78- 𝘊𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘖𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘜𝘴

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"Use any stance you prefer. Whatever helps you maintain your focus." Wing instructed. "Visualize your aura flowing through you as if it were blood flowing through your body. From the top of your head to your right shoulder, to your hand, through your legs, then up your left side."

I imagined the aura flowing through me like how water would rush down a waterfall to get to the lake below. The added thought of water rushing made shivers run down my spine, but I ignored it and held my ground.

"Now, visualize that flow, as little by little it begins to gradually slow down and swirl around your body." He continued.

I shifted my imagination to small rain pouring down from the sky, and soon after, I visualized the dew that remained on the leaves of a tree. The dew fell into a lake. My nose twitched a little bit, which I took as a sign that I was getting closer.

"Now slowly open your eyes." Wing's instructions continued. I obeyed, only to find that our rush of aura had shrunken to a manageable amount. "Tell me how you feel."

"I feel like...like I'm surrounded by some viscous liquid." Gon looked down at his open palms.

"It feels like I'm wearing weightless clothes." Killua nodded.

"Like laying in a puddle." My eyes widened.

"I want you all to continue holding onto those images. Once you assimilate them, you'll be able to do this in your sleep." Wing explained. He then surrounded himself in purple energy, which I assumed to be the bad aura. "Next, I will proceed to emit malicious Nen against you!" He stated as more aura shot out of him. "Before your nodes were forced open, standing within this would've caused excruciating pain."

"Yeah, okay, I get it now." Killua nodded. "Your whole blizzard analogy. It makes sense."

"It doesn't feel so bad. Definitely better than before." I smiled at my newfound strength. "Looks like we found some clothes." I joked.

"If you can fend off my Nen, you will finally be able to break through his barrier as well! Prepare yourselves!" Wing shouted.

"I am very prepared!" I yelled back, growing a bit excited. The aura's blast grew larger and we all started screaming, for whatever reason.


We left the house and walked back to Heaven's Arena. Gon walked in front of us (he insisted on it, for whatever reason) which left Killua and me to talk privately. I leaned my head on his shoulder and held his hand, making me feel a bit more confidant about registering for the 200th floor.

"So, I've got a people question for you." Killua smiled as we walked along.

"Shoot." I laughed.

"What is..." He closed his eyes and I watched his face grow red. "What's considered a date and what isn't?"

"A...What?" I chuckled.

"You heard me!" He huffed. "I just wanna know what's considered romantic or not. Kinda hard for me to tell sometimes."

"I get that. It's hard for me to understand it all too." I frowned. "Are you asking so you can ask out that person you like?" I took my hand away from his and lazily shoved it in my pocket. "You should tell them already."

"Y/n." He sighed, reaching for my arm, but I sped up.

"Tell them before it's too late." I sighed, trying to catch up to Gon, but Killua grabbed my wrist before I could go any farther. "What are you-"

"I can't tell you! And I can't tell them! You know that." His face seemed so angry. "So I'm sorry that I'm being caref-" I cut him off by doing something I never thought I'd never be confident enough to accomplish. 

I smacked him, right across the cheek. He didn't yell, but his eyes were wide and he looked so hurt. I saw the red handprint right across his pale face and opened my mouth slightly, feeling disappointed in myself.

"What was that for?" He frowned.

"You were talking stupid! Now let's go, Gon's probably lost or something." I scoffed dismissively. 

"Talking stupid? Yeah, well you're one to talk! I'm just surprised you didn't kiss me, since you seem to want to do that with all your friends now." He frowned. "Bet I'm just a replacement for Quinn until we see them again."

"Shut up! Don't you dare talk about Quinn like that! While you ran off even though I tried to stop you, they were there for me!" I yelled. "I know it's not your fault you had to go away like that, but you drifted from me! You hurt me, Killua!" Tears fell from both my eyes and Killua's. "And I'm terrified that your family will take you away and make you hurt me again." Before I could say anything else, Killua rushed up and hugged me, and tight too.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! It's my fault, isn't it? You begged me to stay during that phase of the exam, but I left you! I left you all alone like that!" He wept, teardrops hitting the top of my head. "And now I'm still leaving you all alone!"

"Killua!" I wailed, burying my face deeper into his abdomen. "It's okay, your family made you. I love you, Killua! We can just move on from it. I'm the one who's too sensitive about all this!" I continued crying. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I love you, please don't leave!"

"Why the hell are you apologizing? I left you, you waited and came after me! I'm the one who attacked Quinn like that." He sobbed. "You aren't the bad guy here!"

"You aren't either!" I laughed, wiping away some of my tears and snot. "We're just two fucked up kids who depend on each other way more than we should."

"Maybe that's not so bad?" He wiped away some of his own tears only for a few more to fall. "We can stick together, for as long as we can at least. Then we can help each other more like this."

"That's my line." I joked. "But yeah, I'd like that."

"So it's a promise?" He extended his pinky.

"'Till death do us part, Zoldyck."

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