08- 𝘈 𝘹 𝘊𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦

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We continued running until we reached an entryway to what seemed to be another phase of the exam. I walked through it and smiled. "I won!" I giggled to myself. Gon and Killua were quick to follow.

"I beat you!" Killua grinned at Gon.

"No, you didn't! I won!" Gon argued. "Mr.Satotz! Who was the first to get here?"

"Well, Y/n showed up first. But, the two of you showed up at approximately the same time." Satotz answered.

"Awe man! So who pays?" Killua whined. 

"Let's just pay for each other's dinners! I'll pay for Killua's, Killua will pay for Y/n's, and Y/n will pay for mine!" Gon smiled.

"Why don't we just pay for our own food?" Killua sighed. 

"Cuz that's no fun." I laughed. "Don't you know what fun is Killua?"

"Obviously I do! It's you who doesn't know what fun is. I mean, you don't know how to skateboard and you just lay around in trees all day." Killua snorted, his silver hair moving as he tilted his head back.

"Jerk." I scoffed. It kinda bothered me that he brought up that all I did was hang in trees. It wasn't like I had anything else to do. Will didn't go see me anymore and Mom was always at work. I didn't have any siblings and all the other kids thought I was weird. I didn't exactly want to sit in trees, that was just all I could do. I could've watched T.V. or something, but that didn't seem fulfilling enough.

I waited for the other examinees to show up. Quinn walked through the door and wrapped in them a big hug. "Hey what are you doing? I'm covered in sweat!" They laughed.

"So am I! I don't care though!" I smiled.

"Hey, you didn't hug Gon and Me when we walked through!" Killua complained. I let out a small hum.

"Oh yeah sorry 'bout that." I walked over to Gon and gave him the same style of hug I gave Quinn. I then looked at Killua and went to go sit somewhere on the ground.

I was tempted to ignore Killua for the remaining parts of this phase, but that would be too mean. I walked over to him and patted his head. "You've been a jerk, so no hug. But have this." His face said "what the heck, why would you do this I am not a cat" but he didn't object to anything.

It was finally time to move on with the exam. "Wait! Wait for me!" One of the later examinees called out, rushing to the entryway. Satotz ignored him and the door closed with a loud "thud".

"Now then. It's time to continue." He turned and began walking again.

"Wait, so this isn't the second phase?" I asked, somewhat miserably.

"No. We're still in phase one. This part is going to take you to phase two." He explained. I heard a small whine come from Leorio.

We were about to start this part of the phase when all of a sudden a man crawled over to us. "Don't follow him! He's an imposter!" He cried after us.

"He's a part of the species called Man-faced apes! They can take on human forms and are capable of human speech. I'm the actual examiner. He's trying to trick you and eat you!" He crawled a bit closer. I backed up in response. It seemed somewhat fake, but I did remember reading somewhere that such creatures did exist.

"You believin' this?" I whispered to Quinn.

"Kind of." They replied. I sighed, not really knowing what to do. I glanced over at Killua, who seemed perfectly calm. Gon didn't seem too bothered by it either, but he looked incredibly determined. Quinn looked worried. I didn't really know what to think.

Out of nowhere, two cards were thrown at the other examiner and Satotz. Satotz caught the one thrown at him, while the other got it thrown into him, turning back into a man-faced ape. It was confusing, to say the least, but I didn't question it. I turned my glance over to where the card came from only to find a strange man wearing a heart and a tear-drop on his cheeks. He had magenta hair that was styled with what was most likely 10 tons of hair gel.

"Geez, he seems like a wreck." I thought to myself. I shook my head, trying not to judge a book by its cover. Then I remembered he turned a guy's arms into flower petals during the waiting period.

They had a brief discussion about how he was able to figure out who was who that I didn't pay attention to. After that, we were on our way. "As long as you can see me, you should make it out of the milsy wetlands alive," Satotz said after we began walking for a little bit.

I mainly stuck with Quinn, as I didn't really trust anyone other than them and Killua. And Gon, but Gon and Killua were already paired up. Running through the wetlands seemed significantly harder than running through the weird sewer hallway. Maybe it was the way the ground was, or maybe it was because we were all practically exhausted from the marathon we ran before.

This time, I saved my breath and didn't talk too much. Quinn and I still talked to each other from time to time, but not very often. They still had their hair in the ponytail I put it in previously, only it had gotten a bit loose because of all the running. "Your ponytail's gonna fall." I motioned towards their head.

"Oh. I don't know how to fix it." They giggled a little bit. I smiled.

"Here. We can catch up later, I'll do it." I said, pulling them aside. I pulled their hair into the same ponytail as before. I tightened it and smiled a bit. "There we go! Nice and out of your face!" I laughed.

They didn't say anything for a little, but they eventually smiled. "Thanks, Y/n." We continued running.

"Nothin' to thank me for. Now, where did our group go...?" I sighed. Panic slowly began to fill me after realizing I could've gotten us lost, which could lead to us being killed. What a fantastic situation to be in!

"We'll find them later. I'm sure we've got this." Quinn's smile grew a bit wider.

We ran for a little bit, not too sure where we were going. "So Your dad. What was his name?" I asked.

"Everybody called him Will. He would get upset if you called him anything else." They laughed a little bit. This sounded eerily familiar.

"What was his last name?" I asked, recognizing at least some of the behavior patterns described.

"Lovel. Why? You recognize him?"

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