98- 𝘈 𝘹 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵

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"Ma!" They stammered, hopping back.

"Why didn't you call me when you got here? I was worried sick!" She frowned, cupping their cheek with her hand. "Any flowers on your skin?"

"Sprouted one earlier. White rose." They sighed. "I'm taking meds now though, so I won't be vomiting blood anymore."

"I see." She nodded. "Can you go home yet?"

"Not until tomorrow. They know I'm walking okay, but wanna do a few blood tests and a CT scan just to make everything's working correctly." They explained.

"Nope, you're coming home today." Their Mom huffed.

"But Mom, I don't wanna go back home! Astoro will only tease me!" They whined.

"She won't. She's off with her friends. She said she wanted to go travel so that's what she did." She explained. "Grandma is worried about you."

"I know. I got off the phone with her not too long ago." They sighed. "She was screaming at me."

"Come on, we'll tell them you need to get released early." She frowned. She noticed me in the back and I just waved. "당신은 그들과 어울리고 있습니까? 그들은 당신에게 좋지 않습니다."

"엄마!" They shouted. "그들에게 친절하십시오!"

"그냥 말하는거야! Now, let's go. Goodbye Y/n." Their mom waved, grabbing Quinn's hand and walking away.

"Um...Bye." I sighed, waving awkwardly. 


I had gotten back to Gon's house and laid down on the kitchen floor, overthinking everything.

"Uh...Are they okay?" Gon asked, carrying his plate over to the sink and washing it.

"I'm fine." I frowned. "Just...Nothing, forget it."

"Hey, what's wrong?" Killua asked, laying down on the ground next to me. Aunt Mito let out a small 'ahem' when she found us on the floor, and we quickly got up. "Sorry, Ma'am!" Killua apologized. We rushed upstairs and laid down on Gon's bed.

"I don't really wanna talk about it. Is that okay?" I looked from my bare feet up to his face.

"That's more than okay." Killua chuckled lightly. "But Gon and I are gonna go and do a little campout tonight. Would you wanna come with us? We'll be going out soon and just exploring, then when it gets dark, we'll set up a campfire."

"Mm...All right." I smiled, kissing his nose. "Sounds fun."

"Yes!" He cheered. "I knew you'd agree with it!"

"You're such a nerd." I laughed.



After a day of exploring bushes, fishing, running around, and walking on walls, Nightfall had approached. Gon had tried to set up the fire, but I just got a match from out of my bag and lit his kindling on fire. We set up an object so that we could cook the fish that we caught and as we waited for the fish to finish, we all laid down next to the fire and looked up at the stars.

"Hey, Gon..." Killua broke the silence between the three of us. "So, uh...What are you gonna do now?"

"Well, I think I'm gonna rest up here for a little bit while I gather the information I'm gonna need." Gon replied slowly. "For when I finally go to Yorknew city to find my dad."

"Oh," Killua spoke. "I gotcha."

"You really think he'll be there?" I asked, not turning my attention away from the lights in the sky.

"Well, maybe. Or maybe I'll just get a clue to find him." He answered.

"Hm...Makes sense." I responded.

"Hey. What do you think I should do?" Killua wondered out loud.

"You should stay here too!" Gon sat up. "Then go to Yorknew city with me! You too, Y/n!"

"I know. I am coming with you." Killua turned his head. "But that isn't what I meant." He glanced back up at the sky. "I was just thinking, I admire you two." He sat up as well, making me do the same.

"What? Why me?" I chuckled. "I mean, I get Gon, but..."

"There's nothing I want to do. Aside from being with Y/n, but, I've already got that. I mean, Gon, you've got your thing. I don't have anything." Gon stared back at him with a blank expression, before Killua closed his eyes and smiled before narrowing his eyes and frowning. "There are plenty of things I don't wanna do, though. Like stay in that house, or take over the family business. I guess I'm a little bit...jealous." I stared at him for a little before looking at the lake below us.

"Killua." Gon smiled. "It's fun. Hanging out with you, I mean."

"Hey...where did that come from?" Killua shifted in his spot.

"He's right." I smiled. "Being with you, even when our relationship was just platonic, has been so amazing. You've shown me more kindness than I've ever thought I'd get. I mean, you're what makes life worth living. So, I'm gonna be with you, no matter what it takes. Because I love you, Killua!"

"H-Hey! That's embarrassing!" He huffed.

"Deal with it." I kissed his cheek.

"You see, Whale Island's an outpost. It's where fishermen stay when they're at sea for a long time. Not a lot of people who live here are natives." Gon started. "There is a girl around my age, and Quinn too, but I just never got to know either of them very well. Until now, that is. So, you guys are kinda my first friends." Gon turned to us and smiled.

"I'm the same way, Gon." I chuckled, laying down so my head was facing the water. "I had school, but I dropped out last year, but even when I was involved in things, no one ever talked to me. And I was constantly left inside anyway, so it's not like I could talk to anyone. The only people I knew were Will, My mom, and I knew of my dead Dad. I was alone." I sat up. "Until you two, that is."

"Wait, seriously?" Gon gasped.

"Mhm. I got bored one day and went to go sign up for the exam. I knew my Mom wouldn't notice. Then I saw a fluff ball in a bush, an angry enby, a frog, the last unicorn, and a doctor. And now I'm here. Having the time of my life." I giggled. 

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