32- 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘹 𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬

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"Y/n," Killua said, shaking me slightly. "Heyyyy!" He whined. "C'mon."

"Hmm?" I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Did I fall asleep?" I panicked.

"Yeah, but it's okay. I got us close to the steamboat so we can leave whenever it's time." He smiled, holding a thumbs up.

"Thanks, Kil." I chuckled. "Shall we be going?" I stood up, holding out my hand for him to take it.

"Of course m'lord." Killua grabbed my hand and we both laughed. "We cleared this pretty fast, huh?"

"It's because of those amazing ex-assassin skills." I winked and nudged him with my elbow playfully. "You're really cool, you know that, Zoldyck?"

"Well, you keep telling me so it's kinda hard to forget." He laughed. "But I think you're cool too." Killua smiled and I grabbed his hand. "Oi, what are you doing?"

"I'm holding your hand," I replied.

"Why?" He looked at me. I just stood there, not having an actual reason.

"So we don't get lost." I made up an excuse, which he chuckled at.

"Maybe I need to keep a leash on you since you're so prone to wandering." He joked. We finally arrived at the steamboat, hand-in-hand. "Man, we keep finishing before Gon and the others."

"I think that just shows how well we work together." I smiled, holding my fist up to him. He bumped his fist into mine. "Boom." We said at the same time, laughing afterward. "See, we were just made to be friends!"

"Y/n!" A familiar voice shouted. I turned to see none other than Quinn.

"Quinn!" I cheered, running over to them. "How'd you do? I haven't seen you for this entire phase!"

"Well, I obviously did something right." They laughed. "A few bastards scratched me up for my badge, but I'm okay."

"Oh, where? I can try and help patch 'em up!" I offered.

"Mainly my neck, but I've got a few on my arms." They sighed, taking off their cream-colored sweater revealing a black tank top.

"Okay! Lemme get my stuff." I said, running over to my bag. I took out some disinfectant and began to wipe up their wounds. "Did you get those guy's badges?" I asked, getting a scratch on their forearm.

"No, but someone did kill them." They replied. "Ouch..." They seethed.

"This one's open." I sighed, looking at the one on their neck. "Hasn't scabbed over yet." I reached into my bag for a butterfly bandaid. "Here, Hello Kitty themed." I showed them before gently sticking it on their neck. "Killua, did you sustain any injuries?" I shouted. He just shook his head.

"Hey, I thought Leorio was the doctor." Quinn laughed.

"I'm his assistant. An MA, if you will." I joked.

Speaking of Leorio, He, Gon, and Kurapika came up over the hill. "Leorio!" I giggled, running towards him. "How'd you guys do? Oh gosh, you're all banged up!" I exclaimed, looking at the poor condition of the three boys in front of me.

"Oh, we're okay!" Gon smiled, playing the optimist card the same way he usually did.

"Leorio looks a bit...winded..." I chuckled.

"He's alright," Kurapika said, his voice a bit hoarse.

"Please...water..." Leorio pleaded.

"What in the world happened?" I asked Gon.

"Snakes." Leorio sighed as I handed him a water bottle.

"Oh. Is everyone okay? Well, overall." I asked, feeling a bit bad for the trio.

"Well, we're all here, so I suppose we did alright." Kurapika glanced at the steamboat. Killua and Quinn joined us at the top of the hill.

"Family reunion!" I cheered, giving slight jazz hands.

"Family?" Quinn repeated.

"Yeah! You, me, Killua, and Gon are like the kids and Kurapika and Leorio are like the parents!" I giggled.

"Parents?" Leorio repeated, seemingly confused.

"Just because we're closer to adulthood than you are doesn't mean that we're responsible for you." Kurapika sighed.

"Okay, then I'm gonna go swimming. Right now." I smirked, running towards the water.

"Y/n. Y/n, no!" He shouted, chasing after me.

"You can't catch me!" I teased, still running as the others just watched.

"Yeah, go Y/n! Break the rules!" Quinn cheered, encouraging my "rebellious" behavior. Killua joined in and stripped himself of his overshirt, making his way closer to the water.

"Killua, you stop that!" Kurapika shouted, looking incredibly frustrated.

"Guys stop! Don't torture your mother like this." Leorio laughed.

"I'm the mother?" Kurapika laughed, holding us by our shirts after he finally caught us. "Gon, go get Killua's shirt please."

"Well, yeah! 'Cause mothers are more gentle in the whole parental role, right?" I added. "Well, I think so anyway. I wouldn't know." I chuckled.

"Oh right," Kurapika said awkwardly. Then we stood in awkward silence for a while.

"Anyway!" I smiled.

Gon came back with Killua's shirt and handed it to him. Killua then threw his shirt in my face. "Hey!" I giggled. I threw his shirt back at him. "What was that for?"

"I dunno." He laughed, throwing the shirt at Gon, who threw it at Quinn, who threw it at Leorio. We ended up tossing Killua's shirt around like it was all some sort of game. Kurapika threw it at Killua, who caught it and put it back on. We walked back over to the spot where the remaining applicants were waiting. After standing for about two hours, we boarded the boat for the next phase.

"Are you excited?" I asked Killua and he nodded, a wide smile on his face.

"We just have this and we're outta here!" He cheered.

"What adventure should we go on first?" I looked at the water, which sparkled underneath the warm sun. "Wait, wait, lemme guess...we're gonna go with Gon right?"

"Probably. Unless you got something else in mind?" He asked.

"Nope! I'll probably just follow you around like a lost little duckling. As usual." I chuckled.

"As long as you're with me, I think it'll be fun." He smiled, standing up next to me and looking at the shiny water as well.

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