whispered, pulling Killua a bit closer.

"Yeah, yeah. I wasn't planning on killing him or anything. Calm down." He chuckled.

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